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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 You truly hate the idea of a mate

“Is this really necessary?” Prince William grumbled. Doris raised her brows and glanced over at him. He

wasn’t looking at either of them, but he didn’t seem to care enough to stop Lady Katherine from telling

her anything. If she was honest, she would’ve expected him to scream at Lady Katherine for even

suggesting telling Doris anything before he stormed out of the house. But he didn’t. He sat there calmly,

perhaps a bit moody, and allowed her to tease him as she wished. It was obvious he had a softness for

the woman, something strong and unbreakable. Doris had to admit she was more than curious to hear

more about the cruel prince and where his heart of stone came from. So far, everything she’d heard of

him had been from gossip or assumptions. Neither of which are liable on someones actual life. There

had to be a reason he was always angry right? “I think it is,” Lady Katherine took a long sip of her tea

and cleared her throat. “He’s not as rough on the inside as he is on the outside.” Doris shifted a little,

Lady Katherine smiled when she noticed. “I know it seems hard to believe, but I swear there is a softer

version of him somewhere in there.” “You’d have to dig pretty deep.” Prince William leaned forward to

snag a cookie off the plate and shove it into his mouth. It startled Doris, she had to bite her lip to keep

from laughing, she’d never seen a prince eat so aggressively but somehow it made sense for Prince

William. Lady Katherine made a face at him before she

You truly hate the idea of a mate turned her attention back to Doris. “I suppose we should start from the

top then, as he suggested.” Prince William snorted, Lady Katherine only ignored him. “His mother, his

birth mother I mean, had passed away only a few months after he was born leaving him with no one but

his inconsolable father and a staff full of emotionless servants that only cared about what the king

wanted.” “Oh, that’s terrible.” Doris brushed her hair behind her ear. “I heard she grew quite ill from one

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of the other maids when I first came here.” Doris saw Prince William tense from the corner of her eye,

Lady Katherine only sighed. “Yes, well there have been many theories on how she’d become so sick but

we won’t dwell on that today.” She set down her tea cup gently before she continued. “After the tragedy,

no one stepped forward to be his mother figure until me. His two brothers Martin and Jack were

showered with love their entire lives from their mother Luna. Daniel was as well when he was bom from

one of the king’s mistresses, but William was the only one that was left out in the cold. “William’s mother

was the king’s fated mate, so when his father met her—Luna Queen was pushed to the side. He flaunted

their love across the kingdom and soon William was born as the result. Once she died—the king

changed.” Lady Katherine glanced at Prince William but he still had his gaze on the fire. “He sees a lot of

his mate in William, I think.” “By that she means he pretends I don’t exist most of the time.” Prince

William said bitterly. “Yes, well.” Lady Katherine frowned. “It’s difficult for him to look at William without

seeing her. He’ll never see his mate again-”

1. ur.


1 . 3.1-1 — L- —— –11—1—

You truly hate the idea of a mate Doris asked. Prince William shot his gaze to her and she blushed. “I

apologize” “Don’t be sorry, my dear. You’re free to speak as you wish here, don’t let his emotions scare

you.” She smiled kindly. “But yes, he neglected William a lot when he was a boy. Often he would have

me watch him and I could never have a child of my own-no matter how much I wanted one. William

quickly became that light for me.” Lady Katherine leaned forward to squeeze Prince William’s hand . “He

was the cutest little boy I’d ever seen, I fell in love with him immediately and raised him as my own when

the other mistresses refused. I always thought how foolish they were not to lend their heart to such a

lovely boy, but some people in the castle care more about politics than love.” “They probably wanted one

of the other princes to look after since my father actually loved them.” Prince William looked down at their

hands as he spoke. Doris felt a small part of her heart soften for him. She could hear his sadness drip in

even when he tried to hide it. Doris was naive to think he had a grand childhood just because he was a

prince. There was a difference between happiness and fortune, she never knew he was deprived of one

and filled with the other. “You must have felt so alone,” Doris said gently, he raised his eyes to hers and

for once they looked like a calm sea. “Did you get along with your brothers when you were younger?”

“My brother Martin was the one that was held the highest above us since he was the crowned prince. He

was always in a lesson or being pampered by the royal staff at all hours of the day. We never really had

a chance to bond. Though, I don’t believe we would have anyway. We’re complete opposites.” Prince

William ran his fingers though his hair and

You truly hate the idea of a mate sighed. “Jack was kept separate by Luna Queen, she wanted him safe

above all else. He acted as if he already owned the castle and everyone in it by the time he was ten.

Needless to say, we didn’t get along in the slightest. He always made sure I remembered what happened

to my mother and that his was still alive.” “How awful!” Doris said, the side of Prince William’s mouth

almost lifted. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to hear Prince Jack was just as rotten as a little boy as he

was as an adult. “As for Daniel… he was innocent and happy his entire life. No tragedy touched him and

I think I resented him a lot for that. He never showed interest in building a bond, but he was always kind

enough to me. More than the others, I suppose. Still, he preferred other company even when we were

younger. I think he knew how our brothers felt about me and decided to keep his distance as well.” Doris

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frowned and shifted her body more towards him. For once she wasn’t afraid to be soft with him. It wasn’t

as though he was completely undone in front of her, but he was far from the Prince William that kept his

wall up higher than she could stand. She wondered if he’d ever shared any of this with Melody. “None of

your brothers were there for you when you were a kid?” “They knew I was different, they knew our father

held some of his own resentment for me so they treated me as the black sheep of the group. It was

obvious from a young age that they expected nothing from me. My father refused to even give me a

territory because he thinks I’m irresponsible which was one of the greatest shames that a prince could

suffer.” Prince William broke eye contact and shook his head. “None of them stood up for me or vouched

in my honor. I know they all expect me to

You truly hate the idea of a mate fail and be nothing. For a long time, I was almost ready to be exactly

what they all expected.” Doris placed her hand over her heart, he watched her movements with curiosity.

She couldn’t believe Prince William was shunned from his own family at such a young age-just because

his mother had passed away. If anything, Doris would have thought he would’ve been the one to be the

ruler of the pack. His mother was the fated mate of the king, but the king only saw his own misery in the

prince. “I think they’re why William despises the idea of fated mates and falling in love.” Lady Katherine

said sadly as she watched him. Doris felt his eyes immediately shift back onto her. Doris couldn’t help

but flush, she almost went to itch the mark on her neck but she didn’t want to draw attention to it. A part

of her was still unsure if he even saw her mark the night he tore her dress off. In the moment, she was

positive he saw it. But thankfully, he hadn’t said a word about it since. “You truly hate the idea of a mate?

What about Melody?”

Her Unwanted Mate on the Thr