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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 13
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“That child…Dad was the one that handled it.

He never told me.

I don’t know anything…The sobbing Angela’s speech was unclear.

As the others were a distance away from her, they couldn’t hear her clearly.

Nora frowned slightly, frightening Angela so badly that she spoke again.

“I really don’t know! I swear! If I’m lying, then let my face become pockmarked! Sob…” Angela had

always been vain since she was a child.

The fact that she had sworn such a vicious oath showed that she really didn’t know.

Nora couldn’t hide her disappointment.

She couldn’t be bothered to waste any more time, and she stood up and walked out slowly.

When she passed by Justin, Nora thought of how she had ultimately been violent just now and

ended up embarrassing Justin.

She wanted to explain, so she looked at Justin.

The man was also looking at her, his eyes deep and unfathomable.

Nora thought for a while.

After she thought of what to say, her lips parted.

However, the moment she opened her mouth, she couldn’t help but yawn.

Justin was rendered speechless.

Next to him, Lawrence was furious.

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Never mind that she had hit someone, but she’s even yawning so arrogantly at Mr.Hunt now? Was

she showing off? As soon as the thought appeared in his mind, the expressionless woman spoke.

“I definitely wasn’t trying to provoke you, Mr.Hunt.” The corners of Lawrence’s lips spasmed a little.

Only a fool would believe that! He was just about to give her a sarcastic reply when he heard his

boss’ icy-cold reply: “…Uh-huh.”

Lawrence was confused.

After explaining, Nora walked past him slowly.

Justin stared at her from the back and narrowed his eyes.

The woman’s actions just now had been decisive and straightforward and hadn’t been sloppy in the


They were wild and fervent.

But it seemed like she hadn’t gotten what she wanted, and she looked a little sad.

Her listless appearance unexpectedly made him want to help her.

As soon as the thought appeared, he heard Lawrence, who was standing behind him, complain,

“It’s a good thing that you forbade them from fighting.Otherwise, judging from Miss Smith’s skill, that

group of rich kids would have been beaten up by her”

Lawrence said to himself again, “But surely she didn’t misunderstand and think that you were

saving her, right? She’s already currying favor with Pete to get close to you.If she misunderstands,

it’ll become even harder to shake her off!”

Justin gave him a frosty look.

“You’re too noisy.” Meanwhile, at the cafe.

Cherry wore a small T-shirt, overalls, cowboy hat, and sunglasses, and she looked as if she was

dressed in an endearing hip-hop style.

She bounced into the cafe and picked up her cell phone to find that Chesty had sent her several

text messages.

“Are you here yet? You’re already ten minutes late!”

“Surely you didn’t run away because you’re really a super cute girl?”

Cherry was about to reply when she received a call from Chesty.

She picked up and said, “I’m here, Chesty! Table 25…26…28!”

An awfully bored Chester was already seated there with three empty glasses in front of him.

“Yep, yep, Table 28, that’s right.You’re here? Where are you?”

“Look down.’ He looked down and saw a cowboy hat.His gaze continued down past the hat to see

his nephew, Pete’s, incredibly familiar face.

Chester was perplexed.

He rubbed his eyes and opened them again the person in front of him was still there.

He became even more confused, and he subconsciously said into the phone, “Leader?”

“I’m here, Chesty.”

Beside him was his young nephew’s childish voice.

Coming from his cell phone was the familiar young girl-sounding voice.

The two voices overlapped, causing Chester to collapse into the chair as if he had just seen a


He looked at Cherry incredulously and stammered, “L-l-leader?”

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Cherry blinked her big, round eyes.

“Uh-huh, that’s me.’ She didn’t expect Chesty to be her uncle, either.

The two of them had even had pizza with her father! Cherry hung up, climbed onto the chair

opposite, and sat down.

Then, she said to the waitress, “A glass of milk, please.I’m still growing up, so I can’t drink

coffee.Thank you.”

Her adorable self melted the waitress’ heart into a puddle of goo.

“Sure, kiddo.Just a moment”I Then, she quickly ran off to get the milk.

Chester felt as if the sky was falling.

Was this really his nephew that had always been clumsy with words? He really was just pretending

when he went against Justin all this time! Also! It was more than enough to have just one member

who was derelict in his duties and playing games all day long among the Hunts.

Pete was the one and only grandson! He was Justin’s only son! If Justin were to know that he had

been playing games with Pete…Chester swallowed hard.

He felt as if he could already see himself in his grave.

Chester shuddered.

Suddenly, he thought of something and jumped to his feet anxiously: “Sh*t! It’s already half-past

eight! Justin will be back soon! Hurry and go back up to do your homework, Pete! Otherwise,

Justin’s gonna kill us both!”

He threw $30 onto the table, picked up Cherry, and ran out as if he was competing in a 100-meter

dash race.

But as soon as he ran to the entrance, he immediately saw Justin exiting the bar with a group of

bodyguards and waiting for the elevator.