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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 167
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An eye for an eye What Elijah said made the angry mob start eyeing each other

nervously, knowing that they all just got paid to be there.

“Is he threatening the journalist?” A protestor mumbled.

“I think he‘s talking to us.” Another protestor whispered. “And what he said makes sense. Why should we

accept peanuts from Amelia Hayes when he can offer us a bigger bag of peanuts?”

The ones around him that heard his remarks started nodding in agreement as they began forming small

groups to discuss amongst themselves, forgetting to chant.

Seeing their reactions, Elijah smirked, knowing that the hint in his message was

getting picked up by the right people, even though at that moment, he heard one of the reporter‘s whispe

r, “How arrogant of him to say something so insensitive… Bragging is not going to help his case at all.”

After those words, Elijah turned away from the news Lady and walked off, getting into his car.

When he looked outside the window, the once–angry mob that was chanting insults was now standing

there, silently looking confused.

When a nurse entered her room, Madam Jewel put on a sweet smile

and so did Amelia. “How are you feeling today, Mrs. Hayes.” The nurse asked.

Madam Jewel laughed softly before replying, “A bit better than yesterday.”

The was a prolonged

pause after those words, and then the nurse laughed, saying, “It‘s funny how some people‘s true charact

ers don‘t show until they are caught in an awful act.”

Immediately, Madam Jewel‘s face went cold along with her daughter, and then she forced a smile asking,

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, it‘s your son–in–law….” The nurse said, “The reporter asked him, ‘what do you say to

the accusation circling on the Internet–”

“What did he say?!” Amelia blurted out.


A laugh escaped the nurse‘s lips

as she said, “I‘m not even trying to be extra. These are his exact words, ‘I am the sole heir to my father‘s

multiple companies, each of them worth billions of dollars… I have shares in companies that bring me bill

ionaires in dividends… My wives own two of the growing companies in Syldavia… Are you sure you want

to be on the opposite side of me?

… Like we get it. You are rich and corrupt.”

Another dry chuckle echoed from the

nurse‘s lips as she focused on the IV line, saying, “He‘s so boastful. After doing something so horrible–”

“Shut up and get out!!” Madam Jewel yelled. She immediately regretted her outburst as soon as she saw

the nurse flinch. When she realized that the nurse had gone silent, she immediately said, “I‘m sorry… B

ut please, get out.”



“Yes ma‘am.” The nurse whispered before leaving the room.

Once the door closed, Amelia let out an audible breath before turning back to her mother and saying, “Yo

u think someone is going to betray us because of Elijah stupid speech?”

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“Shut up and let me think!!” Madam Jewel‘s voice raised, causing Amelia to jump in shock.

Soon, Amelia‘s ringtone started echoing, and her shaking hands reached into her bag, pulling out the ph

one to see that it was one of the protesters calling.

“They have already started calling. What should I do?” Amelia whispered, afraid of her mother‘s reaction.

“Call that gang you hired to act out the video and put a kill order on Tony.” Madam Jewel commanded ca

sually. “The gang will not be betrayed you because if you go to jail, they go too… The mob are just lowlife

less business

people that society doesn‘t give a shit about. But Tony… Nah, he is not trustworthy since he played a les

ser role in all of this and can cause more dangerous then anyone.”

“Tony is my boyfriend, Mother!!” Amelia shrieked, startling herself as she did.

“And so?! If you don‘t kill him now, it‘s guaranteed that you will go to jail. He has the raw footage of the vi

deos, and indirectly Elijah just offered him a million of dollars deal on air. Who side do

you think he‘s going to take?”

“Mother! I am not killing my boyfriend!!”


“I killed my husband to protect you guys because to me, family comes first! You would choose a man ove

r your own freedom and family!”

Darting her eyes nervously around, Amelia tried holding her tears in but failed. She quickly composed he

rself before answering her mother, “Tony will not betray me. He loves me. That‘s why he even agreed to

something so hideous to help out our family.”

“I also thought that my husband loved me, and yet, he also betrayed me, putting everything he owned in

the name of the child that his son of him and his first wife had, leaving me, my children

and grandchildren out of the will.” Madam Jewel said, slowly losing control of her anger.



“He even went as far as putting a protective order in with an international insurance

company that if Peach die, all of his properties goes t charities… He betrayed me, so I had to take

the necessary actions… Tony is an opportunist, and even the most loyal person have a price.”


“You can get another man. But you wouldn‘t get an chance of freedom when Tony betray you.”


Even though Amelia was reluctant, her

mother final words made her give in, “You know that I love you right? All I want is your safety… I have los

t four of my children. I don‘t want to lose you too.” After a long moment of hesitation, Amelia took out her

phone and dialed a number, saying the moment her call got answered, “Axel, you know the guy that did t

he props, setup, and video shoot of you guys beating up those people?”

The was a brief pause and then she heard, “Yes. He‘s your boyfriend, right?… I saw you guys kissing an


“Kill him… Today!”

“Wait what?!”

“If you don‘t, we are all going to jail. I just got a tip that he‘s planning to sell the raw footage

to Elijah Maxwell which have all of you guys faces in it!”


“Do it soon.”

After a prolonged silence on the line, Axel‘s voice came through, “Fine. I will have it done immediately.”

At five o‘clock, the front door of Starwood headquarters opened, and the security smiled at the

man who walked out, saying, “Goodbye, Mr. Jones.”

“Bye, Joel.” Axel said before heading over to his car.

When he got into the backseat of his vehicle, he heard a knock on the door, and the moment he looked a

t the window

glass, he quickly rolled the windshield down, mumbling, “What are you doing here, Axel?” “Amelia wants

me to give you this.” Axel said before reaching his PSS silent pistol into the car and hastily shooting at Ax

el before walking off quickly, jumping in a car that drove off at full speed.

“Boss!” Axel‘s driver shouted the moment he realized what had happened and heard his boss groan. “Did

you just get shot?!”

“It missed.” Axel cried, opening his coat. “Of all days, I chose today to wear a coat larger than me becaus

e of the weather.”


Eyes widening, the driver gazed at the bullet hole that penetrated Axel’s coat and then got stuck in the

seat, and

then he mumbled, “Wow, the space in your coat safe


But Axel was too distracted by his thoughts to care for his driver‘s words, mumbling, “After everything

that I did for her and

her family… jeopardizing my life and career, and she dare tried to end my life! That bitch! I thought what

we had was love!!”


“Boss? Should we go to the police and report this?!” His driver asked, worry laced in his voice. Ignoring h

is driver again, Axel took out his phone and made a call, and the moment the person answered, he com

manded, “Kate, I need you to do a brief news coverage on how I have been allegedly shot and

rushed to the hospital.”

After ending the call a moment later, he stared at his driver and said, “No. Take me to Elijah Maxwell‘s m

ansion. I will show that traitor, an eye for a fucking eye!”

“Umm… Yes, boss.”

Immediately, putting the car in gear, the driver turned and began driving away, heading straight in the dire

ction of Elijah mansion.

“How dare you free him!” Eliot Trenchard shouted in Mr. Bamford face, slapping the table.

“Sir, we interrogated Elijah and since we were waiting

on a decision to charge from the prosecutor, we couldn’t hold him after two hours.” Mr. Bamford calmly

explained to the older gentleman in front of him.

“Well, it have finally been done! So collect your men and arrest him, and lock him up!”

“Yes, sir!”

When his room door opened and Dice entered, Elijah asked immediately, “What is it?”

“There‘s a guy name Axel Jones

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that is requesting for his car to enter the compound. He claim that he can fix things surrounding the video

Immediately, Elijah stood up and grabbed his jacket before saying, “Let‘s go.”

A while later, Elijah and his men where seated in

the living room, staring at Axel, and after a prolong silent, Elijah said, “I am listening.”

“I never

would have come to you if what just happened to me today did not happen. But I guess I survived it so I c

his face. “I work at Starwood headquarter.

I work on movie edits and stuff for fantasy, animation, and shit, that‘s how

it was so ease for me to create those videos of you.”


“So, what happened to you today that changed you from a sinner to a saint?” Elijah asked.

“Do you see the hole in my coat… it‘s a bullet hole!

Amelia tried to kill me a moment ago, and the sick part of this, I am her lover! We have been dating for

years now! So, I don‘t feel safe with her loose and free… Also, I want my pound of flesh.”

“I guess the apple doesn‘t fall far from the tree that

bear it… So, what do you want?” Even though Axel was confused about what those words met, he pushe

When Elijah scowled at him, Axel sighed and said, “I know what I did wasn‘t right. But I want to fix it. I will


Hearing the sound of boots approaching them, the living room grew quiet, and a moment later, Mr. Bamfo

men are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say may be

used against you in court. You have the right to speak to an attorney and you do not have to answer

any questions you may be asked unless

the question is related to your crimes. Anything else you may

say, can and will be used as evidence against you…” Seeing the bunch of police behind Mr. Bamford, Elija

this was not his willing action.


“Well, you came at the right time.” Elijah calmly uttered, not leaving his seat, and then he darted his eyes

toward Axel. “Do you want to tell the officers what you just told



“Mr. Jones,” Mr. Bamford mumbled, recognizing him as one of the big games in the movie industry. “I thou

“Hello, chief Constable…” Axel said with an awkward smile. “Well, the

thing is Elijah Maxwell is not the one in those videos. I edited the videos because Amelia Hayes threatene

her. I have the hard drive with files of the original video, and I know the warehouse where the men workin


Looking over at Elijah, Mr. Bamford smirked as he thought, ‘You are one lucky guy, Elijah Maxwell… a

very lucky man.‘


As the gate opens, the black limousine drove into the yard, and both Mrs. Maxwell and Miss Grace smiled

“Miss, you said I should stop here, but why are you not getting down?” The cab driver cried.



Frowning at the sight of the gate automatically shutting, Melina hesitated for a moment and then comman