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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 1971
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The sky that had been overcast for days finally cleared up on the day of Angelina's funeral.

Standing in front of her headstone in the silent cemetery, Landon placed a bunch of white daisies on her grave with a look of despair. Beside the bouquet rested the broken lucky charm.

Following that, Alyssa and Jasper offered their bouquet. The rest of the Taylor siblings were also present, alongside Julien, Rose, and Jordan. They offered Angelina flowers and prayers.

The women at the site wept while the men tried their best to hide their grief, offering comfort to their partners.

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Only Cyrus, the policeman who had experienced his fair share of life and death, teared up ever since he arrived at the scene. He did not share many encounters with Angelina, but every tthey met, she left a deep impression on him, especially the tat the amusement park.

When he first met Angelina, she gave the impression of being arrogant and uptight. After their first exchange, he found her a jolly and humorous woman.

Memories of Angelina dressed in a pink bunny costflooded Cyrus' mind. She had asked him for a photo with her hand gently placed on his shoulder.

All of a sudden, he lost it. He hung his head low and swiftly wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye with a trembling finger. He hadn't sent her the photos from that day, and it pained him that he'd never get a chance to.

"Angie, rest in peace." Landon stared at Angelina's smiling face in the black and white photo on the headstone. His heart shattered into pieces, carried away by the wind that swept past the cemetery.

"I hope we meet again in the next life. Then, it'll be my turn to protect you." A neat line was carved into her headstone. It read, "Here lies Angelina Harper, the best in the world." Angelina was an orphan who had adopted the Harper family's surnafter being taken in. Bill had named her "Angelina", carrying the meaning of "messenger" or "archangel".

He had remarked to Landon, "The girl who followed you around is more than just a pretty face. She has a tenacity and fierce loyalty within. She is like a guardian angel. I shall nher 'Angelina."" Angelina proved Bill right. She was a guardian angel of Landon's throughout her short yet meaningful life. Everything seemed to be destined.

At that moment, they heard the echo of footsteps approaching. Everyone looked up and was shocked at the sight of the new visitor.

"Lauren?" Not far away, Lauren sat in a wheelchair, wrapped in a woolen blanket, her petite figuren et accentuated by her oversized blue and white striped patient uniform. Her appearance evoked pity. Ben stood by her side, quietly watching over her. "Lauren!" A spark finally appeared in Landon's lifeless eyes. He hurried over to Lauren with concern, going on one knee before her and firmly clutching her bony hand, but it kept slipping away from his grasp.

He said, "You're still feeble. How could you leave the hospital?" Jasper and Alyssa approached her with nervous looks as well. They glanced at Ben in surprise when they noticed Lauren's increased emotional stability compared to the night before.

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"Last night, Mr. Justin's men delivered smeds to Ms. Lauren.

She took the meds, and they were indeed ¡effective/" "Ben, who saw through their worries, added warmly, "Mr. Jasper, Madam Alyssa, Mr. Landon, don't worry. Mr. Justin and Mr. Javier were notified of Ms. Lauren's wish to attend the funeral.

"Not only am I around, but there are bodyguards, maids, and doctors at the entrance to the cemetery. They could render assistance if Ms. Lauren feels unwell." Jasper and Alyssa put on funny looks upon learning the information, especially Jasper, whose expression dimmed as he held her hand tighter.

"Ah... Ah... I..." Lauren's hand wiggled in Landon's palm. She gaped, but only simple sounds escaped her mouth.

"Lauren, you'd like to meet Angie. Right?" Landon said softly.

She nodded at him with tears in her eyes.

Inhaling sharply, Landon led his love to Angelina's gravesite. He closed his eyes in pain when they passed Jasper and Alyssa. Even now, his love for Lauren remained as deep as ever, unwavering and steadfast. Yet, he felt unworthy of a woman like her.

Would the tragic sequence of events not have unfolded if he had stayed by her side at the amusement park instead of his momentary lapse in in attention? Would she have escaped abduction, and would Angelina still be alive? Axel stood away from the crowd, his face etched with bitterness. Suddenly, he halted, catching sight of a graceful figure in black amidst the forest's shadows.