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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 288
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“Mr. Mondez, is there any way we can talk to the Governor? Maybe we can ask him to loan us some

money, maybe that will help…”

The supervisor was part of the Mondez family, so the situation was not out of hand yet.

“The Governor… right, that would be a little hard.”

Albert Mondez was the Ruler of Paramount and knew about how financially prosperous the state

capital was. The Governor wouldn’t agree to give them any money even if he invested all of the

Mondez family’s asset. It would ruin the Governor’s plans if they had to borrow money from him

Jaylen knew that they couldn’t be dependent on the Governor after having one look at Albert. He

straightened himself, and his head ran a hundred miles per second.

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“Uncle, since we can’t get any money from the Governor, how about we use our money…”

“You’re saying…”

Beads of sweat started to appear on Albert’s forehead after he heard Jaylen’s suggestion.

They would be dead if the Governor were to find out about them embezzling funds!

However, they didn’t have any other choice. Albert grinded his teeth.

“Go and see how much it would cost to repair the pipelines and how much time is needed!” He yelled at

the supervisor.

“Mr. Mondez, I’ve asked around. We would need about two days to fix the pipelines if we have the

correct equipment, but for cost…” The supervisor said with his head lowered, but there was a glint of

cunningness in his eyes.

“Uncle, we don’t have time to overthink. This pipeline is our family’s lifeline; we can’t let anything

happen to it! We can hold those foxes off for two days while it gets fixed. There is still hope!” Jaylen

advised after hearing what the supervisor said.

Albert knew the good and bad of the current situation, but he was also sure that they would be doomed

if the Governor found out about the embezzlement!

“Mr. Mondez, Handell Chemical is here to collect their stock…” A secretary from outside reported as

Albert was contemplating the situation.

“Sh*t, they must be here to bring trouble! Uncle, you have to decide now, otherwise, it will be too late!”

Jaylen pled hurriedly.

“Screw it! Let’s do it! Go and hold off those people, I’ll be there in a bit.” Swayed by Jaylen’s

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restlessness, Albert stomped his feet and left the office.

The moment Albert left the office, Jaylen’s phone started ringing.

“Hello, Mr. Monty… what do you mean Jacob Lynch? I don’t have time to care about what he is doing. I

have things to do; deal with it!” Jaylen hung up the call without much thought.

On the other end of the line, Mr. Month threw his phone to the ground when he heard the dial tone.

“What the heck! Isn’t he just a second-generation kid using Albert Mondez’s name to get around!

Asking me to deal with it? Ha! Just watch!”


At The Pavillion, Jacob Lynch felt an itch on his nose while playing with his daughter.

“Did you get a cold? No way.”

Jacob shook his head slowly. He couldn’t have gotten a cold when he had already trained his body and

the Secret Record of the War Deity to the other realm.