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Luca’s Inferno by Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 13
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13 How Did You Know? Luca. When I returned home, one of my men told me my mother had put Emma in the servant quarters, which

made my blood boil. I had just taken her away from that kind of life; It was wrong and derogatory for my

mother to do such a thing. I knew she was an omega, but it did not give her the right.

I walked into the house fuming, and my mother greeted me at the door. “You stayed too long out there?”

she said, coming to hug me. I let her and then pulled away. “Where is my wife?” I asked her, and she

frowned at me.

“Emma,” I said, and realisation dawned on her. “Emma is your wife? When did you marry her, and why

was I not informed?” she asked accusingly “It was quiet. We both agreed we did not want something

loud, and I am not a child. I do not need permission to get married,” I told her, and she looked hurt.

“How could you tie yourself to a low-level Omega? They are just for pleasure and service. How could

you? Do you know how important the position you occupy is? You can’t hold on to power with a weak,

pathetic woman as your wife. What would people say?” She said, and I got mad.

“Don’t you dare, mother. You know nothing about that girl; she isn’t weak and pathetic. I rose to the top

alone; I did not need a woman to keep it. Do not question me,” I said, and she was silent. Sometimes my

parents forget I am above them, and this was one of those times. I knew if I told my mother the truth

about the marriage being a contract, she would mistreat Emma, and I did not want that. Just then,

Gerald, my beta and best friend, walked into the house. He greeted my mother and stood next to me.

“Here is her copy, alpha,” He said, handing me some documents.” Once the one-year term is over, the

marriage would be null and void; she can leave. It will be like an annulment, so there won’t be a need to

get a divorce.” He explained, and I wished he wasn’t so free around my parents. I would have to talk to

him about it. I collected the document from him, a bit pissed.

“Here is the atm card in her name. Emma Wyat.” He said I thanked him and told him to take the rest of

the evening off. My mother was clicking her tongue by the time he left.

“A one-year marriage contract. You should have told me it was a sham; I wouldn’t be so mad,” She said,

smiling. “I think it is a good move. Keep the vultures away with a fake wife until you are ready; it will also

improve your image as a responsible man. The Alpha of Somberg would gladly give you control of his

territory, knowing you are a responsible man. I like your style. If that is what she is for, then she is serving

her purpose as an omega,” she said, and I cringed.

“That isn’t why I married her, mother,” I told my mom, and she frowned at me.

“Then why?” she asked, and I knew I did not owe her any explanation.

“I do not owe you an explanation. Be nice to Emma; she isn’t as young as she seems. She is a

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grown woman,” I said. I was about to walk away from her when she stopped me. “I will not be nice to a

bloody omega, a slave, a gold-digging bitch that would agree to a marriage contract. She is a bloody

disgrace to her family,” she said, and my mother had ticked me off with those words.

“Enough! mother. Enough! This is my house. You can return to yours if you do not like how I run it. I won’t

allow you to make it hell like you did yours. I am not your husband’s mother, so don’t play the nagging

wife with me. I won’t have it. Emma will be my wife for a year, and the respect of the lady of the house

will be given to her. Whether you like it or not,” I said and walked away from her.

I brushed past my father, still angry at the things my mother said. She always tried to stick her nose in

things that did not concern her, which made her and my father constantly fight. I would often leave and

go and sit in the flower field of our house in Napah, waiting for the atmosphere to calm down. They had

since stopped fighting but had left a scar. Maybe that was why I was still unmated, and I do not plan on

mating with anyone because I want peace of mind. It was one thing that money had been unable to buy

me. I do not intend to compound my issues with a spouse.

I linked my men to find where mother put Emma, and I was angry to find out the location. It was the room

I used to hold suspects until I was satisfied. It used to be storage, but I furnished it for that purpose. I got

to the door and knocked on it. No ans

to the door and knocked on it. No answer. Maybe she was crying in there. It was a horrible room. I

knocked again, and she finally answered.

When she opened the door, I realised she must have been sleeping. Emma did not seem like a

troublemaker, and I doubted she ever complained. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she would be

comparing this with Marcelo’s place, which is why she will be quiet, but I do not intend to mistreat her. I

plan to make her happy for the year and let her go when the time comes. She deserves some sweetness

and joy in her life. Celio wasn’t an excellent place for Omegas; they were mistreated there. I also knew it

was typical of most packs. Still, Emma did not deserve that kind of treatment, and this was my way of

making her life blissful and putting her on a happy track before I let her go.

After putting her in her room, I slept, knowing she was okay. I also had to breathe in her sweet scent to

calm my anger, which worked. Why did she have such an effect on me?

I was deep asleep when I heard Emma call me through the mind link. I woke up immediately. I waited to

be sure she called me, and I wasn’t dreaming, and then I heard her again. “Please,”

Who was she begging? What was she doing? I got up from the bed. The moment I stood up, my senses

were filled with her scent. Why was it so calming? What did it mean? Was this why some alphas kept an

Omega mistress? The calm was incredible, but I knew I needed to see why she linked me. I wore a shirt

and headed out.

I knocked, but no one answered, So I gently let myself in. What I saw was amusing, and I was in


It seemed she was having an erotic dream. Her panties were exposed, and she was moving sensually

on the bed. I heard soft moans escape her lips and then, ‘please’ as if she was begging for something. I

knew I should leave, but somehow I was fixed to the spot. Something was me towards her, but I held

back. I knew omegas were alluring. Could this be it? Crippled by the scent, I sat on the couch and

watched her. She moaned a few more times

softly, and I was hard. This was not good. Intimacy wasn’t part of our contract, but something was pulling

me to her, begging me to sink my teeth in her neck and claim her. I controlled myself, and when I

decided to leave, she woke up.

I knew she was embarrassed when she saw me. All I could do was smile.

I took a cold shower that morning to calm myself down before I got dressed for the day. I wasn’t looking

forward to attending the dinner party, but I had to. I knew why Don Bianchi invited me to the dinner. He

had struggled with my father for power over the years, and now that it had passed on to me, he was

trying to make me marry his daughter, Terressa, an alpha breed. Even my father agreed, feeling it would

be a good match. I wasn’t interested. Although I knew there was a banding up of the underground

bosses to take me out.

I was yet to find out who was leading the attacks on my life, but my father felt joining with the Bianchis

would make my hold stronger. I was just two supports higher than the Bianchis, and the two families that

gave me an edge were the Riccis and the Morettis. I installed my friends who were members of those

families as the heads of their families when their uncles created a massive problem in our country in the

name of Territory expansion.

I had taken them out and installed Castelo Ricci as the head of the Ricci family and Aldo Moretti as the

head of the Moretti family. Their leadership and loyalty had given me the

stronghold I needed to be the top boss.

I had told my parents I wasn’t interested in the marriage arrangement with the Bianchis. I am sure the

Bianchis will let it rest when they see Emma in my arms tonight. I do not need the Bianchis to strengthen

my hold on the underworld, and something told me Teressa would be just like my mother. I doubted I

could bear being mated to someone I would always argue with and fight with. I needed peace, and the

only way I could get that was by myself.

The cold shower helped me calm down, and I noted not to go to Emma’s room like that again. It took a

lot of control for me not to hop on the bed and make love to her. I could see why Tomas Jefferson could

not let go and wanted to make her his mistress at all cost.

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Emma looked stunning in the yellow sun dress she was wearing. I could not wait to show her off. She

was a beauty. I needed her to talk to me. Finding out I was a mob boss made her afraid of me. I

remembered how she was on the bus, and I wanted that Emma as my companion, not the timid, scared

one with me. She needed to know I wouldn’t hurt her. I guess I would have to try more so she can

understand. I intend to enjoy my one year with her. For what it is worth, I hope our memories together will

be pleasant for both of us.

We arrived at the Indian restaurant, and I alighted the car and went to open her door to help her out. She

blushed, and I smiled at her. “Thank you,” she managed, and I told her she was welcome.

I sat in the restaurant and realised I had never come there before, but something drew me to that place

that morning. Although I loved Indian food, I visited a different one. Still, here we were in the Maharaja

restaurant, ordering roti and curry. I watched Emma try to pronounce the things on the menu, and I

laughed, making her laugh. Once the server walked away, I started a conversation with her. “I want you

to wear a red dress tonight. I want to show you off,” I said, and she smiled, blushing. “Emma,” I said on a

serious note, and she looked at me.

“I want us to be good friends. Can you do that? Even after this is over, I would like us to be friends.” I

said, and she smiled at me. !!If the boss and alpha of alphas do not mind being friends with an Omega,

who am I to refuse? ” she said in her sweet, gentle voice and smiled at me. “As for the red dress, I will

have to go shopping,” she said, and I was glad she was finally talking to me. “I intend to take you

shopping. Besides, your closet needs to be filled up with clothes. I go out a lot. Clubs, parties, name it,

and you will be coming with me.” I said, and she beamed at me. “I will assign four bodyguards to you and

Two maids today,” I said, and she frowned at me. “What for?” she asked, and I looked at her. “Because

you are my wife,” I said, and she smiled at me. I handed her a phone I had purchased for her sake while

we waited for the food. I did not want her to feel isolated. She seemed really happy. She was glad she

could call her friend and brothers.

The restaurant served me butter chicken without cream, and I was about to speak when Emma called

back the waiter.

“Where is the cream? He likes his curry with cream. Hurry,” she said, and I was stunned. How did she

know I liked my curry with cream? “Emma,” I asked, and she looked at me.”How did you know how I like

my butter chicken curry?” I asked, and she seemed tongue-tied. “Tell me,” I said, and she looked worried

and scared.

“May I avoid answering today? I promise I will tell you someday before we end it. Please. It is weird, and

I do not want to seem like a crazy bitch,” she said, and I shook my head.

. “You can never seem that way to me. I know you are sane, but I would let you take your time. I

hope you find the courage to tell me,” I said, and we continued our meal.