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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68
The two stood by the sidewalk, Jasmine still with a dazed expression, clutching Axel’s armi desperately. “She’s dangerous,” she
urged, her voice filled with urgency.
“What are you talking about?” Axel asked, yanking his arm free from her grip. There was a distinct air of craziness about her; the
faraway look in her eyes only intensified the Crazy look.
“You don’t understand, that woman, she–she... Jasmine struggled to articulate her thoughts. Axel, growing impatient, snapped,
“She what?!”
Jasmine snapped out of her initial shock, blinking rapidly as if trying to regain her composure. Her words hung in the air.
She comported herself, her demeanor shifting as if a switch had been fl*pped.
“Nothing,” she said, her eyes turning cold and detached.
“You dropped this,” Axel stated, shoving her keys back into her arms.
“Thank you,” she replied slowly, her tone devoid of emotion. She walked away, each step. measured and deliberate.
Axel stood there for some time, watching her retreating figure. There was an air of mystery surrounding her, and he couldn’t
shake the feeling that there was more to her story than she let on.
Sebastian leaned back in his car seat, observing as Jasmine walked slowly back to her office. On the phone, Bella’s voice came
through sternly, “You should be careful next time. We’ll meet in someplace private, an alley or somewhere, not a mall close to my

The hum of people, the distant chatter, and the occasional car passing by created a backdrop to the intense conversation with
Sebastian shifted in his seat, his gaze still fixed on her “You met with someone just now after you left,” he stated. Bella’s
response was elusive, a non–committal sound, she had met with Axel, her husband’s assistant not anyone of importance to be

“The girl I told you about last time,” he continued, referencing the mysterious Jasmine. “The one I said I was watching closely. I
think she knows. She recognized you.”
His watchful eyes had caught the subtle yet telling reaction from Jasmine as she passed by Bella at the mall
“I believe she is one of the girls from that pack, Sebastian asserted.
Bella, eager for information, questioned, “Who? Who is she?” Her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and anxiousness.
Listen, Seb, get rid of her if you have to...,” Sebastian instructed, his words carrying a sense of urgency.“...Of Anyone from there
who might recognize me.” She pleaded.
I’ll take care of it” He assured her.
Sebastian remained seated in his car, quietly observing Jasmine as she walked at a leisurely pace. Soon, his attention was
drawn to another man trailing directly behind her. At first glance, the man appeared to be an ordinary passerby, but Sebastian
had observed and noticed him on multiple occasions, that same b*dy frame concealed with heavy clothing and a face mask.
If became evident that this man was following Jasmine, much like Sebastian himself.
The mysterious man’s actions raised suspicions, hinting at motives that were far from innocent, he seemed to be stalking her.

Sebastian let out a heavy sigh as he leaned back in his chair, contemplating the unfolding events. It appeared that he might not
need to directly intervene; the situation with Jasmine seemed to be resolving itself. However, he decided to maintain his vigilant
watch to ensure she wouldn’t become a future complication. While he strongly disliked the idea of resorting to murder, he
acknowledged that it could be a last resort if absolutely necessary.
Jasmine reflected on the necessity of her walk. It had been a needed escape, a moment to distance herself from the
embarrassment of her recent encounter with Mrs. Wild, her neighbor. The irrationality of her actions lingered in her mind, and
she couldn’t shake the feeling of being perceived as a crazy person.
As she strolled through the familiar streets, Jasmine attempted to rationalize her earlier assumptions. “There’s no way Mrs. Wild
was the woman from that time. They just look a little alike, she reasoned within herself. However, her impulsive declaration of
Mrs. Wild’s alleged evil nature to Axel, her associate, haunted her. She cringed at the thought of how he might perceive her now.
From the incident at the art exhibition to sleeping on his couch, to outright attacking him, and finally, labeling the wife of a
prominent man as evil–it was a series of events that painted an erratic picture of her character.

Heading home, these thoughts consumed her. The weight of her actions and the potential repercussions loomed large. Jasmine
grappled with the consequences of her words and behavior, unsure of how her relationship with Axel would be, it was clear him
and Bella were acquainted.
Jasmine stood at the ground floor of the building, patiently waiting for the elevator. The weight of recent events lingered in the air.
Feeling a mix of frustration and shame, Jasmine let out a sigh, momentarily releasing the tension that had built up within her. In a
moment of emotional release, she found herself gently banging her head against the wall adjacent to the elevator. The rhythmic
sound echoed her inner turmoil.
As she raised her head, she was met with Axel’s gaze, his expression seemingly inscrutable. His blank stare left Jasmine
wondering about the thoughts that occupied his mind. It was evident that he, too, had just returned from work, and an unspoken
acknowledgment. passed between them. They were destined for yet another elevator ride together, an occurrence that had
become increasingly awkward.
The elevator doors slid open, revealing the confined space that would once again serve as the backdrop for their silent proximity.
Jasmine hesitated for a moment before stepping in, bracing herself.
The air between Jasmine and Axel hung heavy with unspoken words, creating an atmosphere fraught with tensi

As they stepped inside, silence enveloped them like an
entity drowning out any potential conversation
Jasmine cast a hopeful glance in Axel’s direction, secretly yearning for him to break the silence, to acknowledge the peculiar
incident that had unfolded earlier, so she could have a chance to explain. However, Axel remained an enigma, his stoic
demeanor unchanged. It was as if she wasn’t there as if she were an invisible object. He was obviously ignoring her presence
and it Made her feel worse. He wasn’t even making any complaint about her weird situations. She wanted to explain, they were
all misunderstandings, that she wasn’t like that. that she wasn’t crazy.
The mechanical hum of the elevator’s ascent seemed to magnify the silence, amplifying the
awkwardness that lingered between them.
Axel however remained with a blank and calm expression.
Although Axel was curious by Jasmine’s earlier behavior, as he encountered her again in the evening, she appeared to have
returned to normal, although with a hint of embarrassment lingering. Choosing a path of discretion. Axel made a deliberate
decision to refrain from probing into the matter, allowing the metaphorical elephant in the room to linger undisturbed
Axel decided to adopt an attitude of indifference he chose to act as if the peculiar incident hadn’t occurred. He had resolved to
have nothing to do with her.