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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 231
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Chapter 231 What Kind Of Drug You Added

Eric remained silent and turned around, making his way down the stairs.

Once downstairs, Eric instructed Mary, “Prepare some chicken stew for her when she wakes. up.”

Mary nodded. “Of course.”

Vera grabbed Eric’s arm. “Eric, you still haven’t answered my question. What’s wrong with Eileen? Is

she still upset about the Olympiad Math competition? She still has a chance, you


“That’s enough. I know how to handle things concerning Eileen.”

With a voice playing in his ears and a lot on his mind, Eric’s headache grew worse.

Vera was taken aback. Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. Eric had never scolded her before,

even when she was in the wrong.

“Did I say something wrong, Eric? You’re being harsh with me. I’m just concerned about


Eric looked at her quietly. “Once you finish eating, go back and review your homework. I’ve already

sent Sharon to the condominium. You don’t need to come over unless I bring you here.”

With that, he made his way upstairs. Vera followed him. “Why can’t I come over? We’ve lived here

together for so many years. Anywhere you are is my home. I’ve long considered this place my home. Is

it because I took Eileen’s spot in the Olympiad Math Class? If that’s what you think, Eric, I won’t

participate in this rematch.”

Eric stopped, annoyance evident in his eyes. He tried to remain patient. “Vera, you’re not three years

old anymore. It’s not right for me to manage everything for you. Don’t remain immature like this. Your

family name is Blake, not Snow or Swan. Know your place. I don’t want to hear those words again.”

Trembling, Mary glanced back over her shoulder. She couldn’t believe Vera had the audacity to say

that. Vera had been kindly taken in, yet she acted as if she were the mistress, lacking any sense of

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“Eric, you can’t just ignore me! Eric Snow!”

That was the first time Vera called him by his full name

Exhausted, Eric returned to the study within his room, the largest room apart from the

master bedroom.

In front of the laptop screen, he closed his eyes wearily and slumped in his chair.

“Remember this person. It’s all because of him… Never forget him. This grudge must be avenged, or…

I won’t rest in peace in this lifetime.”

“Alright, I understand!”

It was three o’clock in the morning.

The door to the study was left slightly open, and Eric heard someone descending the stairs. It jolted

him awake from his nightmare, leaving him drenched in a cold sweat.

He picked up the watch on the table. It read twelve minutes past three. He couldn’t believe he had slept

for so long.

Eric shifted and felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Without wasting time to examine it further, he got up

and walked out the door just in time to see the person coming down the staircase.

Following Eileen downstairs, he watched as she slipped on her fluffy slippers, opened the front door,

and walked out.

What is she doing outside in the middle of the night?

He continued to follow her with furrowed brows, only to find her heading to the back garden. She sat on

the swing, motionless.

With her head tilted back, she stared up at the night sky. Following her gaze, he saw nothing. but a

pitch-black expanse, as the weather hadn’t been great these past few days.

Sensing that something was wrong, he walked over.

Still, the person sitting on the swing showed no reaction.

Suddenly, after a while, Eileen left the swing and headed back to the mansion, with him following her all

the way.

She sat in front of the sofa and turned on the television. The screen was filled with static, but she

stared blankly at it, her eyes dull.

When it was four o’clock in the morning, she turned off the television and took off her shoes. She lay on

the couch with her hands folded on her chest and slept peacefully.

The man who had just finished smoking at the door discarded the half-smoked cigarette in his hand,

picked up the person on the sofa in a bridal carry, and headed upstairs.



As he lifted her, Eric felt that she was as light as a feather. She had gained a little weight when she was

at the Smith residence but had then returned to her original figure.

With a little over two hours until dawn, he gently laid her on the bed in the darkness.

Eileen instinctively rolled into the middle of the bed. In her groggy state, she heard some noise and

briefly opened her eyes before falling back asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, a man emerged from the bathroom, his lower body wrapped in the bathrobe

previously used by Eileen. Water droplets trickled down his wheat-colored muscular body, seeping into

the Blake cotton robe. His powerful physique, devoid of excess fat, bore numerous ugly scars

resembling centipedes. Especially on his chest, a lethal wound was evident.

Eileen had taken a sleeping pill and slept exceptionally well. However, when she woke up in the

morning, she saw the bathrobe hanging at the end of the bed and sensed lingering warmth on the bed

beside her.

Eric came to my room last night? But I locked all the doors and windows, even the balcony’s sliding

door. He couldn’t have entered unless he had the ability to walk through walls.

In addition to that, to her surprise, she found that the previously messy room had been completely

straightened up. The only thing missing was the pile of snacks she had taken upstairs.

She had hardly eaten anything yesterday, and her stomach growled loudly. A pang of hunger hit her,

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making her stomach twist.

But she didn’t want to go downstairs, used to isolating herself.

Seeing half a piece of unfinished toast on the table, Eileen hopped out of bed barefoot and started

gobbling it up. Just then, the room door swung open. A man walked in, dressed in a dark grey woolen

sweater and black casual pants, carrying food in his hands. He immediately noticed her eating

ravenously in thin clothes with her long hair tangled.

Before she could even swallow, she panicked and fixed her eyes on him.

Eric walked in and placed the food on her dressing table. The table was bare, devoid of even basic

cosmetics. “Come and eat.”

When he looked at her, Eileen retreated in fear to the corner of the room, avoiding eye contact. It

seemed as if that corner was her only place of safety. In her hand, she held the piece of toast she had

taken a few bites of, which she then swallowed.

“I… I’m not hungry.”

Eric narrowed his eyes, observing her timid behavior. It was as if she feared he would



consume her. Despite being in her own home, she didn’t feel secure at all, resembling a frightened


Without a doubt, he knew deep down that all of this was the result of his own actions.

“If you’re not hungry, what is that you’re holding in your hand?”

Eileen hid the toast behind her back, keeping her head down and remaining silent. The chicken stew

that had been simmering all night emitted a delicious aroma. The smell marle her stomach growl loudly

once again.

“Come over here quickly. Are you waiting to starve yourself to death?”

Eileen responded with a mix of timidity and defiance, “Who knows what kind of substance you added to
