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Strings of Fate

Chapter 6
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Strings of Fate 6- Abductions and alphas Paul swears and raises a hand towards me, but it never connects. Bellamy catches him by the wrist and holds him firmly. When he speaks his tone is deadly.

“Get out. Never speak with Ryann again. | suggest you look into finding other accommodations since you are so against the presence of Magics.” He doesn’t make any threats, but his tone and the look in his eyes is enough. Bellamy releases Paul who backs away before fleeing down the stairs to his own apartment.

| had hoped that this neighbour might last a little longer than the last few, it seemed it wasn’t going to happen.

Note-to-self: apologise to Maggie for scaring off her residents. I sigh.

“I shouldn't have done that. He didn’t need to know that I'm a Magic. Now Maggie is going to have to get a new resident for the second floor again. She did warnthat he didn’t seem terribly open minded.” | grumble, more to myself than to Bellamy.

He shrugs. Suddenly he seems a lot less hostile, in the last minute he’s changed from opposition to ally.

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Although I'm not sure he’s noticed the difference, but even his posture is different. Where before he was puffed up and seemed to be carefully watchingfor sudden movements, now his shoulders have dropped and it feels like he is actually studyingrather than watching. for signs of danger or deception.

“The guy deserved what he got.” he seems distracted. He is staring at my arm, or more specifically where my sleeve has fallen down to cover my mark.

| tug it down further and glare at him. None of this would have happened if he hadn't been banging down my door. He could have just knocked like a normal person. | really, really just want to go back to bed. I've been awake less than half an hour and already my life is falling to bits. | knew today wasn’t going to be a good day.

1/4 D85% D 14:14 6- Abductions, and alphas “Was there anything else you needed?” | demand impatiently. Sellamy looks confused.

“Was there anything else you needed from me? Because if there isn’t then | have things to do and would appreciate it if you would just leave already.” Things to do, like sleeping,, on watching Netflix for a few hours before work tonight.

| also just really want Bellamy to leave. He might be tied toby a red thread, but | was met prepared for this much emotion this early in the day and | don’t think | am prepared to spend any more twith him Were fated to be together, | figure that means | don’t need to mus anything.

Bellamy gems his mouth to speak but I interrupt Rude? Yes. But he’s the one who invited himself in. | put a hand on his arm and police towards the door a little.

Surprised, he letslead him out the apartment. The met sne he ever realises that’s what I’m doing.

| think we're dhere. | can’t deal with you right now, so it is tfor you to leave.” | tell him firmly, | step back inside.

“Have a mice day Bellamy: I'm faned to be friends with your sister so im sure | see you around. Bye. “With that | close the door in his face. Moments later he is banging on the door “Ramal Open the door, I'm not done talking to you.” He shouts through the door.

*Well | AM done talking to you. Go wriy Bellbany.” | calll bar. He sveurs under his breath.

“We aren't done here. You will talk to me, and soom.” He answers. | peek through my limle window and | see him climbing down the stairs. | watch him leave.

In fact, | watch until he has left the building and has made his way down the street and around the corner. | can see quite far from the third floor after all. | breathe in a sigh of relief | feel totally drained and it is far too early to consider the mamifications of finding my soud 6- Abductions and alphas mate.

So, | shuffle my way back to my room and climb into my bed where | curl up and quickly fall back to sleep. Sleep doesn’t bring the peace | had hoped for however as, even in my sleep, 1 can’t seem to stop replaying the moment Bellamy stepped between Paul and | or his promise. that we would talk again soon.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Two full days pass by uneventfully before | see another Shifter. | am at work once again. I'm covering a lunch shift. It's rather last minute as | was scheduled for a day off, but Anthony called this morning and askedto cover for someone who is sick.

| don’t think he has ever spoken toas politely as he did when he was asking for a favour. | don’t particularly want to be here, but, as always, | could use the extra money so | suck it up, although my feet are already killingin these blasted heels. | mentally curse whoever thought it was a good idea to force us to walk around in these death trap stilts. | hope that person stubs their toes on every possible surface every day for the rest of their lives. | paste on a fake smile so | can take the order of the human businessmen at table fifteen.

“Hi there, and welcto Borderline. My nis Ryann and | will be your server today. Can | start you off with any drinks?” None of the three men answer me. They are too busy staring at something. Is there something interesting going on behind me? | hear someone clearing their throat and slowly turn around. | find two burly looking men waiting for me. They're both wearing jeans and dark t-shirts.

“Ryann Gale?” One of them asks. What the hell is going on? | nod warily.

“Good. If you would please accompany us.” The man holds out his arm forto take. His tone is polite, but | can tell that he isn’t asking so much as tellingto cwith him.

| glance around, trying to spot Anthony but he is nowhere in sight. He probably wouldn't be much help anyways.

| still don’t take his arm. | don’t particularly want to be kidnapped and killed or whatever.

“Who are you and why should | go with you?” | demand..

“I apologists Gale. My nis Shaun and this is Aaron. We are from the local feline Shifter pack. Our Alpha has requested your presence immediately.” Shaun takes a step closer 3/4 6- Abductions and alphas so he is way in my personal space.

It becomes clear that there is no way to avoid leaving with these men without causing a scene which isn’t really something | want to do. Doesn't this place have security? | notice the other server eyeingbut not with concern, she looks angry. Does she think | planned this? Seriously! | make one last attempt.

“As you can see, | am working right now. If you could cback in a few hours...” | trail off, the Shifters just stare at me.