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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69
Axel, in the midst of his morning routine, had just taken a refreshing sip of water when the doorbell echoed through his
apartment. Holding the glass in hand, he made his way to the door, curious about the unexpected interruption.
Upon swinging the door open, he found his neighbor standing there. Her presence at his doorstep was an unexpected surprise
that drew a sigh from him. The early morning visit left Axel wondering about the purpose of her visit. She was clutching
something in her arms.
Feeling troubled by the events of the previous day. Jasmine was determined to clarify her actions and make amends.
Understanding the gravity of her first impression, which was far from ideal, and the fact that she had inadvertently damaged his
phone, she resolved to meet with Axel that morning before work.
Carrying a plate of cookies. Jasmine approached his door with a mixture of nervousness and determination. She had read online
that offering cookies was a traditional way to welcome new neighbors, as she stood there her thoughts swirled with the desire to
explain herself and make amends for the less–than–ideal first impression she had left.
“Hi. I just came to apologize. Jasmine uttered nervously, feeling the weight of his piercing gaze upon her. His face held a
captivating beauty that heightened her anxiety, especially under the intensity of his penetrating eyes
Balancing a large plate of store–bought cookies in her arms, she had piled it generously, a humble offering to accompany her
apology. Axel, with a questioning expression, continued. to observe her. Gathering courage, she then asked. “May I come in?”
her tone laced with hopefulness.
He gracefully stepped aside, allowing her entry into his home. Her eyes wandered around the living room, and despite having
been there a few days earlier, the sheer luxury of the place struck her anew.
Axel proceeded to the kitchen, and she followed him, still tightly holding the plate of cookies. The air in the kitchen felt different, a
mix of tension and curiosity lingering between them.
Taking a deep breath she started. Im sorry about your broken phone, for attacking you as well. I didn’t get a chance to
apologize...... Jasmine began, her voice filled with sincerity, but just as she spoke, Axel’s dog’s toy, a small mouse–shaped
plaything, darted past her.
“What?! Mice!” Jasmine shrieked, leaping in surprise and accidentally sending the plate of cookies flying through the air.

Axel swiftly balanced the glass in his hand at the edge of the kitchen counter, spilling some water on the floor. He struggled to
grab the plate, succeeding at the last minute by snatching it out of the air. In the midst of this chaotic maneuver, Jasmine,
unfortunately, sl*pped on the pool of water, careening into Axel.
Already off balance from catching the flying plate, Axel lost his footing, resulting in a heavy thud as he hit the floor. Jasmine,
unable to stop her momentum, landed right on top of him
Amidst the shards of the shattered plate and the spilled water, Axel groaned from the

mpact, feeling the sting on his cheek where the broken plate had grazed him. Jasmine, wide–eyed and on the verge of tears,
mumbled apologies repeatedly.
As Axel tried to sit up, he noticed the broken pieces of the plate near his head, and Jasmine;
Chapter 69
Axel, in the midst of his morning routine, had just taken a refreshing sip of water when the doorbell echoed through his
apartment. Holding the glass in hand, he made his way to the door, curious about the unexpected interruption
Upon swinging the door open, he found his neighbor standing there. Her presence at his doorstep was an unexpected surprise
that drew a sigh from him. The early morning visit left Axel wondering about the purpose of her visit. She was clutching
something in her arms. Feeling troubled by the events of the previous day, Jasmine was determined to clarify her actions and
make amends. Understanding the gravity of her first impression, which was far from ideal, and the fact that she had inadvertently
damaged his phone, she resolved to meet with Axel that morning before work.
Carrying a plate of cookies, Jasmine approached his door with a mixture of nervousness and determination. She had read online
that offering cookies was a traditional way to welcome new neighbors, as she stood there her thoughts swirled with the desire to.

explain herself and make amends for the less–than–ideal first impression she had left.
“Hi. Ijust came to apologize,” Jasmine uttered nervously, feeling the weight of his piercing gaze upon her. His face held a
captivating beauty that heightened her anxiety, especially under the intensity of his penetrating eyes
Balancing a large plate of store–bought cookies in her arms, she had piled it generously, a humble offering to accompany her
apology. Axel, with a questioning expression, continued. to observe her. Gathering courage, she then asked, “May I come in?”
her tone laced with hopefulness.
He gracefully stepped aside, allowing her entry into his home. Her eyes wandered around the living room, and despite having
been there a few days earlier, the sheer luxury of the place struck her anew.
Axel proceeded to the kitchen, and she followed him, still tightly holding the plate of cookies. The air in the kitchen felt different, a
mix of tension and curiosity lingering between them.
Taking a deep breath she started. ‘T’m sorry about your broken phone, for attacking you as well. I didn’t get a chance to
apologize...... Jasmine began, her voice filled with sincerity, but just as she spoke, Axel’s dog’s toy, a small mouse–shaped
plaything, darted past her,
“What?! Mice!” Jasmine shrieked, leaping in surprise and accidentally sending the plate of cookies flying through the air.
Axel swiftly balanced the glass in his hand at the edge of the kitchen counter, spilling some water on the floor. He struggled to
grab the plate, succeeding at the last minute by snatching it out of the air. In the midst of this chaotic maneuver, Jasmine,
unfortunately, sl*pped on the pool of water, careening into Axel.
Already off balance from catching the flying plate, Axel lost his footing, resulting in a heavy thud as he hit the floor. Jasmine,
unable to stop her momentum, landed right on top of him.

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Amidst the shards of the shattered plate and the spilled water, Axel groaned from the

pact, feeling the wing on his cheek where the broken plate had grazed him, Jasmine
eyell and on the verge of tears, mumbled apologies repeatedly.
lied to sit up, he noticed the broken pieces of the place near his head, and Jasmine
still attempting to stand, accidentally knocked a glass off the counter. With swift reflexes, Axel shielded his face from the falling
glass, but in the process, water from the glass rushed. into his nostrils, leaving him momentarily breathless.
Jasmine gasped in horror, her hands covering her mouth as she witnessed the unintentional chaos unfolding. Axel, now sitting
up, managed to regain his breath, coughing slightly as he wiped water from his face.
In the aftermath of the chaotic incident, Jasmine, eager to make amends, offered, “I cant help clean up, as she frantically seized
a shard of glass from the floor in her panic.
Axel’s reflexes kicked in, and he swiftly intervened, grabbing the glass out of her hand to prevent her from getting hurt. However,
the situation took an unexpected turn as Axel himself winced in pain- the glass had cut him.
Oh my God, you’re hurt,” she exclaimed, genuine concern etched across her face.
Realizing Axel was hurt, Jasmine hurriedly and clumsily approached him, almost sl*pping in her haste. In an unfortunate twist,
she accidentally stepped on Axel’s toe, prompting another pained groan from him.
I’m sorry sorry“. She apologized feeling horrible.
Axel, overwhelmed and frustrated, urged, “It’s fine. Please, just leave,” his tone a mix of exasperation and weariness.
Attempting to explain herself, Jasmine stammered, “I thought there was a mice, and I just... I just...
t...her words trailing off in a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety.
“I think you’ve done enough!” Axel interrupted, his patience worn thin. Fueled by a surge of frustration, he grabbed her arm,
leading her away and slamming the door shut behind her, fighting the urge to release a scream of frustration.

As Axel stood alone, he felt a sting on his face and instinctively reached to touch it. His suspicion was confirmed he was
bleeding. His back ached, and even his head throbbed; he had collided with the back of his head on the counter during the
chaotic incident. Staring at the closed door, Axel sighed heavily. His day had taken an unexpected turn for the worst with
Jasmine’s visit. Turning his attention to the disarray in his kitchen scattered cookies, water–soaked shards of broken glass
“Just great,” he muttered sourly, contemplating the mess that now awaited him to clean up. The once serene morning had
transformed into a scene of chaos, leaving Axel to grapple with the aftermath of an encounter he hadn’t anticipated.
Jasmine stood on the other side of the closed door, the weight of humiliation–settling heavily upon her. Axel had slammed the
door in her face, a justified response to the chaos. she had unintentionally caused. She squatted down, grappling with the reality
of the situation. She couldn’t blame him–first, she assaulted him, then damaged his phone, and now she had hurt him in his own
The echoes of her sincere apologies reverberated in her mind, but they couldn’t undo the physical and emotional aftermath of
her clumsiness.
was an accident, she whispered, her back pressed against his door. Fighting back tears. he fell
felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness and sadness. Axel had done nothing to the misfortune she seemed to bring upon
him. The meniory of how he gently tied open her palun, carefully placing her necklace within, only intensified her feelings of
With heavy heart, she picked herself up and entered her apartment, sliding down her own
door to sit on the floor. The weight of humiliation bore down on her, and she couldn’t shake the deep regret for the unintentional
havoc she had caused in Axel’s life.