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Love Unbreakable

Chapter 306 A Vicious Scheme
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Chapter 306 A Vicious Scheme As Mitchel and Katie approached the entrance to the chamber, Mitchel's hand gravitated toward his phone, as though he were about to issue directives to his subordinates.

After five years of shared experiences, Katie possessed an acute understanding of Mitchel's demeanor.

She knew he was worried about Raegan.

Leading the way, Katie uttered with a touch of grace, "We appear to be running slightly behind schedule.

Mitchel, Marcus holds a pivotal position among our guests. Shall we proceed inside?" Mitchel cast a fleeting glance in her direction but remained reticent.

Katie felt somewhat guilty, bowing her head as she continued, "Your decision to consult with Marcus on this occasion wasn't fortuitous. He has been eagerly anticipating your arrival for several days. However, I've endeavored to assuage his anxieties to the best of my ability." At that precise moment, the waiter swung open the door to the chamber, and Mitchel had to give up on making a phone call and take a measured step into the chamber.

Meanwhile, in another chamber, Raegan entered and immediately spotted Cary Blake, the general manager of Pinkorps Media, already present.

Raegan felt embarrassed and slightly bent down. "Cary, I sincerely apologize.

I got caught in heavy traffic on my way here."

Before Cary could respond, a woman beside him interjected, her tone sharp and recognizable, "Well, well, look who graces us with her presence. It's the general manager of Crescent. We've all been patiently waiting solely for your arrival." The voice carried a biting familiarity, and Raegan turned her gaze toward the source. The woman seemed strangely familiar. Then, it dawned on her. She was none other than Lauren, Mitchel's first love.

Raegan couldn't help but smile. "You must be the infamous mistress?" with that single sentence, Lauren's face flushed crimson. "What nonsense are you." Her words halted mid- insult, realizing that all eyes were fixedly observing her.

Lauren clenched her teeth, never expecting Raegan to be so forthright.

| Her carefully crafted image of a refined lady seemed perilously close to being tarnished. | Wearing a smile tainted with lingering resentment, Lauren retorted, "Oh, please tell me that was a joke." "A joke? You surely are." Raegan didn't back down, for Lauren had been the first to employ sarcasm.® Cary intervened to ease the tension, "Both of you are remarkable ladies. The design industry is beginning to grow because of talents like you. I'm impressed." "Cary, I'm flattered." Lauren seized this moment to smooth things over.

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This gathering comprised prominent figures in the design industry, and she was determined to prevent her past from being exposed, which could tarnish her burgeoning career and


Although her current standing in the industry was modest, she had a bigwig behind her, and she couldn't afford to let the bigwig get to know any of her disgusting past.

With this in mind, Lauren opted to restrain herself, refraining from contributing much to the conversation.

Cary took the lead in most discussions.

In truth, this gathering served as a bid selection process.

In the past, smaller studios seldom had the opportunity to directly compete with Alpire Studio, an unwritten rule that had prevailed.

However, with the inclusion of Crescent, boasting comparable style and influence, the dynamics had shifted. There was an air of curiosity among those present, wondering if the

makeup and styling company responsible for Sino Entertainment's A-list stars this year would change.

~— | After all, the allure of celebrities often eclipsed that of even the most compelling advertisements.

Halfway through the gathering, Cary excused himself to visit the restroom.

As the chamber's restroom was occupied, he ventured outside.

After a while, Lauren discreetly made her way to the restroom door. She scanned the area, finding it empty, and entered.

The restroom was spacious, offering a comfortable seating area.

Before Lauren could stand firm, Cary pulled her over and rubbed her waist with his hand.

Lauren rested her knees on the toilet lid, facing the wall.

The mirror behind her reflected the curvaceous nature of her buttocks as she knelt there.

Cary, still in his forties, appeared refined with his glasses, but in terms of sex, he seemed somewhat unconventional. He had a tendency to seek out unusual places to satisfy his desires.

With a push, Cary pressed Lauren against the wall. With that push, her skirt, designed for convenience, lifted, revealing her form, and the sight was enticing.

Cary chuckled, his eyes squinting, and said with a sly smile, "You're quite the temptation, my dear..." Lauren responded with a flirtatious moan, "All for your pleasure..." About fifteen minutes later, the two of

them had finished. Lauren's face turned red. Just as she was becoming somewhat aroused, the sex ended abruptly due to Cary's impotence.

Cary playfully pinched her waist and inquired, "Babe, was it good for you?" Lauren couldn't help but roll her eyes inwardly. This had to be one of the most disappointing moments of her life.

She couldn't help but compare Cary to the professional services she had used before. Those young men could perform for hours without pause.

In contrast, Cary and his limitations turned out to be a complete letdown.

Yet, Lauren purposefully blushed and replied sweetly, "Of course, Cary, you're amazing. How could you be so skilled?" Pleased with her response, Cary teasingly pinched her and said, "It's all

| thanks to you, my dirty little bitch." Lauren, unashamedly flattering, | continued to shower him with compliments, "I could never keep up with you. You're such a stud!" Cary beamed with satisfaction upon hearing her words. Raising an eyebrow arrogantly, he spanked her hard and said, "You'd better not go whoring around when I'm not around. Have you been seeing other guys?" Lauren responded with a coquettish laugh, "I promise it's only you I treat this way..." Regardless of the truth behind her words, they provided a certain satisfaction that left Cary feeling somewhat distracted.

Once the flattery had run its course, Lauren redirected her attention to the pressing issue. She enveloped Cary in

her embrace, her eyes seeking answers. "Cary, can we be certain there won't be any surprises this year?" The absence of surprises hinted that the contract would likely remain with Alpire Studio.

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Cary's demeanor shifted abruptly, becoming serious and chilly in response. "This year is filled with uncertainty," he replied.

Lauren's expression underwent a rapid transformation, and she fired off her questions with urgency, "What do you mean by 'uncertainty'? Explain yourself, Cary!" "This year, Crescent enjoys substantial support, courtesy of the Foster family, who have arranged for a fair competition," Cary explained.

In the realm of major entertainment corporations, clandestine dealings

were common and often ignored by leaders.

However, the explicit mention of "fair competition" indicated that Crescent had influential backers.

While they didn't explicitly demand cooperation with Crescent, the phrase "fair competition" held nuanced implications.

It subtly suggested that the competition wasn't solely dictated by financial influence. Alternatively, it hinted at Crescent's significant strength to engage in such a fair contest.

Lauren was taken aback by this revelation. How had the Foster family suddenly entered the picture? Raegan's true identity as a member of the Foster family remained a closely guarded secret, known to only a select

few in Ardlens.

With an arrogant assumption, Lauren speculated that Raegan might have conspired with someone from the Foster family, further stoking her frustration.

"Cary, you must find a solution for me.

I absolutely need to secure this contract." When Lauren used the word "must", she meant it. Failure was not an option.

Cary frowned and replied, "Then you'll have to come up with a plan, or it will be a difficult challenge to overcome..." A plan? Lauren suddenly recalled Cary's coveted gaze at Raegan during dinner. Although he hadn't said anything, it hadn't escaped the notice of those around him. This Lothario! With a flattering smile, Lauren | suggested, "What if we orchestrate a |

scandal involving allegations of sexual bribery with Crescent?" Cary appeared puzzled, asking, "What do you have in mind?" Lauren leaned in, whispering her plan into Cary's ear.

Cary's eyes narrowed with excitement, and he enthusiastically slapped his thigh, declaring, "Let's proceed with that!"