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Mystical Journey

Chapter 54
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After what felt like an eternity, the car slowly came to a halt .

"We are here . " Dale Quicksilver’s voice transmitted from not too far away .

Garen slowly opened his eyes as his gaze extended beyond the car window . On a simple yet beautiful hill, Canoe Town’s two story buildings hid among the mists and decorated the hill . A boy riding in a cow-drawn carriage curiously looked at the black car while passing by .

"Are we here?" Garen stretched .

"Yes, after a couple hours of driving we have arrived at Canoe Town . We still have some ragged distance before we reach the Silversilk Castle, but we can’t get there by car . " Dale Quicksilver exited the car and stared into the sky . "The weather doesn’t look too pleasant, so we should make our way there as soon as possible . "

Garen followed him out of the car and gazed at the gloomy gray clouds in the sky .

The wind was picking up in speed as a hint of rain flourished .

"It is noon, but the sky looks murky . I think heavy rain is inevitable today . "

"Then let’s get there before the rain . " The White Eagle switched to the driver seat . "I’ll go park the car . You guys go find a carriage . "

"No problem . "

Collectively, the three tasked with different duties managed to find a driver who was willing to go to the Silversilk Castle at twice the regular fare .

The carriage hit the road again . It took the group of three another two hours to finally reach the small hill they visited before .

They gazed at the distant Silversilk castle as they stood on the grassy, dark green hill .

The castle and its grounds were still shrouded by white ashes . . Some black charcoal was mixed in, which made it look like coffee mixed with baby formula .

The triangular castle was quiet, casting an uneasy silence . The sound of tree leaves rustling from the forest dispersed to the surroundings .


The booming thunder spread from the dark, overcast sky . It rumbled from the distance, passed over them, , and finally resounded into the horizon .

"Oh . . . Is this the Silversilk Castle? It’s got a pretty nice atmosphere . " The White Eagle laughed sarcastically . However, his eyes rapidly scanned the area .

"We are going to live here for the next few days . The police department initially left two people to watch this place, but I told them to leave yesterday . The scene is the exact same as when Silvica was injured . " With a serious face, Dale Quicksilver said, "Let’s go . It’s going to rain . "

He took the first step to walk down the hill . The White Eagle followed .

Garen carefully examined the far left window on the second floor of the castle, where he had fallen after being pushed, then followed them .

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The group of three tread on the dark green hill as if they were three small ants on a giant green carpet . They looked insignificant .

There was not another soul within the vast tract of grass and forest surrounding the castle . Only three figures approached the Silversilk Castle .


Blue lightning broke the sky as thunder roared .

The three of them sped up to the castle fence . They quickly came through the front gate .

Dale Quicksilver took out the key to open the door . The White Eagle was examining the surroundings with his eyebrows raised .

Garen gazed at the castle in front of him with a hint of gloom pervading in his mind .

Last time, he was pushed and fell out of the second floor window without a clue of what happened . He had not seen a figure when he turned around, but heard a chuckling noise . Now that he was in front of the castle again, the Silversilk Castle was masked by a layer of mystery .

"If possible, I want to go back to that room again . " In the previous life, Garen was not a fearful person . Although goosebumps covered his skin and his head tingled, it made him even more excited .

[The more I feel afraid and frightened, the more it exposes the weakness in my heart . This world is much more entertaining than the previous one . ] The thought crossed his mind .


The door opened .

The three of them strolled past the door . Dale Quicksilver slowly closed the door behind him .

The hall was pitch black . Dale Quicksilver took a torch from the wall and lit it .

"Should we go separately or together?"

"Together . It would be problematic if we encounter the Golden Hoop . " The White Eagle said with a stern face .

"True," Garen agreed .

"Then let’s go the crime scene first . The place where Silvica found the emblem," Dale Quicksilver suggested .

Garen and The White Eagle didn’t disagree . The three of them followed the curved stairs to the second floor .

Crisp footsteps echoed in the hollow, yet frightening, castle .

The three of them hastily entered the room where Garen was pushed .

With a squeak, the door was forced open . A layer of white dust fell from the doorframe .

"I thought Kelly settled here last time, but it looks like you didn’t stay in this room . " Dale Quicksilver smiled . "Why is it so dusty?"

He didn’t walk into the room but squatted in front of the door .

The room looked run down .

The floor was covered with a thick layer of white dust . There was nothing in the room besides a giant bed, a box, and a chair .

In the middle of the dusty floor, there was a faint trail of footprints .

"Those are Silivca’s footprints . It appears that he found the emblem on the bed or on the box and then for some strange reason decided to jump out of the window," Dale Quicksilver said in a deep voice . "I didn’t let anyone touch the crime scene . "

The White Eagle nodded as he also examined the placement within the room .

Only Garen felt a tingling sensation on his scalp and goosebumps the moment the door opened .

He vividly remembered that he had entered this room before . Everything in the room was arranged the exact same way as before .

Yet, there is no way there would be this much dust in the room after a period of just two months .

The key point was that Dale Quicksilver had rested on this bed before! They even changed the bed sheets for a brand new set .

Now, the bed looked like no one had used in years and was covered in dust and cobwebs . The bed sheets were a faded yellow color . "Dale, the last time you came with me, didn’t you live in this room?"

Throat dry, Garen squatted down .

"How come?" Dale Quicksilver glanced at Garen with a puzzled look . "Only Silivica came in this room before . The dust on the floor is at least a few years old . "

Garen remembered the last time he came into this room and a peculiar feeling that could no longer be suppressed overwhelmed him .

[Then, which room is the one that I came to last time?] Garen was no longer calm . [Could it be Dale that purposely fabricated this place?]

He carefully inspected the room as he looked from outside the door .

Everything was identical . The only difference was that the place was dustier and worn down .

"What should we do?" He lowered his voice but didn’t tell them the story about last time .

"Tidy this place up again . We’ll live in the two rooms beside it . I want to see how strange this Silversilk Castle is," Dale Quicksilver said with conviction .

"How should we organize the room?" The White Eagle looked at Garen . "Why don’t we move a bed and all live in a room together . There is no way I can keep both of you safe at the same time otherwise . "

Garen took a moment to think before he shook his hand . "Don’t worry about me . I’ll sleep in a room by myself . You guys can share a room . The White Eagle can protect Dale . Don’t forget I am not a powerless ordinary person . " He showed a slight smile .

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"Okay this works, I want to see the truth behind the Antique of Tragedy!" Dale Quicksilver nodded .


Another lightning bolt flashed across the sky . The bright light cast a pale white on their faces . The thunder continued to roar in the distance .


Giant raindrops hit the windows of the castle and cascaded into a continuous wave of impacts .

"Who is it!!"

Dale Quicksilver’s vision sudden focused as he immediately pulled out his pistol and aimed directly behind Garen . The two of them were facing each other and the pistol pointed toward the hallway behind Garen .

The White Eagle slightly frowned as he didn’t feel anyone behind him . He, like Garen, was also facing Dale . He turned around and asked in a puzzled voice, "What happened? I didn’t feel anyone behind me . "

Garen also turned his head around to see an empty hall .

"No . I saw a black shadow flash down the hall . It was clearly spying on us," Dale said with a stern face .

"If it was because of the metal lamp on the right side of the hall, I would not be able to see the person’s shadow . "

"So you are saying you saw a person’s movement through the lamp’s reflection . " The White Eagled pondered as he followed Dale’s vision to the copper mounted lamp on the wall .

Strangely, the bottom of the lamp looked bright without any corrosion .

"Yes . Let’s stay in a room together . It’s probably safer this way," Dale said with his voice lowered .

"I don’t mind," Garen nodded in agreement . He looked at the Bronze Cross Emblem around Dale’s neck as caution flashed across his eyes .

"Perhaps they were from the Golden Hoop . Looks like we have to be cautious now to see what tricks are they up to!" the White Eagle said with a cold voice .

The three of them moved two individual beds into an adjacent room . They tidied the room up a little before it was habitable to sleep with clothes .

Garen knew that Dale Quicksilver and the White Eagle did not believe in the power of the Antiques of Tragedy . As long as someone else had control over the information, anything he said before could be impersonated and faked . They thought that the tragedies related to the Antiques of Tragedy were all caused by people .

Garen wasn’t certain either, but the Silversilk castle was strange .

[This time it isn’t me that carries that bronze cross emblem, but Dale . From another perspective, I want to see what will happen to the owner of the emblem!] When Garen moved to his bed, he secretly watched Dale Quicksilver .


A dull thud reverberated through the door as if the wind had pushed the window against the window frame .

The three of them sat separately on a bed or a chair . They didn’t make any noise as they listened silently .

The sound of raindrops rose as they smashed against the window . It felt like someone was pouring water profusely onto the window . The howling wind from the other parts of the castle wailed in the hallway as if ghosts were screaming within the mysterious Silversilk Castle .