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Love Unbreakable

Chapter 325 Lauren and Sherry Fought
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Chapter 325 Lauren And Sherry Fought i Lauren was stunned by Sherry's outburst. She had always thought Sherry was easy to manipulate. But now, things went beyond her control.

Trying to mask the unease and prevent Sherry from spilling more beans, Lauren kept up her charade of a true friend to Sherry and quickly fumbled words, "You have to believe me, Sherry.

It wasn't me. It's not what it seems..." "Enough of that! You bitch! How could you sleep with my husband, speak ill of me in my husband's presence, lie to my face, and then slander someone else? You're going to learn your lesson today!" Sherry cut Lauren off,

In the heat of the moment, Sherry leaped onto the table, jumped down from the stage, and grabbed Lauren's hair. i With intense anger, Sherry began slapping Lauren's face relentlessly! The sound of Sherry's slaps echoed loudly through the room. Her palms landed heavily on Lauren's face.

Sherry hit the ceiling. Never in her life had she felt so humiliated like this! She gained nothing and even suffered after having orchestrated all these things. She cursed Lauren while slapping the latter, exclaiming Lauren was truly a piece of work.

At that moment, Sherry's only thought was to tear Lauren apart, throwing caution to the wind.

Lauren was caught off guard when

Sherry's palms forcefully laid on her plastic face which she had put tons of money into it.

Lauren quickly came to her senses and fought back. She and Sherry ended up on the floor, entwined in a fierce battle.

"You bitch! You seduced my husband and then falsely accused me in my husband's presence. I'll make you pay!" Sherry shouted as they fought.

Some of Sherry's loyal fans saw their chance and began to kick Lauren mercilessly, showing their unwavering support for Sherry.

Sherry was actually an expert in stirring up trouble with her misleading words.

Egging her fans on, Sherry yelled, "Let's teach this bitch a lesson she won't forget so she thinks twice before

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seducing someone else's husband!" Spurred by Sherry's words, her unreasonable fans, lost in their rage, joined the fray without a second thought. They yanked at Lauren's hair and clawed at her face like frenzied zombies.

"Ouch! Have you lost your mind? Stop it! Let go of me!" Lauren cried out in pain as someone's nails dug into her face.

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The fans, fueled by their fury, intensified their assault.

Consequently, Lauren felt her head spinning and her face burned with the scratches.

Lauren had thought such scenes would only be part of Raegan's. But this was the reality she faced now!

The pain was unbearable. Lauren couldn't take it any longer! This whole ordeal reminded Lauren of the chaos and madness of her stay in the mental hospital. Not even the patients there could match the insanity of these fans! Clutching her head, Lauren pleaded, "Please, stop! Sherry, please tell them to stop. I swear I didn't do it. Someone is trying to frame me!" In a state of panic, Lauren pointed at Raegan and exclaimed, "It's Raegan.

That bitch is trying to set me up!" "Bah!" Sherry spat on Lauren's face.

Sherry snarled, "You still deny it in the face of clear proof? I'll make sure you are beaten to death. You deserve it!" After Sherry's words, another wave of punches and kicks rained down on


Eventually, Lauren's face was swollen beyond recognition. The corners of her mouth and face were bloody, and she looked frightening to anyone who saw her.

Lauren had reached her limit. She managed to kick a fan away with her remaining strength. Then, she quickly took refuge under a table.

"Who do you think you are, Sherry? Haven't you been involved with other women's husbands? Korbin, Kody, and even your stepfather..." Lauren shouted, her face smeared with blood.

She was seemingly indifferent to her own condition. "You think I'm unaware of your dirty past? How else could I handle you without this knowledge?" This revelation was explosive news! All

the reporters present were completely taken aback, needing time to process the bomb Lauren had released.

While this shocking scene unfolded, the reporters, true to their profession, didn't miss a beat. They immediately began capturing the dramatic moments with their cameras.

Ideas for headlines were already forming in their minds.

This was no ordinary drama of a wife confronting a home wrecker. It was shaping up to be something far more sensational.

Sherry had a history as a troublemaker and a rebel in her earlier days. She then rose to fame after getting involved with a wealthy, lecherous producer, and reinvented herself as an internet sensation.

But now, Lauren was stripping away Sherry's carefully crafted image in front of everyone. What added to the drama was the truth of Lauren's words. Obviously, Lauren had done her homework on Sherry beforehand.

With a crowd of reporters and fans around, how could Sherry possibly prevent the news from circulating? Fury surged within Sherry, igniting a desire to rip apart Lauren's lips! In a swift motion, she slipped off her stiletto shoes, lunged toward the small table, and struck Lauren's mouth fiercely.

The impact left Lauren's mouth horribly disfigured. Poof! A muffled sound echoed as Lauren coughed up blood.

Amidst the red flow, two broken teeth

emerged. It turned out that Sherry had | just broken Lauren's teeth! "Ah! Stop!" Lauren's cries of agony filled the air as she struggled in vain.

Lauren flailed her arms, grasped Sherry's hair, and smashed Sherry's head against the table's leg with brutal force.

For nearly thirty minutes, they engaged in a fierce battle, yanking at each other's hair. Their clothing was ripped to shreds in the scuffle.

An onlooker even began streaming the event live, broadcasting this astonishing spectacle online.

The underlying cause of Sherry and Lauren's brawl was revealed by the blogger.

The news quickly caused a sensation

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across the internet.

"it turns out that Sherry has been deceiving us all along. It seems neither she nor her husband are blameless in this scandal." "It's shocking to hear that Sherry has been involved with numerous older men, including her stepfather. It's utterly absurd!" "Unbelievable! I never imagined real life could be as dramatic as a soap opera!" "I just did a quick search on Lauren Murray and discovered this isn't her first scandal. Previously, she tried to entangle herself with the CEO of the Dixon Group, only to be publicly refuted by their official statement affirming that Mr. Dixon has just one wife."

"Some juicy gossip about Lauren Murray and some guy. Hit number one if you want the scoop..." "Dude, I'm in..." The internet buzzed with endless conversations and topics about the incident.

Finally, when the exhibition center staff intervened and called the police, Sherry and Lauren's chaotic fight was brought to a halt.

As Lauren was placed onto the ambulance stretcher, she appeared weak. Her face was severely disfigured and was barely recognizable from its original form.

Gripping her fists tightly, Lauren wept with intense disdain. Damn it! She didn't expect her schemes to backfire.

She wrongly blamed Raegan for her

suffering again. A VOW of revenge echoed in her mind before she slipped into unconsciousness.

Raegan didn't stay there to watch the entire drama unfold. She had left earlier with Nicole, who had come there to meet her.

Hearing Raegan's account, Nicole got a general idea of the drama. She hadn't anticipated Raegan would devise such a clever strategy, effectively accomplishing multiple goals with a single action.

This plan ingeniously pitted Lauren and Sherry against each other while simultaneously clearing Raegan's name. Most importantly, it allowed Raegan to handle both of them at once.

Noticing Nicole's beaming, Raegan

CHAPLET. S40 La CS commented with a smile, "It looks like this Lauren is quite the troublemaker.

Even you dislike her." Holding Raegan's arm, Nicole shared her thoughts, "That woman hurt you deeply in the past. I've always suspected she played a role in your miscarriage. But she's so cunning, I never found evidence to back my suspicions." The moment Nicole mentioned the loss of her first baby, Raegan's smile vanished.

Given the extent of Lauren's malevolence, she had certainly brought this upon herself! Nicole expressed her concern, "Be extra cautious around her. She'll grab any chance to set you up." "Okay, I understand."

Chapter 329 Latli&in fm = 7 - From their very first encounter, Raegan had been wary of Lauren. She had an inexplicable, intense dislike toward Lauren. It was as if fragments of her memory were hinting at something that happened in the past.

Nicole, driven by curiosity, asked, "Spill it. How did you manage to get those videos?"