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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

Natalie eyed the private dining room with a mix of confusion and irritation, turning to the waiter with a

furrowed brow.

“Excuse me, but isn’t there some mistake? I had reserved a table on the patio.”

The waiter’s smile was apologetic but firm. “Ms. Jenkins, there’s no error. The gentleman you’re

meeting requested the room change.”

A twinge of annoyance shot through Natalie’s temple. She forced a smile. “Alright, thank you. I’ll go in

on my own.”

Once the waiter had left, Natalie made a beeline for the restroom to gather her thoughts. She promptly

dialed Scarlett’s number.

“Scarlett, where are you?”

“At the hospital, it’s my shift tonight. What’s up? Feeling under the weather?”

Natalie paused, then said, “No, it’s nothing. I was hoping we could grab dinner, but let’s do it another


*Sure thing.”

After hanging up, Natalie stood motionless for a moment before reluctantly calling Hamilton. The idea

of his biting sarcasm seemed preferable to facing Gideon alone. However, her calls went unanswered.

Staring at the disconnected call screen, a bitter taste filled her mouth. She vividly remembered

Hamilton pulling away from their intimate moments to take Eveleen’s calls.

If it were Eveleen, he would undoubtedly pick up anytime, wouldn’t he?

Shaking off the chaos in her mind, Natalie sent Hamilton her location via WhatsApp, telling him. she

was dining with Gideon, then pocketed her phone.

He always checked WhatsApp. And with Hamilton’s notorious jealousy, surely he would show up? That

was all she was counting on.

With a mix of hope and dread, she steeled herself and headed for the private room. Upon entering,

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Gideon greeted her with a grin that felt too wide.

“Ms. Jenkins, you’re late. That’ll be three shots as a penalty.”

Natalie maintained her professional smile, sidestepping his comment. “Sorry, the traffic was a

nightmare. Why did we move inside? The restaurant’s charm is its outdoor view.”

Gideon laughed. “True, but I’d rather enjoy the pleasure of your exclusive company.”

As he spoke, his hand inched towards Natalie’s waist. “Ms. Jenkins, I’ve been looking forward to a

meal with you for quite some time.”



Chapter 26

A shiver of revulsion ran down her spine. Natalie stood and deftly sidestepped his touch, reaching for

her glass of water. “You must be quite busy these days, Gideon?”

Unperturbed by her evasion, Gideon kept smiling. “I can always make time for you, Ms. Jenkins.”

After some idle chatter, Natalie took a seat across from him. As luck would have it, Gideon received a

phone call.

Seizing the moment, Natalie swapped her glass of wine with a soft drink. When Gideon ended his call

she raised her glass in a toast.

“Thank you for your help this time, Gideon.”

“My pleasure, Ms. Jenkins.” He leered at her as they drank across the table.

Gideon grew impatient quickly and moved to sit beside her, glass in hand. “Ms. Jenkins, why sit so far?

Isn’t it better to be close?”

Natalie subtly edged away. “Gideon, isn’t face–to–face better for conversation?”

“I prefer it this way.” Gideon wrapped an arm around her waist, but Natalie pushed him off and stood.

“Gideon, Mr. Fowler said he’d stop by. I’ll just go welcome him.”

His smirk vanished momentarily before returning with a scoff. “Ms. Jenkins, Mr. Fowler knows his way

around. No need for you to fetch him.”

He reached for her again.

“Gideon, please, show some respect!”

“What’s there to respect? You knew what this was about, didn’t you? Stop playing coy–I don’t believe

for a second Hamilton hasn’t touched you!”

As Gideon tried to kiss her neck, the stench of his breath made Natalie gag. She struggled fiercely.

“Ms. Jenkins, drink your wine. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you switched it to a soft drink? Who are

you trying to fool?”

He grabbed her jaw and poured wine down her throat. Natalie’s face went ashen. She managed to

swallow a sip reflexively.

“You won’t drink? That’s not how you ask for favors, Ms. Jenkins!”

Coughing violently, Gideon yanked open her blouse, exposing her delicate collarbone and drawing a

salacious gulp from him. As he leaned in, Natalie’s foot came down hard on his, her high heel a

weapon of momentary escape.

She dashed for the door, but as she flung it open, Gideon yanked her back by her hair.

“Running away? Let’s see if you’ve got the skill, Ms. Jenkins!”



Chapter 26

Desperation gripped her, but in the midst of her struggle, she collided with a familiar gaze.

Hamilton leaned against the door frame, a cigarette dangling from his lips, watching the scene. with

detached amusement.

“Carry on. Don’t mind me.” his voice was as cold as frost.

At his interruption, Gideon released her.

Natalie steadied herself against the door frame, catching her breath as Hamilton’s eyes fixed on her

torn blouse, his expression darkening with scorn. “So this is how you conduct business, Ms. Jenkins?”

Struggling to compose herself, Natalie straightened up, ready to face whatever came next. “It was

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Gideon. He molested me.”

Gideon let out a snicker. “Ms. Jenkins, let’s not forget you were the one who invited me out to dinner


Hamilton’s expression grew increasingly sour.

“Come here.” He called out with a stern face.

Natalia mustered her strength and walked over to him. In one swift motion, Hamilton pulled her into his

embrace. “Is the deal done? Are we still negotiating?”

Natalia swallowed hard, her voice trembling. “No, it’s done.”

Hamilton’s piercing gaze fell upon the red marks on her neck left by Gideon’s grip. “If negotiations are

over, then head to the car and wait!”

With that, he released Natalia, his eyes filled with undisguised disdain.

Staggering away, Natalia made a beeline for the restroom. Once inside, she leaned over the sink and

started to induce vomiting. She had barely swallowed any wine. But the discomfort in her heart was

relentless. She kept forcing herself to throw up until she was abruptly pulled up.

Hamilton’s gaze was heavy and scornful. “So, Ms. Jenkins, do you find yourself repulsive now?”

Natalia’s eyes, reddened by her self–induced ordeal, were glossy with tears and resentment. “I just find

him repulsive.”

Hamilton’s hand landed heavily on the red mark on her neck, squeezing hard. “So, if you knew. he was

repulsive, why did you even show up? Weren’t you the one who arranged this meeting?” His voice was

laced with a chilling edge. His handsome face flushed with a hint of anger.

Natalia’s lips trembled into a forced smile. “I asked for his help; isn’t it normal to treat him to dinner?”

“And then what? You just present yourself to him? Natalia, didn’t you know he’s been wanting to get

you into bed?”

Chapter 26

As he spoke, he suddenly eased the pressure of his grip, stepping back and crossing his arms as he

looked at her.

“Or is it that you’re the kind who sleeps with anyone who offers you a favor?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!