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The Killer Queen by Noella Briony

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121 Noella glanced at the message on her phone and handed it over to Marcel.

“She wants you to get the papers? What's she scheming now? Always causing trouble! Noella, don’t bother with her. She has to agree to the divorce, whether she likes it or not. The flight's arranged; she’ll be out of here by tomorrow!” Marcel thought of Ashlyn’s antics over the years, and his face soured.

Their marriage had been unconventional. He'd spent his early years on military duty, and after that woman passed away, he’d becjaded about love. That's when Ashlyn showed up with a child, claiming it was his.

Marcel, bewildered about when he could have fathered a child with Ashlyn, was met with her tears and accusations of his drunken advances! After a DNA test confirmed the child was his, Marcel, under orders from above, had reluctantly married Ashlyn, and years had flown by. Despite his suspicions that Ashlyn might not be Tristan’s biological mother, he couldn't figure out who else it could be.

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The boy was definitely his son! But the identity of the boy’s mother remained a mystery.

Maybe he'd been duped for over five decades! Marcel turned to Palmer, his voice grave. “Palmer, since she’s insistent on having Noella fetch the divorce papers, go with her. Remember, you're a Pollack, not involved with the Schnabels for the tbeing.” Palmer perked up. Did Marcel mean... if Ashlyn did anything against Noella, he could retaliate? “Understood. I'll protect Noella.” Marcel nodded, satisfied.

Sending Palmer was strategic; it would be unseemly for a Schnabel to intervene, but as Noella’s fiancé and the Pollack head, Ashlyn wouldn't dare send him away.

Merrick beamed at Noella. “Noella, dear, I've acquired a jewelry design company for you, right near your campus. You can put your designs into practice there, and I'll buy everything you create!” Since learning Noella studied jewelry design, Merrick had been busy scouting for the perfect company. It needed to be just the right size, not too overwhelming for Noella’s studies but allowing her to unleash her creativity without academic constraints.

“I've heard about how you've revamped the music store and the gallery, tweaking policies. Is our Noella a business prodigy? All our assets might as well be yours. Who knows, you might beca business legend!” Marcel was alarmed. This was his precious granddaughter, and suddenly she was their 10-22 business prodigy? “Noella, | bought you a hotel. If you're ever unhappy with your accommodations, just stay at the hotel!” Noella was flustered.

What would she do with so many companies? Her own ventures were managed by the folks at Polaris Star! Tristan chuckled, “Dad, what are you up to? Noella’s campus is just next to our place, a five-mile drive. She can chome! Oh, and darling, whenever you find the time, go get your driver's license. You've yet to drive any of the cars | bought for you!” Getting a driver's license was a trivial matter; she simply needed to find the time. After all, when patrolling the borders, a license wasn’t needed, and she could drive large vehicles regardless! Noella nodded in agreement and stood up. “Alright, Ill learn when I've got time. Now, I'll head to the hospital to get the divorce agreement.” “Hey, cback early for dinner. We will wait for you!” Palmer stood by her side, smoothly picking up her handbag, every move flowing naturally.

The elders watched with satisfaction.

Look at them, a perfect match! The towering, handsgentleman exuded a confident, composed presence as he sheltered the petite girl by his side. The slender young woman, with her flowing hair, met his gaze with tenderness.

A match made in heaven, indeed! As Noella and Palmer, left, Marcel turned to Tristan and the younger Schnabels. “Go attend to your matters. We old men have things to discuss.” Despite his age, Marcel’s eyes were sharp and commanding, exuding an aura of authority.

When he spoke, Tristan and his sons hastily bowed out, “Understood.” Marcel faced Merrick, picking up the chess pieces beside him. “Come, let's play another game.” Merrick squinted, then cracked a smile. “Sure. Let's play!” “Merrick, if you lose, you owea truth!” A truth? The world wasn't filled with clear truths. Seeking them cat a price! “Heh, win first, then we'll talk.” Palmer's car pulled up in front of Imperial West Hospital, where Major Garnett rushed to take the keys, whispering, “Ms. Noella, Mr. Pollack, Ashlyn just won't sign. I'm still waiting to Chapter 121 retrieve the report for filing!” Marcel lacked interest in keeping the signed papers, but they needed to be filed for record-keeping - the reason Major Garnett was still there.

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Palmer, holding Noella’s hand, headed inside. “She still hasn't signed?” “She did, but she refused to hand it to me. When | tried to take it, she accusedof... of assaulting her.” Major Garnett’s expression fell.

At forty, with a wife and kids, he certainly wasn’t going to make a move on his former superior’s wife... no, ex- wife, especially not here at Imperial West Hospital! Ashlyn had a reputation for being shamelessly unabashed. As her voice echoed through the halls, heads turned, and a collective wave of sympathy washed over the faces of the senior staff as they glanced toward Major Garnett.

It was evident they were all too familiar with Ashlyn’s track record. At a tlike this, they didn’t dare intervene to support Major Garnett, fearing they might becher next target.

Noella’s gaze held a hint of pity for Major Garnett.

“You've had it tough,” she said. “Since the paperwork is signed, she’s no longer my grandma.” Major Garnett blinked in confusion. “Ms. Noella, what do you mean?” Even with the signed papers, Ashlyn was still Tristan’s mother, and biologically, she was still supposed to be Ms.

Noella’s grandmother, right? Noella flashed a charming smile, her dimples deepening, “I'm not listed in the family tree. My records are separate.” Ever since Belinda and Vincent publicly disowned her, Beckett had transferred Noella’s records to her own residence at Serene Haven. She was the sole owner of Phoenix Tower at Serene Haven! Since she wasn’t on the srecord as Ashlyn and wasn’t registered in the family tree, what right did Ashlyn have to think she could control Noella? A spark of realization lit up Major Garnett’s eyes, but he still harbored concerns for Noella’s safety. After all, Ashlyn was notorious for throwing her weight around due to her age, and Ms. Noella appeared so literate, gentle, and soft.

Entering the hospital room, Ashlyn’s eyes lit up with joy at the sight of Noella. Her elation was short-lived as she noticed Palmer trailing behind Noella.

What's the Pollack kid doing here again? Is he that smitten with this wild girl? “| told you to calone. Can't you comprehend simple instructions? Tell Mr. Pollack to leave! What a brat!” Chapter 121 Noella, unperturbed, took a seat opposite Ashlyn’s bed, elegantly crossing her legs. With a frosty gaze and chin held high, she looked up as if donning an invisible crown.

“Comprehending instructions? Don’t think just because you're older, | should be deferential. Cut the act, you old hag!”