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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 “I swear it was an accident. You're not mad at me, are you?” The moment Giselle saw the onlookers, her smile vanished like morning mist and was replaced by a doe-eyed expression.

Natalla snorted inwardly. Her eyes reddened slightly as she glared at Giselle.

Giselle and Eveleen were peas in a pod.

Then, under the watchful gaze of the crowd, Natalia grabbed a bow! of hot soup fresh from the microwave and splashed it all over Giselle, “Oops, my bad. | hope you won't hold it against me, Giselle!” Giselle, who was drenched in soup, let out a shrill scream, “You witch, how dare you do this to mel?” “If you have the guts, why shouldn't I?” Natalia retorted, dropping the bowl and heading toward the sink.

Giselle was fuming and cursing under her breath, “You home-wrecker! Natalia, you're nothing but a mistress.

Everyone look closely, this is the ice queen, Ms. Jenkins, who is shamelessly playing the other woman!” Natalia clenched her fists tight. She had intended to rinse her arm at the sink, but suddenly, she spun around.

“Spreading lies can land you in jail, Giselle. Watch your mouth,” she warned.

Giselle sneered, “What? Ashamed to admit you're a mistress?” Natalia, towering over the shorter woman in her high heels, challenged, “Accuseall want, but where's your proof? Who's hhave | wrecked, Giselle? Showthe evidence.” Of course, Giselle had none.

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you Where would she get it? Eveleen hadn't reconciled with Hamilton, so how could Giselle possibly have proof? But she wasn’t about to back down, “Huh? How dare you feel superior as a mistress? And how dare you even ask for proof?” Natalia coldly dialed 911 on her phone, “Well then, let's take this to the station and see if they need evidence!” Watching Natalia make the call, Giselle’s face twisted with dread. She glowered at Natalia, “You'll regret this, Natalia. I'll make sure your reputation is ruined!” With that, she stormed off.

Natalia pocketed her phone and continued to the sink, under the curious stares of her colleagues.

1/4 15 The cool water cascading down her arm eased the burning, if only for a moment.

The cafeteria was already in chaos. Despite Giselle’s lack of evidence, whispers began to circulate about whether Natalia really was the other woman.

Natalia ignored them and focused on cooling her arm.

Tess hurrica over when she heard the commotion, “Boss, what happened? Are you burned?” Natalia’s lips were pressed tight, her fingers trembling from pain and anger.

“It’s nothing,” she lowered her gaze and said.

But Tess was visibly worried, “Boss, we should still check it at the hospital.” Natalia shook her head. The soup was fresh, but she was dressed warmly, so it should be fine once the initial sting subsided.

Tess rolled up her sleeve, revealing a patch of reddened skin.

“It looks painful. Maybe we should get sburn cream later.” She said.

Natalia nodded in agreement, “Yeah.” Tess stood by, concern evident on her face.

Natalia’s expression gave nothing away, but Tess felt uneasy, “Boss, about what Giselle said...” Natalia looked at her, “Do you believe it, Tess?” Tess shook her head immediately, “Of course not! Boss, I've worked with you for three years. | know who you are.” Natalia smiled, “Thanks.” Tess frowned, “Still, speople will believe it. Are we just going to let this go, boss?” Natalia watched the water trickle down her arm. What else could she do? Who would stand up and clear her name? Nobody would. Hamilton wouldn't, and Eveleen was even less likely.

Turning off the tap, Natalia whispered, “What others think isn’t my concern. At least | know I'm living right.” The luncht bechot gossip around the office. Natalia, already a beauty and the focus of attention, was both admired and envied. Now her scandal spread and piqued people’s interest.

Swhispered that she was indeed the mistress, while others argued that Giselle was just jealous and spreading rumors. But most believed that there's no smoke without fire.

At the eye of the storm, Natalia remained unfazed. She led her team into the conference room and laid out their work plan.

2/4 15:45 Chapter #1 Work seemed to be the only thing that could distract her from the mess.

Leaving the meeting, Natalia and Tess headed to the studio. By the tthey returned to the office, it was dark outside Tess was still worried. She didn’t dare to check the company chat; it was filled with gossip about Natalia.

“Boss, don't take it to heart. Giselle is such a bitch, and she will get what's coming to her.” Natalia smiled and nodded, “I know.” As she packed up to leave, her phone buzzed and ca text saying [Parking lot].

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That was a text from Hamilton.

Natalia’s grip tightened on her phone.

They lived and worked together but never showed it. Hamilton was always careful to keep their relationship secret. Was he waiting for her because of the cafeteria incident? Natalia took a deep breath, gathered her things, and headed to the parking garage.

Getting into the car, Hamilton turned to her with an accusing tone, “I heard you made a scene at lunch today.” She hummed.

“Is that what you call obedience?” he gave her a look and said.

Natalia chuckled. She turned to look at Hamilton and said, “Sure, | can dance to your tune. After all, I'm still cashing your checks. But what's Giselle in all of this?” Hamilton met her gaze, and after a moment, he just snorted dismissively. “Lettake a look at your arm.” Natalia didn’t budge, and a frown flashed across Hamilton's face. He reached out and pulled her arm toward him.

As he rolled up her sleeve, she winced from the pain.

Hamilton's movements suddenly froze. He noticed her arm was still somewhat red and his expression darkened, “You didn’t put any ointment on it?” There was a brief silence before Natalia replied, “I did.” Hamilton gave her a skeptical look, “Do I look like a fool to you?” Leaning over, he rummaged through the glove compartment and pulled out a tube of ointment.

“You seem to be a mafor mishaps lately. Gotta keep a full first-aid kit on hand.” Natalia felt a bit awkward, “I can do it myself.” 15:45 Chapter 81 But Hamilton didn’t let go. He applied the ointment to her arm, the cool touch bringing relief to the afternoon’s persistent ache.

Natalia turned her head to look at the man tending to her wound. His brow was furrowed with displeasure, yet his touch was kinda tender.

“Hamilton,” she couldn't help but speak up, “could you doa favor and squash a rumor for me?”