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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18

Melinda remembered Stanley’s suspicion about her copying Emma’s work last night, so she carefully

recalled their conversation Did he believe me or not? Has he completely given up on his marriage? Is

he really planning to tie himself to me for the rest of his life?

It wasn’t until a pair of red high heels caught her eye that she slowly came back to her senses and

looked up at the owner of the shoes

A strange and aloof face then came into her sight. While standing, Monica stared at Melinda with a hint

of hostility in her cold eyes.

Seeing that, Melinda glanced over at the dazzling red Bentley parked not far away and thought, How

did she get in here?

“Are you done playing your act?” Monica asked sarcastically, her eyes cold and disdainful. “Do you

really think a nobody like you can marry rich? Maybe pigs will start flying tomorrow.”

So much hostility and jealousy! Is she Stanley’s admirer? Melinda remained calm and elegant, like the

roses behind her. She just put on a smile and ignored Monica completely.

“Melinda, right?” Monica’s eyes were deep, flashing with disdain. “I don’t know what’s on your mind, but

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I know what Stanley is thinking.”

Melinda remained composed. “Oh? Do tell me. I’m all ears.”

“Stanley isn’t interested in women. His career will always come first in his heart.”


With a mocking tone, Monica announced, “He made such a big scandal with you just to go against Mrs.

Fox because he doesn’t want to get married!”

Meanwhile, Melinda calmly took a sip of ginger tea and smiled, not taking these words to heart. She’s

saying that I was eager to marry him.

Her unreactive attitude provoked Monica. “I’m talking to you!”

Hearing that, Melinda looked up as she remained seated on the swing. “I know.”

“Did you hear what I said?!”

The more agitated Monica became, the calmer Melinda was. She just wants to fast

updatevoke me and make me lose my cool. Well, I’m not letting her get under my skin. So, Melinda

gently set down her porcelain cup and asked with a smile, “And who are you? Why do you have such a

big nose? You seem to have your nose in everyone’s business.”

“You…” Monica’s eyes twitched.

“What kind of reaction do you expect from me?” With a smile, Melinda shook her head and looked at

Monica with clear eyes. “Have you ever heard of a person biting the dog that has bitten them?”

At this moment, the furious Monica raised her hand to slap Melinda.

Instantly, Melinda stood up and grabbed Monica’s wrist, lifting her delicate hand high in the air.

Gael, who had just walked out of the living room, saw this scene and hurried over, feeling nervous and


When Melinda applied some pressure with her fingers, she saw Monica’s pupils contract in pain.

“Let go! Let go of me!” Monica gritted her teeth in pain.

“If you lay a hand on me, you won’t get away with it.” Melinda gave her a hard push, causing her to

retreat several steps and almost twist her ankle in her high heels.

Gosh! Does she know martial arts? Ouch!

“My back hurts today, so I won’t play with you.” Melinda glanced at her and then looked toward the bed

sheets hanging nearby with a slight smile. “Stanley has such good stamina that he could keep me up

all night and even mess up the sheets. I need to go back and get some rest.” Then, she looked at

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Monica again with a hint of warning. “If you’re angry that he married me, take it out on him.”

“Stop right there!” Monica was exasperated. “Your back hurts just because of the long hours you spent

working in the fields previously! Do you think wearing an evening gown makes you a princess? A

bumpkin will always be a bumpkin! You’re not even worthy of him!”

“I may not be worthy, but he has already married me. What can you do about it?” Melinda then walked

away with an arrogant stride and didn’t even look back as she entered the living room.


What is going on? Hurriedly, Gael approached Monica. “Miss Keller.”

Monica, who was usually cold and stunning, regained her composure and realized that she had lost

control of herself. This is all because of that woman!

“What’s her relationship with Stanley, Mr. Swanson? How could they be together?” she asked while

trying to Control her emotions. “I’ve only been gone for two years. How could they have children

already? Everything is

just a lie, right? Why didn’t you stop them?”

“I’m afraid that I can’t comment on Mr. Fox and Madam’s matter, Miss Keller,” he answered calmly with

a kind expression. “After causing a scene today, it may be difficult for you to enter the Emerald Harbor

in the future.”