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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50
“Hello, ma’am. I’m Dr. Gomez Sr.,” the man greeted warmly, extending his hand. for a handshake.
As the clock ticked past ten in the morning, I found myself standing in disbelief. Had I possibly sl*pped back into a dream? I
questioned my reality, having already tended to the children’s breakfast and settling them.
Staring at Dr. Gomez, I chuckled nervously, entertaining the thought that I might be weaving this encounter in my dreams. “I’ve
searched for you everywhere, desperately summoning you in my dreams,” I laughed, attempting to rationalize the surreal
Suddenly, Ethan walked in, a presence too vivid to be conjured in a dream. “Ethan? There’s no way I could have dreamt of or
summoned him in my mind. Except, you’re really here,” I uttered slowly, the astonishment lingering in my voice.
“Hey, Hazel,” Ethan greeted gently, guiding me away while Dr. Gomez and the other doctors attended to Daisy. Overwhelmed
with questions, I managed to ask, “How?”
“You found him?” I questioned Ethan, emotions welling up, threatening to spill
“Yes, Hazel,” he replied calmly, offering gratitude. In response, I crashed into him, embracing him tightly. For a moment, he
hesitated, caught off guard by the intensity of the hug. However, he soon reciprocated, his arms enveloping me.
“You’re welcome, Hazel,” his voice echoed through the embrace.

“Why?” I couldn’t help but ask, seeking an explanation. Ethan sighed, responding, “I don’t know, Hazel. I just couldn’t leave with
her not being okay. It’s what I would have done for any one of my friends, much more my ex–wife,” he stated lightly.
“Oh, Ethan. How could I ever repay you?” I asked, my eyes clouding with gratitude. and relief.
“You feel that way because she’s your daughter, Ethan,” my inner voice chimed in judgment. How could I articulate these
sentiments? It seemed impossible. “Well, you can repay me by getting to work and making my company’s building exquisite after
Daisy’s recovered,” Ethan suggested with a hint of humor. I laughed, appreciating the levity he brought, his cocky grin
reminiscent of the past. “Ma’am, please come with me to my office,” Dr. Gomez invited, breaking the moment. As we followed
him, Ethan lingered in the room, casting a soft smile. towards Daisy.
“Hey, Bunny,” he greeted her tenderly. Turning to Ethan, I asked, “You coming?” He looked taken aback. “You want me to come
with?” he asked hopefully. I

Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Lama
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nodded, and he followed after me. Settling into the office, I pondered my words, momentarily regretting inviting him. Yet, seeing
Ethan’s hopeful expression, I couldn’t retract the invitation. With that, I eased into the unfolding consultation.
Bella drove to the isolated place. After the unsettling message from the familiar number the previous night, she hadn’t slept a
wink the rest of the night. The next morning she had set out very early,she was eager, but a part of her still weighed by doubt.
Wearing casual clothes and donning dark glasses that shielded most. parts of her face, she borrowed her assistant’s less flashy
car to avoid attracting attention. Walking through the isolated place, she kept glancing over her shoulders to ensure she hadn’t
been followed. She was also skeptical and anxious. What if this was a plot to abduct her?
She looked down at her phone once more, checking the address. Standing there, she started feeling stupid. “It had to be a
prank, Some stupid prank I fell for!” she said annoyed through gritted teeth. The person she was waiting for hadn’t showed up.
She turned to leave. Just then, she spotted a familiar figure walking towards her. “Still as impatient as before, aren’t we?” the
familiar voice echoed through the isolated alleyway. “Richard!” Bella called out in happiness and disbelief. “Sebastian.
Sebastian!” She called, hugging him tight to her b*dy. She couldn’t believe it. “Is this really you?” Her face touched his face,
outlining his features. The man laughed. “Aww, still a cry baby, aren’t we?” He teased her, enveloping her in his arms. “I missed
you so much.” She looked at his face once more. Emotions seemed to overflow.

“When you were gone, I didn’t know what to do. I thought you were dead! Dead! I
are, alive and
lived almost six years believing that Sebastian. And here you were dead! Dead! I
breathing. In the flesh.” She said softly gripping his arm.
“I’m sorry.” The man said with a sigh leaning down to stroke her hair. “You dyed your hair I see.” He mused thoughtfully stroking
“I’ve missed you my little Annabella.” He hugged her once more. “What happened?” She asked a moment later after she had
calmed down. “I was caught Bella. Then after that I had to work and repay the big boss for all the damages. One of the
conditions was no one must know I was alive and I couldn’t risk. endangering you.” He said with a sigh. “And now?” She asked
him, her eyes. scanning the entire area.
“I repaid the boss. And now, I earn with the mob now.” He said to her proudly. “I’m now my own boss.” Bella looked alarmed.
“What?!!. Get out of it right this moment.” She ordered, her tone becoming icy. “What do you mean?” Sebastian asked, his voice

tinged with surprise and annoyance.
“You don’t have to anymore. You can leave the life of crime behind.” Bella said, clutching her brother’s arm.
“Anna.” Sebastian called with a sigh. “It’s Bella now.” She corrected. “You must
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always remember to call me Bella.” She warned him sternly. “I can’t risk this. Everything I’ve built on, being connected to a
criminal would ruin me. Bella mused thoughtfully, being related to one? What would Ethan say!
“Bella. So you love your life now right. Living as the rich wife of the influential Ethan Wild, who happened to your target. What
happened Bella? You’ve forgotten where you started from how it all begun.” Sebastian said sourly.
That’s all in the past now Sebastian.” Bella said coldly. “Look, I’ve got money. Lots of it, I can have Ethan fit you into some job,
something that wouldn’t stress or strain you. You can just head a hotel or something, just play around, bossing people about It
would all be just for show and at the end of everything you get paid salary.” She said trying to convince him.
“Anna. Bella. Sebastian called with a sigh. “Of course we would do all of that under a different name. Ethan must never find out
who you actually are. Or you could live in a foreign country abroad, how about Italy?” “Bella. Bella.” Sebastian called
continuously while she wrapped up in her planning went on talking. “Anna!” He yelled grabbing her arm. “You’ve changed so
much. I get it, you’re too important to be seen or have any involvement with a street thug and mobster. Too refined for any of that
shit now. Aren’t you? But if you think I’ll suck up to your worthless husband sticking around like a faithful puppy you’re sadly
mistaking!” Sebastian lashed bitterly then stormed off.
“Think this through brother.” Bella offered once more. “I’ll be waiting for you call.” She said turning to leave. Sebastian watched
as she got into her car and started the engine ready to drive off “Bella.” He called softly walking back to her parked vehicle.
She wound the glass of the car down. “You’re not so clean you know. First of October, at three pm. Sebastian stated
Bella froze at his words. That night!
“Sebastian.” She called slowly. “You killed them Bella. It was you wasn’t it?” He asked calmly. “I’ve been cleaning up your trash
for years. Now you’ve made some money you wanna act like you’re clean. Like you’re some proper dignified woman. But you
and I know what you really are.” “In as much as I’m glad you escaped from them, It’s not really a cold case, the police are still
working on finding the killer.”
“It was an accident!” She yelled in a wild manner. “You’re not gonna blow my cover. Sebastian you and I know that.” Bella said
with a nervous smile. “What you don’t know is that there was a witness. Someone else saw you that night.” “What?” Bella asked
in alarm getting out of the car immediately. “What do you mean?” She asked pulling Sebastian’s arm. “I’ve been watching. I don’t
think she recalls. anything yet. Don’t worry Anna, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Sebastian said with a sigh. “I promise.” He red her hair gently. “And I’m sorry

about the way I reacted. You were acting all high and mighty it got me really pissed. I shouldn’t have frightened you in that
manner. I just wanted you to be at alert and watch your back at all times. Sebastian apologized..