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Wooing My Ex-Wife by Mr. Adeel

Chapter 854
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Chapter 854 Resembles Gwendolyn

Isaac hesitated, then sent someone to deliver Whitney’s belongings to her room before he explained the whole

story to her.

When Charles jumped into the sea, all Isaac heard was the sound. He had no idea when Charles had jumped, let

alone where Charles had been shot.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Newton. I was under anesthesia at that time. As for Mr. Newton… I’m not. sure about his condition.”

Isaac lowered his head in frustration.

If he had been able to save Charles in time, everything would’ve been fine.

Whitney sat dazedly in the chair, completely at a loss.

She had thought that coming there would allow her to see the person she had been longing. for. Yet, reality dealt

her a harsh blow. Not only did she not meet him, but his fate remained unknown to that day.

“Isaac, I want to go find him,” she said.

Seeing the red veins in Whitney’s eyes, Isaac knew she hadn’t been resting well the days.



“Mrs. Newton, now that Mr. Newton has gone missing, please stay here and rest. If you were to collapse again, I

truly wouldn’t have the energy to cope.”

“All right.”

To avoid causing trouble for Isaac, Whitney had no choice but to sit down.

Nightfall came late in Muprary. The local time showed nine o’clock, yet it was only just getting dark.

Whitney sat by the window, remaining there for a full three hours.

Her phone suddenly vibrated. She quickly unlocked the screen, only to find out that the message was just an

entertainment news update.

Feeling somewhat annoyed, she tossed her phone aside. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she could reach out to

her friends there.

Even a dragon would find it hard to control a snake in its old haunt. Whitney had a friend working there whom she

hadn’t contacted in a long time. Although she was not sure if they still remembered her, it was worth giving it a try


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After all, having someone familiar with Muprary assisting in the investigation would simplify things considerably.

Whitney quickly grabbed the phone she had tossed aside, found the person’s name, and dialed their number.

Surprisingly, the call connected quickly. “How rare for you to call me. What’s up?”

Whitney’s voice was tinged with unmistakable urgency as she said, “Lenny, can I ask a favor?”

“What’s wrong?”



“I… I’m currently in Muprary, and my… A friend of mine has gone missing in these waters. Can I ask for your help

to find him?”

Lenny spoke softly to comfort. “All right, send me his name and photo. I’ll have someone keep an eye out for him.

Don’t worry.”

The two of them chatted a little longer but Whitney really wasn’t in the mood for further conversation, so she

ended the call.

The wait was always the hardest part.

Three days passed, and It was as if Charles had evaporated into thin air without a trace.

Isaac had already mobilized all of the Newton family’s resources, conducting a thorough search of that sea area,

but still came up empty-handed. Even Lenny had no new news.

Without any news about Charles, Whitney lost all her appetite. She had noticeably slimmed down over the past few


The housekeepers delivered the food to the door, but she couldn’t eat it.

Isaac looked at the worryingly thin Whitney and pleaded, “Mrs. Newton, you really should eat something. If Mr.

Newton returns and sees you like this, he will be worried.”

Whitney shook her head. “You go ahead with your work, Isaac. Don’t worry about me. Finding him is what matters.”

With every minute that passed, the anxiety in Whitney’s heart increased. She couldn’t pretend as if nothing had

happened. “Isaac, can I be left alone, please?”

Seeing Whitney in that state, Isaac sighed. It didn’t feel right for him to stay any longer, so he turned around and


The moment the door closed, Jasmine’s video call came in unexpectedly Whitney quickly


straightened up and switched the video call to voice answer.

She didn’t want Jasmine to also worry about Charles’ disappearance.

Hence, upon picking up the phone, Whitney smiled and said, “What’s up, Jasmine? Charles. and I are outside


“Is that so? I’ve heard that the sky in Muprary is very beautiful. You and my brother are a match made in heaven.

Meanwhile, I’m still single. I envy you two. Indeed, a couple in love is just different.” Jasmine’s tone was a bit sour,

but she meant well.

With a bitter smile, Whitney said, “Our signal here isn’t very good. If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up first, okay?”

After she finished speaking, Whitney didn’t wait for Jasmine to say anything else and hung up the phone.

If she had to endure even a minute longer, she might not be able to hold back her emotions.

She lifted her gaze and stared the starry sky, murmuring softly, “Where are you?”

Meanwhile, in a small fishing village at the edge of Chanaea’s border, a woman was taking care of a man who was

still unconscious.

The man was strikingly handsome. Even with injuries on his pale face, he still looked


Winona Gardner held the damp cloth, placing it back on the man’s forehead to help cool him down. She had been

taking care of him for three days.

The man had a cell phone, a gun, and some sort of computer chips on him. She placed them. all on the table next

to him.

Winona looked at the handsome man lying on the bed. Because she knew his identity, she couldn’t help but feel


It would be amazing if such a wonderful man could become hers, after all.

Unfortunately, she had to obey a certain someone’s orders.

As she lowered her gaze in thought, a subtle murmur came from the man on the bed, his fingers twitching slightly.

Winona quickly grabbed his hand, gently saying, “Are you awake? Please wake up.”

As her melodious voice reached Charles’ cars, he slowly opened his eyes, dazed. His vision somewhat blurry


His vision gradually became clear after two minutes.

What entered his view was an extremely familiar face.

He was stunned.

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“G-Gwen?” Charles was weak, wanting to grasp the “Gwendolyn” in front of him but lacked the strength to do so.

He struggled to rise. The pain from his injuries was so intense that it prevented him from thinking clearly.

“Are you feeling unwell?” asked Winona.

Her unfamiliar voice immediately alerted Charles to the fact that she wasn’t Gwendolyn.

He closed his eyes once again. He thought he must have been unconscious for too long as he mistook a stranger

for Gwendolyn.

“If you’re not feeling well, let me make you some oatmeal. You’ve been in and out of consciousness for three days

and haven’t eaten much. I’m sorry. Our village is quite underdeveloped in many ways, especially in terms of

medical facilities. Therefore, all I can do is ask my grandmother to prepare some herbal remedies to apply to your


Winona’s voice was very pleasant to hear as it was full of vitality.

Charles was thankful she wasn’t Gwendolyn.

If anything were to happen to Gwendolyn, he would probably lose his mind.

He closed his eyes to rest, too weak to respond.

Soon, the aroma of food wafted in from the window, rejuvenating Charles. He looked at the wounds on his body,

bandaged with strips of cloth, and sat up despite his feeble state. Then, he began to examine his surroundings.

It was a rustic environment.

Not far across from his location was Winona cooking in the kitchen.

Upon hearing the noise Charles made, Winona immediately walked over and handed him a bowl of liquid medicine.

“My grandmother is the local doctor here. Although she may not be as skilled as those in the city, she has cured

many people. This is something she wants you to Ingest. It will help with your injuries.”

Charles stared at the innocence in Winona’s eyes


It was the kind of innocence that was untainted by worldly impurities.

Her hair was thick and lustrous, and her skin was fair and without makeup. Yet, nothing could mask her innate


Adding to that, her eyebrows and eyes bore a striking resemblance to Gwendolyn. It was what caused Charles to be

momentarily lost in thought.

Each of her gesture and movement bore some resemblance to Gwendolyn. Her demeanor and innocent eyes were

even more similar to the Gwendolyn that Charles knew w