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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Eveleen approached Natalia with two glasses of wine, a knowing smile plastered on her face.

Natalia glanced at the drinks and instantly felt the onset of a headache. She knew what was


Sure enough, Eveleen extended one of the glasses towards her. “Ms. Jenkins, I’m really sorry about

the delays at work recently and for any misunderstandings that may have arisen because of me. I just

want to clear the air.”

Natalia met Eveleen’s gaze, eyeing the drink warily. “No need for apologies. Friction at work is normal.

It’s all about communication. And I’ll pass on the drink; I haven’t been feeling well lately.”

She didn’t take the glass. With that, she continued walking, but Eveleen blocked her path. “Ms.

Jenkins, are you not willing to forgive me? Is that why you won’t even accept a drink?”

Natalia chuckled lightly. “Ms. Schafer, as I said, it’s just work stuff, nothing personal to forgive. And

really, I’m not up for a drink.”

But Eveleen was persistent. “It’s just a little drink. Weren’t you known for holding your liquor back in the


Back then, as Hamilton’s secretary when the company was just finding its footing. Natalia had been

fearless with a glass in hand, but times had changed. The guilt from yesterday’s sip was still fresh, and

today’s offer was out of the question.

“Ms. Schafer, I’m sorry. When I’m feeling better, let’s have a drink, just you and me, okay?”

Eveleen pouted. “It seems you really won’t forgive me.”

Natalia took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “I simply don’t want to drink because I’m unwell.”

“How can you be unwell? You look fine to me.”

Natalia’s head buzzed with irritation. She didn’t understand Eveleen’s insistence on this drink. Was it

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truly just about forgiveness? Eveleen was never that kind–hearted.

If not for forgiveness, then what?

The memory of Eveleen with her antiabortifacient flashed through Natalia’s mind, and her heart sank.

Did Eveleen suspect something? If so, did that mean Natalia had to drink tonight to dispel those


She forced a smile, masking her anxiety. “It’s my body. Ms. Schafer. I know how I feel. Please, just

respect that.”

Eveleen’s eyes welled with tears, painting Natalia as the villain. “Sorry, did I put you in a difficult


Chapter 30

spot? I just wanted your forgiveness.” Eveleen said, her voice breaking as tears started to fall.

Someone chimed in, “Ms. Jenkins, it’s just one drink. Just have it, and all is good.”

“Yeah, Eveleen’s making such a sweet gesture. What more do you want?”

“Come on, Ms. Jenkins, just drink up, and it’s all water under the bridge.”

The crowd was relentless, and Eveleen’s tearful gaze never wavered.

Natalia looked helplessly toward Hamilton at the head of the table, his expression unreadable.

Then, she laughed at herself inwardly. Did she really expect Hamilton to step in? Maybe he had a

shred of kindness to spare, but only if it didn’t clash with Eveleen’s wishes.

The memory of Hamilton’s cold warning from the night before was vivid in her mind. She had no right to

stand up to Eveleen. Any resistance would only backfire on her. Refusing the drink could lead to bigger


With a resigned laugh, Natalia took the glass from Eveleen’s hand and downed it in one go.

“Ms. Schafer, may I leave now?”

Eveleen still looked pitiful. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Ms. Jenkins. Please don’t be upset.”

“You’re overthinking it, Ms. Schafer.”

After her reply, Natalia turned and left the room. As the door closed behind her, she saw Hamilton pass

a napkin to Eveleen. Eveleen didn’t take it. He wiped her tears away. half–heartedly chastising her.

“You’re too old for this crying business.”

“I can’t help it,” she replied.

“You look a mess.”

His words said one thing, but the smile on his face said another.

Natalia gripped the door handle tightly, her knuckles turning white. Just yesterday, Hamilton had told

her tears wouldn’t sway him. In her experience, Hamilton’s heart had been as hard as a stone. He

never softened for her tears or gave in to her pleas. The Hamilton with Eveleen was nothing like the

one she knew. And she was just like everyone else to him.

Knowing this didn’t stop the pain, a dull ache that made it hard to breathe. She let go of the door handle

and rushed to the restroom, vomiting the wine and her dinner.

After composing herself in the mirror, she left the restaurant. She didn’t hail a cab but walked to a

nearby market, blending in with the crowd.

She bought a pair of socks from a street vendor and filled her stomach with a warm bowl of chicken

soup. Only then did she start to feel a little better.

Finally, she settled in front of a street performer, listening to one song after another. Before leaving, she

handed him a hundred–dollar bill.


Chapter 30

“Thank you,” he said. “Got a favorite song? I can play it for you.”

“I’m going to be a mom.” Natalia revealed, a soft smile touching her lips. “Could you just say


The musician hesitated for a moment, then grinned and obliged, “Congratulations.”

Her eyes crinkled with genuine joy. Stepping out of the bustling market, Natalia stood by the curb

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waiting for a ride when a car pulled up right in front of her. The window rolled down, and Lionel’s

familiar face appeared from within..

“Natalia?” Lionel asked with a grin. “Waiting for a cab?”

Natalia returned the smile with a nod. “Just finished your shift, Lionel?”

He nodded back. “Come on, I’ll give you a lift.”

“No, that’s okay.”

The message from Hamilton last time had been crystal clear. He wasn’t pleased to see her spending

time with Lionel. Even though there was nothing more than friendship between them. But Hamilton

didn’t care about that.

“I’ll just take a cab.”

Still smiling, Lionel stepped out and opened the passenger door for her. “Let’s go. I can give you the

rundown on that case we’ve been looking at.”

With the conversation reaching that point, Natalia found it hard to decline any further. Having already

agreed to help him, contact was inevitable.

“Alright, I appreciate it.”

“It’s me who should be thankful.”

Lionel dropped Natalia off at her apartment building and then drove away.

Natalia headed upstairs. She had assumed Hamilton wouldn’t return so soon. Especially since he was

with Eveleen, she thought he would stay with her a bit longer.

But to her surprise, as she entered, Hamilton was sitting on the couch. Still in the same shirt he wore

for dinner that day, he was stubbing out a cigarette that had burned down to the filter. Several butts

already filled the ashtray; he must have been back for a while.

He crushed the cigarette butt and looked up at her. “Where have you been?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!