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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 986
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Chapter 986

The crash was more than enough to step the car. Moreover, as the police had rammed Into Cody’s car from the

side, the injuries caused to the passengers were minimal.

The moment Cody’s car had stopped, the police got out of their cars and sumounded him.

“Get down, Cody Rogers!” Mr. Burton shouted again.

Cody opened the door, but he did not get down. He grabbed Bethany and kept her in his arms while he stuck his

knife at her neck again. “If you come closer. II. fucking kill her!”

He was so anxious that he did not care about what would happen if he threatened the police.

He only cared that he could escape as soon as possible.

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Because Cody had a hostage, the police carefully backed away while taking out their guns. They aimed their guns

at him.

“Cody Rogers, if you insist on fighting back, we have the right to shoot you dead” Mr. Burton shouted.

Cody was not afraid at all. He dug the knifepoint into Bethany’s flesh. Bethany screamed loudly as her tears and

snct spilled out of her eyes and rose.

Mr. Burton glanced at his subordinates, and everyone backed away a little again, but their guns were still up.

“Put down your gurs” Cody yelled.

“Let the kid go, and we’ll put down our guns,” Mr. Burton said.

“Do you think I’m stupid? If I let her go, you’ll take me to jail! Cody tightened his grip around Bethany, “I can’t

fucking go to jail! I’m rich. Why should I be in jai!”

“Justice may be slow, but it always catches up.” Mr. Burton tried to reason with Cody. “Cody Rogers, you’ve broken

the law. No matter where you run lo, we will do everything we can to catch you! So, you’d better throw your life

away, let the kid go, and come with us!

“We may consider asking the court to be more lenient with you and give you two years all your sentence if you


Cody was silent. He seemed to be considering this suggestion. After a moment, he threw away his knife. “Alright,”

he said.

The police all let out breaths of relief. Just as they were about to go arrest Cody, he shoved Bethany out of the car

and slammed the car door shut. He then started the car while everycre’s guards were down. He frantically tumed

the steering wheel to try to change the car’s direction, but the wheels of the car ran over Bethany’s body.

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The police shot at the tires of the car, and it stopped. But it was too late. When the police got Bethany out from

under the car, she was no longer breathing. The other team went to catch Cody.

It was already like this now, and Cody still refused to give in. He even dared to steal a gun from the police officers.

“I won’t let you have what you want! If I die, you will all fucking die with me!” Cody laughed madly while he threw

down his last words. He pointed the gun at the police officer closest to him, and before he pulled the trigger. Mr.

Burton shot Cody in the head.

Kevan only heard the process of Cody’s capture from Mr. Burton. When he arrived at the site with a police car sent

to get him, all that was left was a car filled with cash and two puddles of d’led blood on the ground.

Cody was dead. The biggest danger had been removed. Kevan should have been happy, but he just could not find it

in him to rejoice.

he had paid a huge price for today. He had even sacrificed the life of an innocent child.

It’s better if you go.” Larissa persuaded Kewan. “This isn’t your laull anyway. I’m sure she will understand you

apologize to her properly.” If he did not go this matter would haunt him, and he would never get closure from it.