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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 12
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#Chapter 12 This doesn’t feel right.

Doris followed them out silently, her cheeks still burned against the cold air. Prince William’s footman led

them towards an area neither of them recognized.

“Where are we going? Melody asked.

“We’re going to Prince William’s bedroom, my lady.” He responded.

Melody looked even more surprised than Doris felt. Everyone in the palace knew that Prince William

never brought a woman back to his own bedroom. He usually slept with them in one of the many guest

bedrooms in the castle. Tonight it seemed he was ready to show just how much Melody truly meant to

him. Doris felt her stomach turn at the thought. Why did she even care? Perhaps this would brighten

Melody’s mood for once towards Doris.

“Oh! Yes, good… lead the way.” Melody’s excitement caused her to stumble over her own words like a

lovesick fool. Doris refrained from rolling her eyes.

“You must be so disappointed, aren’t you?” Melody whispered after a few moments of silence. Doris

furrowed her brows in confusion until she continued. “Weren’t you the one that asked me not to lower

myself? And look where we’re headed, to his personal bedroom. Am I too low for him now?”

“Of course not.” Doris looked away quickly incase the truth showed in her eyes. How would she act if she

knew Doris had never given Peter the tip?

“I wonder what would have happened if I listened to your stupid advice.” Melody gripped Doris’s chin so

she would look at her. “Did you hope I would’ve been ignored by the prince? Is that what you wanted?

What a shame your wish was broken.”

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Doris’s chin hurt when Melody applied more force. “Tonight, you’ll hear exactly who he chose to be in his

bed.” She released her chin and kept walking. If only Doris was allowed to throw the bag of gold at

Melody’s face to show that her advice was right and Melody was the one that had been wrong. Doris

rubbed her skin as they arrived to Prince William’s chamber.

His door was partly open, Doris couldn’t help herself as she leaned forward to peek inside. Every step

closer she took to the man made her body feel strange. She couldn’t tell if it meant she wanted to get as

far away from him as she possibly could or if there was an invisible string pulling her towards him against

her will.

His room was absolutely fit for a prince. It was one of the biggest rooms she had ever seem, her eyes

grew wide as she took in the detail. The dark ceilings stretched far above similar to the one in the library,

he had a huge fireplace with a warm fire already started. Velvet couches, a dining area, doors that must

have led to his closet and bath room. It was all so… grand. Her eyes drank in the detail of his private

room. Many maids had always wished to see what his private bedroom looked like and it did not

disappoint. She dragged her gaze over to the large feathered bed that was draped in the royal red

colors. And—him.

Doris held her breath at the sight of him, Prince William was propped up against his headboard with a

book grasped in his hands. He looked relaxed, calm and so unlike everything he was outside of this

room. He lazily flipped the pages as he read, his white untucked shirt rode up high on his firm stomach

and she tried to tear her eyes away from the sight. He looked… so gentle in this moment. Doris watched

as he bit his lip in concentration, a bit of messy black hair had fallen into his eyes but he didn’t seem

bothered by it in the slightest. It was no wonder so many women had given up their freedom for a chance

to be with him. Even if it never ended up well for them, she could see why they wanted to try. She hated

to admit how attractive he looked…

No, it was horribly wrong to ever think that way about him! He attacked her and left her scarred for life—

he wasn’t gentle or lovable, he was just a monster. Doris’s eyes watered when she remembered the way

it felt when she thought she was going to die at his hands that night. The way his blue eyes glowed

under the moonlight and how his growl echoed through the trees, she’d never forget the way he called

her his mate. She’d also never forget the heavy scent of alcohol on his breath.

Her traitorous heart flipped in her chest when he looked up from his book, his piercing blue eyes met

hers for only a second before he found Melody. Slowly, she released her breath.

“You’re here.” Prince William closed his book and stood from the bed. His shirt was unbuttoned lazily at

the top, he didn’t bother to close it as he neared them. Doris swallowed and tired not to follow the lines of

his muscles through his shirt. He was… so tall. He towered over all of them and she had to tilt her head

back just to look at him.

“Good evening, your majesty.” Melody curtsied elegantly and batted her lashes at him. Doris looked

away and took a step back from the room.

“She’s here,” Waylon growled in William’s mind. “I can smell her… a sweet vanilla scent.”

“She’s our mate? You’re sure this time?” William asked his wolf silently.

“Yes, it has to be her. No one else in the palace has her scent.”

William didn’t hesitate, he grabbed Melody’s wrist and pulled her against him. Melody let out a small

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groan as she fell into his chest.

Prince William’s footman quickly closed the door when her maid stepped out, something shifted inside

him when he did.

“Wait! Stop,” Waylon almost shouted in his mind as if it was fighting him. “The sweet scent is gone, this doesn’t feel right.”

“Now you tell me?” William snapped back and watched as the girl in front of him started to undress. “I’m still going to enjoy my night even though you’ve failed me again.”

Doris stood outside of the room nervously picking at her nails. Prince William’s footman quickly left after

he closed the door with nothing more than a shrug towards Doris. She didn’t want to hear what went on

in that room, she wanted to return to her own and pretend none of this had ever happened. Why did

Melody feel so insistent to have Doris around for this? She could have easily requested a different maid

—but she clearly only wanted Doris to suffer more than she already had been.

Doris paced the area, her thoughts loud. Half of her wanted to hurry and find someone else to watch the

door, the other half knew she would be in serious trouble if she left it unattended for even a second.

Perhaps it would be worth whatever trouble she would face if it meant she would be free of the sounds

that would grow behind that door. The thought of anyone ever overhearing the noises Doris might one

day make with a lover made her sick. Never would she allow someone to stand even remotely close to

her door if she were with a man. But Melody wasn’t anything like Doris. Melody wanted her to hear

everything, and Doris only bet that she would make sure her sounds were louder than normal just to be

certain it haunted her thoughts—

Doris watched the light go out beneath the door and quickly looked away. her skin crawled and stomach

ached as she heard the sound of clothes hit the floor before silence overwhelmed the area.

A few moments later, she heard the sound of Melody’s moaning.