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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37 The man you‘re walking into danger with

The first thing Beth did when Doris Walked through the door w force her to take a dose of her medicines


Why didn’t you bring it with you. Doris? The doctor said you weren’t supposed to miss a single helping of

it From now on, it goes in your pocket!” Heth planted her hands on her hips as if she intended to sold

Doris for hours. Doris swallowed the Hquid and made a face before she rummaged through her drawers.

“I have to change and meet Prince William in less than a hour “Where are you going with him?” Kath

leaned against the dresser and curiously watched as she pulled out a simple blue dress that didn’t

require a corset. It wasn’t her usual uniform she reached for everyday. this one alnost made her feel Hke

a normal girl when she wore it. “He… wants me to meet lady Katherine with him.” Beth gasped and

gripped her hands. “He also wants me to go with him to the north.” Beth’s delighted expression fell

immediately, “What? No he can’t make you go to the north! They’ll kill both of you there! Why on earth

would he have you go with him?” “I–I think he wants me to help find who poisoned Melady.” Doris

disappeared behind a tall curtain as she washed up and changed her dress. “Is that why he wants you to

meet his foster mother, too?” Doris heard the bed creak as Beth


“Hin Ros mother…” Doris reputed silently lo herself. She’d heard Beth mention her before but she never

taked about the entire story. Prince Witam had always seemed like a dark fairytale to Doris Now that she

knew him a little bit, he was so much worse on the surface

Can’t you pretend you’re sick to get aut of it?” Reth asked, pulling Doris from her thoughts. “When are

you leaving “I tried but he told the king himself that I was to 90 with him. He intends to leave tonight by

“Tonight? Oh, no!” Eeth asped, Dons snoothed Over the light fabric and came out from behind the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

curtnin. How long did she have left until she was due to meet him again? *The king was there when he

asked you?” Heth stood and followed Doris as she grabbed her shoes, Doris glanced up to see Beth slip

her medicine in her cloak pocket “He didn’t ask me, he told me I was going and nothing I could say

would’ve changed his mind.” Doris huffed as she pulled on her boots. “You better not repeat this to

anyone, Beth. I know how you like your gossip.” A flash of hurt Crossed her features, Doris immediately

regretted her words I would never gossip about you, Doris. I only want you to be safe and careful. I don’t

know why he wants you to go with him, but I wish he didn’t. The north is no place for a girl like you-or

anyone for that matter.” Doris let out a small breath and brushed her long hair before she pinned some of

it back. It’d become a bit tangled from when she slept in his bed. The thoughts made her blush, Beth

tilted her head to


What did he have you do all night she asked innocently, it only made Danis’s blush depen. Det

DHESH her bald hinds against her warm chunks to ist wand of the heat. The last thing she handed win in

be blusling fool in front of Prince William. He’d only get the wrong idea again. “I served him tea and then

he went to bed.” -Lloes he sleup naked?” Leth grinned widely “Beth! Why would you Someone cleared

their throat by the door, both girls Trimmediately stood and saw it was Prince William Beth turned bright

red as she bawed. As usual, Prince Willam were hint to his emotions but Deris still felt enbarassed of

their conversation anyway. “Your majesty! I apologize, we must not have heard you.” “I’m sure.” His blue

eyes looked almost annoyed when they met with Doris’s, she curtsiad. “I was just finishing up your

majesty. Somy I kept vou.” Doris clasped her cloak over her shoulders and followed him out of the room

with one last nervous glance to Beth. He walked a bit ahead of her part of her wondered if he didn’t want

to be seen walking with a maid. Doris wiped her damp hands against her cloak as shie tried to kеер ip.

She followed him outside of the palace and down the grand steps. A guard followed along with thein

once they passed the garden. A small row of cottages were set behind the palace. Usually old lovers of

mistresses were set to live out here-away from the prying eyes of everyone else. A lot of the people that

ended up in one of them never tried to show their faces inside the palace, usually they were too

embarrassed or shamed to have been

thrown away by one of the royal members and couldn’t handle the gossip. Others simply liked the

privacy. Nonetheless, they were all taken care of well enough and had a nice roof over their heads.

Prince William stopped in front of one of the larger cottages and knocked on the door. After a moment,

an older woman pulled it open and a smile immediately lit up her face when she saw Prince William. “Oh,

William! I didn’t know you were coming today!” She pulled him into a hug. Doris watched as the prince

gratefully returned it. She hadn’t really imagined him the type to want to hug anyone, he seemed too stiff

and angry for that. “I would have made us some lunch if-oh hello.” Doris flushed when her attention

landed on Doris. She smiled kindly and glanced up at Prince William “This is Doris, she’s one of the

maids in the palace.” He answered. Doris curtsied and Lady Katherine laughed a little . “No need for that,

my dear. I don’t think William has ever brought a girl to see me before! Please, come in.”

She’s a maid, mother.” Prince William’s face reddened a little as he let Doris walk in first. It was the only

sign that he had any emotion at all for what was happening. “I wanted to see you before we leave to the

north.” Lady Katherine froze for a moment before she turned back to him. “What do you mean you’re

going to the north? Does your father know about this?” Prince William’s jaw tensed. “Yes. He says hi.”

Lady Katherine scoffed and turned to pour tea in 1


“May I help?- Doris offered.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Laris writed until Prince William sit on one of the Douches before she teak the chair by the window. The

one by the fireplace seemed to be favored by

Lady Katherine placed the tray of tea and cookies on the small table in front of them, Prince William

showed no interest in it so Doris poured a cup for

“What on earth are you going to the north for? And why are you taking this poor girl? Doris wished she

could hide behind her cup, but she also wanted to know why. Prince William leaned back against the

couch and looked around the room as if he were searching for something more interesting to focus on. “I

have to find wha tried to poison Luna Queen, the herb that will used is only available on the blackmarket

in the north. They think it was Ders who poisoned her, so I want her to come with me in case they try to

throw her in jail again.” Despite his emotionless töne, his words almost warmed her. He wanted her to

come because he wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be thrown in jail

Lady Katherine hummed to herself and set down her cup of tea. Her green eyes flickered between the

both of them. It almost made Doris uncomfortable. “Has he told you about me?” Lady Katherine asked

Doris “Oh! We don’t really have those sort of conversations, my lady.” Doris said quickly. She set down

her tea cup. Lady Katherine’s eyebrows shot up in question “You’re bringing her to the north and she


Eat were

on the journey. Moreover, you know

L W everything already.” He replied lazily. “It’s not

like I spill my secrets out la every maid ise.”

You brought this maid to me, so I suppose she’s not just any mand, is she?” Prince William rolled his

eyes and stay at the fireplace is the flames flickered. Lady Katherine turned her kind me on Doris 1

*Where should i start? I think you shauld at least know more about the man you’re walking into