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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 200
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Chapter 200 Could This Be Considered Sharing A Bed

Eileen realized that she shouldn’t pry into these matters.

In her understanding, for a man, once he had money and status, seeking other women. seemed to be a

very common thing. This was true for Will and Eric as well….

Perhaps, that was why Eileen was willing to trust her feelings once again.

It was because Jasper could provide her with a sense of security that she had never experienced


Just because Eileen didn’t ask or hear didn’t mean she didn’t care…

She simply hoped that Jasper would not disappoint her emotionally, spiritually, or even physically.

If he were to betray her one day, she wouldn’t know who else she could trust anymore.

After loading their belongings into the car, Jasper took her to the beach.

They walked hand in hand along the shore, and every now and then, he would gently smooth Eileen’s

wind-tossed hair.

With their fingers intertwined, Eileen watched the people strolling ahead, feeling an unprecedented

sense of peace and tranquility in her heart.

“Are you cold?”

“No.” Jasper buttoned up her coat. “Do you like it here?”

They continued their journey, uncertain of when this seemingly endless road would finally come to an


“I like it. I’ve never been here before. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’ve never been here before?”

Eileen nodded. “Yes, my studies have been so demanding that I often don’t have the time to explore. I

originally wanted to participate in the winter camp before the New Year last year, but my father didn’t

allow me to go, so I didn’t.”

Winter camp?

Jasper’s eyes

darkened slightly. He knew that Elm had also participated in last winter’s camp.

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“True, how about I take you on a graduation trip once we finish school this time?”

Jasper had assumed she would agree, but to his surprise, Eileen declined.

“Let’s just forget about it! My father has enrolled me in some extracurricular classes, so III be quite

busy all summer.”

“Alright, as you wish.”

Not far away, a man wearing a black baseball cap was holding a high-end camera. He aimed it at some

figures not too far ahead, timed it perfectly, and took several photos. You couldn’t see the figures’ full

faces, but you could make out their profiles.

The man’s handsome profile was deeply gazing at the person next to him. Their fingers were

intertwined, and just by looking at their silhouettes, one could tell they were a perfect match.

Moreover… their attractiveness was off the charts.

With the same shot, the photographer captured the scene from a few different angles.

The man adjusted her scarf and buttoned up her coat, and each of his glances had the power to

captivate thousands of women.

This woman’s figure and facial features were so stunning that if she were to enter the entertainment

industry, she would definitely become an A-list star.

I’m not sure which company’s star models they are, but when the time comes, we must definitely sign

them up.

We’ve got the material for this issue’s magazine cover!

Jasper and Eileen were unaware that they were being secretly photographed.

Feeling tired from their walk, they returned to the hotel to rest.

Their rooms were adjacent to each other. Eileen lay on her bed, glancing at the dwindling battery life on

her phone. She promptly shut it off and placed it on the bedside table to charge.

It wasn’t even two o’clock yet, and Eileen had taken a short nap by the bed.

She slept until the sky outside the window darkened. Eileen heard the sound of pages. turning.

Squinting her eyes, she saw the same person sitting by her bed. Jasper was wearing a beige sweater,

revealing a blue tattoo on his neck. The soft light fell on his profile.

When the man turned his head, instead, it was Eric’s face she saw.

Eileen was startled into complete alertness, propping herself up to create some distance.


When she finally got a clear look at his face, Eileen breathed a

Jasper closed the book. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Eileen’s heart was still pounding, finding it hard to calm down for a moment. “It’s nothing. I just had a

bad dream,” she said, brushing her hair back and sitting up in bed, clutching the blanket. “How did you

get here?”

“I just tried calling you but couldn’t get through. I thought something might have happened to you, so I

came in to check. Seeing you were still asleep, I decided to wait for you to wake up.”

Eileen looked at the blanket also covering his legs. Jasper slightly curved his lips. Fearing she might

misunderstand something, he explained. “It’s a bit cold, and I couldn’t find a quilt…”

Eileen stepped forward with concern. “Is your leg starting to hurt again? Do you need me to massage it

for you?”

Jasper took her hand, pulling her closer to his side. “Huddle up for warmth, and the pain will go away.”

Eileen felt her heart pounding, but this time, it wasn’t out of fear. It was excitement.

She leaned on his shoulder, her hand hesitating before it wrapped around his waist. Could t be

considered sharing a bed?

From Will’s perspective, it wouldn’t exactly be considered lying.

Just this once, okay?

Looking at the book on his lap, she asked. “Is this book interesting?”

“Not bad. It’s about a love story during the Sirmoor War era. Would you like to hear it?”

“All right, let’s eat after that.”

The moonlight spilled from the night sky, its silver glow seeping into the dim room, filtering through the

glass, and landing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

A warm and captivating voice filled the room, narrating a story. The man held the petite girl in his arms,

creating a heartwarming scene…

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Meanwhile, different scenes were unfolding in the imperial capital.

Vera didn’t understand the etiquette of these business cocktail parties, nor did she drink. So, she found

a quiet dessert area to stay in. As she watched Yvette, who was at the banquet, she felt an

overwhelming sense of inferiority. She noticed the mocking and contemptuous look


in Yvette’s eyes when she looked at her. Vera could only look away, notice. Here, she felt like an

innocent woman, a clown who knew nothing.

Yvette is around the same age as me, yet she can be by Eric’s side….

Maybe I can never be like Yvette.

Just then, a waiter carrying a tray approached and whispered something into Vera’s ear.

She hesitated for a moment, glancing at Eric who was still engrossed in conversation with others.

Eventually, she agreed, “Alright, then.”

Dressed in a well-fitting formal attire, Vera left the banquet hall and arrived at a swimming. pool.

She looked around, and besides a few wealthy heirs chatting with some girls, there seemed to be

nothing else.

The waiter had just informed her that someone was looking for her.

As she approached the edge of the pool, she suddenly felt the tiled floor slip beneath her. Vera found

herself plunging into the pool.

Not far away, a girl watched as someone fell into the pool and cried out for help. A triumphant smile

appeared at the corner of her mouth. “Mr. Hackett, it’s your turn. It would be a shame to miss such a

good opportunity.”

“You know me well,” Chandler playfully teased while lifting the woman’s chin.

Chandler was notorious in his social circle for playing with women, especially beautiful ones.

The moment Vera entered the scene, he had his eyes on her.

Chandler dove into the icy swimming pool. Just as Vera was about to drown, she thought she had

found her savior, but she never expected…

up onto the

Finally, Vera could breathe in the fresh air, gasping heavily. As she pulled herself edge of the pool,

before she could even utter a word of thanks, she felt it-a hand under her floating skirt…