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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 1944
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"I couldn't sleep without you." Alyssa hurried over to Jasper and assisted him in removing his suit and loosening his tie. As she leaned in, she sniffed at his shirt collar. "You didn't drink tonight?" "Justin's body can't take alcohol, so we didn't drink. We had tea tonight." Jasper hooked his left arm around her waist while using his right hand to unbutton his shirt. His pleasant voice was laced with tenderness and guilt. "I had a chat with Grandpa, so I cback late. Sorry for making you wait." "What's wrong? You seem so down tonight, like a pitiful puppy." Alyssa brushed her fingertip against his charming double eyelids while looking at him gently. "Did Justin do something to you? Did he bully you?" Suddenly, she pouted angrily. "If he dares to mess with you, I'll overturn his wheelchair! If anyone bullies my man, I'll make sure they won't end well!" Jasper, who had been trying to hide his emotions, finally couldn't restrain himself. He stared at her intensely, his eyes slightly reddened. Suddenly, he scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Alyssa was gently pressed against the bed. The silk robe adorning her body gradually slipped off as they intertwined in passion.

Jasper's breath gradually becheavy. His eyes, blazing with desire, captivated her, causing her to lose herself in the moment.

His lips left delicate marks on her fair neck. He knew her sensitive spots well. With his touch, she felt herself melting.

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Under the moonlight, the rising tide of pleasure momentarily swept away Jasper's troubles.

After several rounds of passionate lovemaking, Alyssa lay spent on the bed, her body too weak to even turn over.

"What's wrong with you tonight? You were so wild," she murmured, on the verge of falling asleep.

They remained entwined. Jasper took her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. He landed scorching kisses on her shoulder blades, leaving behind his fervent obsession.

"I'll protect you, Lyse. I'll definitely protect you. No one can touch you." Rosie knew that Jasper and Alyssa were attending a funeral that day, so she got up early to prepare a hearty breakfast.

In order to let Alyssa laze in bed a little longer, Jasper brought the food into the room and fed her bite by bite, spoiling her.

"Alright, alright. It'll take a much longer tif you feed me. Letdo it myself." Alyssa took the cup and gulped down the entire glass of milk in one go.

The white liquid remained at the corner of her lips. Jasper's Adam's apple bobbed as he asked in a low, husky voice, "Was it good?" "It was okay..." Alyssa's voice trailed off as he captured her lips and licked away the remaining milk on her lips.

"What about when compared to last night?" Jasper's voice tinged with a low chuckle.

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"Hey! You pervert!" The memory of last night's thrill flooded Alyssa's m mind, making her both bashful and annoyed. She playfully pounded his chest as her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. Jasper couldn't bear to tease her anymore. He regretted having her relieve him like that last night.

It didn't matter if he felt good or not.

In their intimacy, his only goal was to make sure she felt good and happy.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something," Jasper said as he took a napkin to wipe her lips.

"The diagnosis cout. Betty has gone completely insane she was! sent to the hospital yesterday for shock due to excessive bleeding."