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You Hit My Heart by Kylie Stanford

Chapter 2060
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Chapter 2060: The Storm CSo Quickly "No! I need to contact Joyce immediately." Reuben suddenly stood up and took out his phone to make an external call.

Hajhurriedly stopped him, "Your Highness, what are you doing? All your calls are monitored. Every move you make is known to the Crown Prince. You must not act impulsively!" "I'm not being impulsive; I need to confirm something." Reuben was anxious.

"Do you mean you might know the woman the Crown Prince brought back?" Hajasked.

"More than just know her; she has helpedgreatly." The more Reuben thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

If Joyce had been captured, it must be related to him. Clint wouldn't do such a thing for no reason. It was because Reuben had taken the anti-electromagnetic pulse blueprints from Joyce that Clint couldn't obtain them, leading to Joyce's predicament. It was his negligence. Could Clint have directly gone after Joyce? If so, his guilt was immense.

"Who is this person you're talking about? Can you tell me?" Hajasked. At this point, he needed to know everything.

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"Pascaylia, you're surely familiar with the Heath family warlords. She is the daughter of the Heath family, but she doesn't go by the nHeath. Her nis Joyce," Reuben explained.

"What?! The daughter of the Heath family?!" Hajwas shocked. The Crown Prince playing with women and even kidnapping one back was outrageous.

"Not only that, but she is also the wife of Pascaylia's richest man." Reuben felt overwhelmed.

The reason he had lost contact with them and didn't reach out was to avoid dragging them into royal conflicts. Only by disappearing could he keep them uninvolved. Unexpectedly, this fire still burned them in the end, making the situation even more chaotic.

"What kind of entanglement does the Crown Prince have with her?" Hajlooked incredulous.

"I don't know. Maybe because of me, Clint went after her." Reuben was anxious, "I have to find a way to contact her." "Your Highness, calm down. Even if you confirm it's her after contacting her, what can you do now? She's in the Crown Prince's hands. Can you storm into the Crown Prince's residence and rescue her? It's unrealistic. Moreover, we are already on thin ice; His Majesty could act any day now; we must not act rashly." Hajadvised, "If it truly is the Crown Prince who captured her, it's already been several days. Whatever you want to do might be too late." "Too late?? What do you mean?" Reuben couldn't accept it. Clint was ruthless and cruel; his methods were unimaginable. He couldn't imagine what Joyce might be suffering.

"No, I can't sit by and do nothing. It's my fault she's in this situation." Reuben wanted to rush out.

Grizela quickly stepped forward and held him back with all her strength, "Your Highness, General Joyce has self-preservation abilities. You don't need to worry too much. Otherwise, think about it: why would all the guards be punished? They are no match for General Joyce! If you appear rashly now, it may not be good for her. It's better to wait a few days until His Majesty's situation is clear before looking for her again. Besides, you're not even sure if it's her who was taken by the Crown Prince." "But..." Reuben was conflicted.

"Your Highness, think about your mother. She has only recently seen daylight again." Grizela persuaded.

Reuben looked at her and suddenly had an idea, "You go find Darrin; your appearance won't raise suspicion. I know Darrin is in Rohomes, but I haven't dared contact him because his mission relates to the royal family, so I can't reveal that I know him." "Me? Go find Darrin?" Grizela pointed at herself. Just thinking about Darrin made her feel strange inside.

That man always annoyed her when she saw him, but now that he was mentioned after so long, she felt oddly unsettled. "Yes. Go immediately and be careful not to be discovered. If something happened to Joyce, Darrin would surely know. Now that Rohomes is under martial law, it's hard for outsiders to get information; they can only rely on Darrin." Reuben paced around the room as he analyzed the situation, "Let's do that." ," Grizela agreed. "Your Highness, if Darrin confirms it's true, what should I do then?" "Alright," "Tell Darrin to stay calm; I'll find a way to save Joyce no matter what it takes. Go now!" Reuben instructed firmly.

"Yes, Your Highness. But where should I find him?" Grizela asked in confusion. Without a phone or location, how could she find him? Reuben paused...

He had been too anxious and hadn't thought of that detail.

Hajsuggested at this moment, "I'll figure it out; I have sconnections with the Heath family warlords from before; I should be able to ask around." Reuben looked at Hajin surprise, "You have connections with the Heath family warlords?" "Yes. I knew Cecelia a long tago; she's an extraordinary woman whom I deeply respect," Hajsaid with admiration. "Her daughter must also be exceptional." "Alright then; I'm counting on you," Reuben sighed in relief.

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"I'll contact them shortly. Grizela, prepare yourself and make sure no one notices," Hajinstructed.

"Yes," Grizela responded and left immediately.

After Grizela left, Reuben collapsed onto the sofa; things were already complicated enough without these new developments. What exactly did Clint want? Your Highness, could it be that the Crown Prince targeted the Heath amily warlords due to OGW's lownfall? I've heard that OGW's fall Inder Yoshikawa family controis nked to the Heath family warlords," Hajreminded him. Content elongs to englishS 20112 Reuben's eyes lit up at Hajime's words as they reminded him of something important: "You're right;~ it's very possible. Maybe it started with Athena's issue-the Crown Prince might have intervened-and targeted Joyce since then. Damn it! It's my fault for not warning them in time." "Your Highness, don't blyourself; no one can predict what the Crown Prince will do." Just as Hajfinished speaking, someone burst in without knocking-clearly an urgent matter.

Both Hajand Reuben looked towards the intruder with their hearts sinking.

The person was out of breath and gasped out their message: "Your Highness! Hajime! Hurry to the hospital! His Majesty... he's not going to make it." Reuben sprang up from his seat.

He hadn't expected the storm to cso quickly.

Reuben and Hajrushed to the secret hospital where the Emperor was kept at top speed.

The place was serene and heavily guarded-impossible for ordinary people to enter.

As they reached the hospital entrance, Kempley was already pacing anxiously outside; though over fifty years old, she maintained herself well-her hair still dark at the temples and only a few wrinkles marring her otherwise radiant face.

Reuben dashed out of the car, Quickly approaching as Kempley grabbed his hands urgently, "You finally arrived; I was worried sick." Reuben's face showed concern: "I wasn't gone long-everything was fine when I left; what happened?" "The situation suddenly deteriorated all indicators are dropping fast-the doctors told us to ne prepare ourselves-he might not make it through tonight-so I quickly sent someone for you," Kempley putted Reuben inside while holding his hand tightly. Seeing his mother's genuine worry, Reuben couldn't help but feel resentment mixed with sorrow: "Mom-after all he did-you're really worried about him-is it worth it?" Kempley paused momentarily before sighing deeply: "After all these years-I've cto terms with it-he only confinedout of fear that I'd leave." "Confined? Hmph," Reuben sneered coldly: "That beastly man-is there anything good about him worth worrying over?" Rather than confinement-it was imprisonment-and rather than a sanatorium-it was more like an asylum-his father could do anything imaginable...

"Don't speak ill of him-he's still your father." Kempley sighed heavily, Memories resurfacing as her eyes grew misty...