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Love Unbreakable

Chapter 324 Lauren's Schemes Exposed
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Chapter 324 Lauren's Schemes Exposed Mitchel raised his eyebrows and looked at the crowd coldly. Then, he said emotionlessly, "Throw all of them out!" When Matteo recognized those people, he hesitated. Among them were leaders of those misled folks, a group of reporters, Lauren, and Sherry.

Wasn't it absurd? Throwing out Sherry who initiated the press conference was equivalent to ending the event.

However, Matteo had no choice. He could only carry out Mitchel's orders.

Matteo immediately signaled to the bodyguards to make a move.

"Wait..." Mitchel suddenly stopped them. He paused and said with a

co TTR ETIEIIES ERPOSEU $8 4120 Points at most frown, "Let's see a while longer." Mitchel almost lost control of himself just now. Fortunately, he rernembered in time that Raegan didn't want him to interfere in her affairs. Moreover, Raegan had a trump card that could turn the tables. He knew she could handle the matter well by herself. He just regarded it as giving her a chance to exercise her ability to deal with scumbags.

Mitchel pondered for a while. Although he knew Raegan could handle it, he was still a bit worried. He glanced at Matteo and ordered, "Arrange some bodyguards to protect Raegan. Take down anyone who will attempt to harm her. Make sure nothing happens to her." Mitchel was worried that Victor would have difficulty beating all the bad

people alone. After all, the venue was packed with people from all walks of life.

No matter what Raegan wanted to do, Mitchel didn't care. But her safety was his top priority.

At the press conference, the crowd's emotion was stirred up by a few words from the reporters.

“Why don't you say something? Answer the question." "Bitch, say something! I'm sure you were not as silent as this when you seduced other women's husbands." Some restless folks were about to charge at Raegan. But before they could make a move, they were pressed to the floor by the men in black.

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Raegan was surprised to see this.

When she followed the receding figures of those bodyguards, she saw Matteo. Behind Matteo was Mitchel's tall figure standing at the back door.

Mitchel stood there with one hand in his pocket. He had a calm expression, like a solid and reliable mountain. Just looking at him made Raegan feel inexplicably at ease.

At this moment, Raegan said to Sherry, ‘Mrs. Blake, you keep saying that I | seduced your husband. Do you have any evidence?" Sherry was caught off guard. She didn't see this coming. Even the complacent smile she just had now disappeared without a trace. She coughed awkwardly in embarrassment and hastily replied, "Of course! I have proof. And I will take this opportunity to show it to the public."

oT TETEITICS SRRVSS EE G8 $770 Ponts ot most Raegan knew the so-called evidence Sherry was talking about. It must be the surveillance video that captured her and Cary entering the lounge one after another.

Someone hacked the surveillance footage that day. All the surveillance videos were deleted. Only this seemingly suggestive clip was left.

Back then, Raegan and Cary were drugged. Their faces were flushed, making the scene look suspicious. It made people feel they went to the lounge to have sex.

The clip was posted online by Sherry. It was just that it soon disappeared without any trace. Sherry thought it was Raegan who paid someone to take it down.

Therefore, even if Raegan didn't

CTE BRPUSEU ge 170 Points ot most mention the evidence, Sherry would find an excuse to play the video at the press conference to garner attention.

At this moment, the video played on the big screen behind Sherry. Indeed, it was the surveillance footage of that night.

At first, it revealed Raegan's arrival at the dinner party. Then, the scenes that followed were some ambiguous interactions between Raegan and Cary.

Lauren and Sherry exchanged knowing glances. They winked at each other and smiled complacently. They believed it was enough to ruin Raegan's reputation.

But suddenly, the scene changed.

Suggestive moans were heard from the big screen, making people blush. Their hearts unconsciously beat faster.

Then, heavy breathings of a iif) aka woman followed, Some obscene words were also | audible.

"Do you also play like this with your wife when you have sex with her at home? Mr. Blake, your wife used to do something more exciting than this. I heard she often had sex with several men in one night. Do you know about it?" "Damn! I've only found out about that after I had married her. It's too late.

I've been tricked by the bitch." Sherry had her back to the screen, so she didn't know that the scene had been changed. But when she heard the sound, the expression on her face immediately changed. The folks below the stage were stunned.

The recording... Sherry tou something amiss. Why did the voices of the man and the woman in the recording sound so familiar? The man must be Cary and the woman...

Sherry pivoted abruptly, only to be met by such a shocking scene. In the video, Cary and Lauren were having sex in the bathroom. Obviously, they were having a great time.

Under the influence of the drug? Nah.

Seduction? Not possible. One could easily tell from the video that Cary and Lauren were having an affair with the knowledge of Cary's marriage.

"No!" A woman below the stage rushed up to the stage like crazy. "Stop it! Turn it off! Do it now! Turn it off!" In the video, the private parts of Cary and Lauren were blurred. But their

faces were clear on the screen, The public now despised Lauren despite the latter being the director of Alpire Studio.

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A few moments ago, Lauren seemed to back Sherry up with those misleading words.

It turned out Lauren was a slut.

Lauren rushed over and snatched the remote control from Sherry's hand. But unfortunately, she couldn't turn it off.

At such a critical moment, the remote control malfunctioned.

Right then, a vital conversation was played on the screen.

Lauren whispered something in Cary's ear. It was inaudible to the audience's ears.

Cary's breath was uneven. While

panting, he said, "I wish I could make it for you. But today, I am too exhausted. Just now, weren't you satisfied with it?" Lauren whispered in his ear again.

Cary smiled greasily. "Sweetheart, you are so good at reading my mind. If I can have a taste of that woman, well..." Although Lauren's voice was too low to be heard in the video, it was obvious that she was planning to set up someone.

There was dead silence on the spot.

Those misled folks clamoring just now stopped awkwardly, feeling like being slapped in the face by the truth.

Sherry was the first to react. She raised her trembling hand and pointed at Lauren. "It turns out that you are the

bitch who seduced my husband! How dare you!" Worse was that Lauren didn't just get laid with Cary but also mentioned Sherry's dirty past.

Sherry had always portrayed the image of an innocent and inexperienced woman. But because of Lauren's words, her past was exposed to Cary.

Sherry was overwhelmed. Ever the greatest actress in playing innocent and weak, Lauren composed herself quickly and said pitifully, still wanting | to have things her way, "Sherry, don't be fooled by the video. This must be edited to slander me. The woman in the video is definitely not me..." "Enough, you bitch! Do you really think I am stupid?" Sherry didn't believe Lauren's words. She had been in the

entertainment industry for so long that she could tell the video was real, Sherry had lost her temper. She raised her voice and blurted out everything without thinking, "All the while, I thought you were a good person. You asked me to hold this fucking press conference today and even sent me this shit dress for this occasion. I was grateful to you, you know? You had gone to the lengths of giving me advice on how to deal with the woman who you said for sure that she seduced my husband! But in fact, you're that shameless woman who fucked my husband and spoke ill of me! How dare you claim to be my friend! You vicious witch!"