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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

A shadow seemed to fall on Weston’s face for a moment, but he remained silent through it all. He calmly

regarded Stella in scrutiny while Stella sat beside Yvonne in silence, as if she did not notice him staring

at her. Stella would never have guessed that the guests Yvonne talked about were Weston and

Guinevere. What a small world it was! She thought of the irony of them meeting again, when Weston was

so adamant about sending her off out of his sight. Despite everything, Stella was curious to see how

Weston would react next, now that he’d seen her.

“I had the same thoughts myself when I first met Ella!” said Yvonne with some astonishment. “She

looked just like a friend of mine! I guess it is a strange coincidence. I never thought that two people who

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aren’t twins could look so much alike. It was weird enough that I knew someone who looked like Ella. I

can’t believe that you know someone who looks like her too!”

Yvonne then turned towards Stella and studied her face.

“Such a pretty face… I can’t believe there’d be so many people who look like this!”

Stella couldn’t help but snicker. “You’re only saying that to flatter me, aren’t you?” she teased Yvonne.

Yvonne didn’t mind that Stella read through her mind at all. She put her arm around Stella’s shoulders

and said, “I’m only speaking the truth! You really are that pretty!”

At this point, Guinevere had gotten much calmer now, and with a clearer head, her suspicions began to

solidify. Could this woman really not be Stella Sealey? Could there really be someone who looked just

like her? How could that be possible? Could such perfect doppelgangers exist in this world?

“These two are the guests that I mentioned,” Yvonne continued. “This is Mr. Weston Ford, and with him is

the superstar Guinevere Cohen. You must’ve heard of her, right? Well, Mr. Ford is her…”

Yvonne paused and smiled at the couple. “Um… so is he your boyfriend or fiance?” Guinevere turned

pale and silent. She gazed at Weston. It was a meaningful gaze. Anyone would’ve guessed what the

gaze meant just by looking at it.

“Ah!” Yvonne gasped. “I guess we should be expecting good news from you two soon! When is the

wedding going to be?” Only then did Weston draw his eyes away from Stella. “In two months,” he

answered plainly without a thread of emotion. “So soon? Will the two of you be ready in time?”

“I’m sure we will,” Guinevere replied with a smile as she willed herself to remain calm. “It’s only a simple

ceremony, after all.” “So when are you two getting a marriage license?” Yvonne asked.

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The air instantly got tense. Guinevere’s countenance displayed an obvious shift, though Weston

remained as indifferent as ever.

“We’re not in a hurry,” he stated matter-of-factly.

Anyone would’ve been able to tell that as soon as Weston uttered those words, Guinevere’s mood

changed drastically. It didn’t matter how good an actress she was; the shift was too striking to slip

through a woman’s intuition. Yvonne had always been bold and brash, but even then, she knew that

something was wrong. In an attempt to turn things around, she quickly changed subjects, hoping to

lighten everyone’s mood a little. She noticed that Stella had been particularly quiet ever since they came

downstairs. She didn’t want her friend to feel left out, so she turned to talk to her. “What kind of man do

you like, Ella?” she asked. “I can set you up with someone, you know?” Stella almost choked. She

started hacking away, and her cheeks flushed beet-red. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stretched out

to grab the napkin. It was on the table right in front of her, but as she was about to grasp the napkin,

Westo picked it up and put it in her hand. 1

Stella froze. “Thank you,” she muttered without looking at him.