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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 Not In A Good Mood

Amy’s heart thumped heavily that she almost choked to death. “Oh my! you are kidnapper!” Amy knew

she had to do something, when she attempt to jump on the man’s hand so he can loose control of the

steering, the man just took his hand from the gear and picked up a small bottle and sprayed the content

on her face. Amy lost consciousness at once. The driver glanced at Amy’s face and saw how very pretty

she looked. Once he parked before the uncompleted house, he Jubilated,” fucking hurray, we’ll get to

fuck a pretty angel.” He screamed and other men inside began to walk out to see the new catch. A call

came through on the man’s phone immediately and seeing that the caller ID was the woman who gave

them the job to kidnap Amy, he answered the call while asking for one of his men to help him light the

cigarette he had just brought from his pocket. “Have you got her?” Theresa’s voice came through. “Yes,

she’s here. Send my money already,” he said and smoked hard from his cigarette. “Send me a picture of

her being tied to a chair first,” Theresa demanded. She was with her mother during this period. “Expect it

in two minutes,” the driver said and brought the call to an end.. After Theresa called Edith, Edith told her

to chatter a cab that will trail after Broderick’s car secretly and she did. Once she got to where

Broderick’s escort parked, she paid the cab man an huge sum of money so he wouldn’t go and leak out

the information that his cab was used to trail after Broderick’s Alessandro’s car. She saw when Broderick

and Amy went away from the cars and she felt greatly jealous, she hid behind a tree waiting for when

they will return back to the car but to her surprise, she saw only Amy walking towards the car, seeing

Amy walking away from the car, she quickly called Edith and explained the situation to her. Edith

immediately sent a man’s number to her who can arrange her kidnap perfectly. Once she saw the

number, she called and made deal with the man after which she went to Owen’s mansion where her

mother is.

She couldn’t afford to go home alone cause her mind wasn’t at rest. What if things didn’t go as planned

and she got exposed as the one behind her kidnap. “Let’s wait for the picture. Those men are really good

in their job, trust me,” Edith said, trying to calm her daughter down. “I’m just so restless,” Theresa said

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and heaved a heavy breath. She received a message on her phone a few seconds later and saw a

picture of Amy being tired to a chair. “Mum, mum,” she quickly showed the picture to Edith, once Edith

saw it, she smiled and said,” did I not tell you?” “Oh! so I can forward the money to them now?” she

asked. “You don’t send money from your account to a kidnapper’s account. When they eventually get

caught, the police will be able to link you up with them. We’ll send it to them by cash,”Edith said. “Going

to their warehouse will be so scary, mum. I can’t go.” “Who says you will, call Mike and tell him to do it for

you,” Edith said. “Mike? you want Mike to risk his life and go to their den?” Edith smirked, she knew that

there were many things her daughter did not know, “They know whom Mike is and Mike knows whom

they are, just call him to do it for you. He will.” Theresa wondered why her mother was speaking with so

much confidence. She placed a call across to Mike and once he answered the call, she explained

everything to him and Mike promised to come to the Owen’s mansion to receive the cash. “Mum, he is

really coming?” “I told you,” Edith said. Theresa couldn’t understand this mystery but maybe in the future,

she will understand. A couple of minutes later, a car pulled over before the Owen’s mansion. Once

Theresa heard the sound of the car, she walked out with the cash and went to deliver it to Mike. “See you

soon,” Mike dropped the bag of money on the seat beside the driver’s seat and drove off. She wanted to

ask him many questions but since this was urgent, she let him off and suspend this to when next they will

meet. “Don’t forget that you can’t think about Mike anymore, Broderick is the target now,” Edith suddenly

appeared beside her and said. “Yes, I know mother.” she said. “Have you gotten him to cuddle you, yet?

It maybe too early to have sex but you should have been seducing him to touch you in

some special parts of your body,” Edith said. “Broderick Alessandro is not an easy man. He’s too tough

and ruthless. I once pretended my stomach hurts before his room and he carried me inside his room and

laid me on the bed but he went to sit. Mum, did you beleive he was on the chair all through the night?”

“What? He didn’t join you in the bed to sleep at all?” Edith was stunned. “Yes, mother.” She breathed

heavily out. “Well, we still have time. Just keep trying, we will get him. As for Amy, consider her dead

already. She actually has to be out of the way for you to win Mr. Broderick’s heart,” Edith said but

Theresa was a little disturbed. What if Broderick Alessandro was angry and decided to investigate her

death? Broderick literally owns the city and nothing anywhere in the city can be hidden from him. Edith

tapped Theresa’s shoulder and said, ” you have to trust me. As long as I’m alive, then there is no

secretes hidden that will be revealed. Infact, there are many hidden secretes in the past that has and will

never be revealed or exposed, so just trust me.” Theresa leaned on her mother’s shoulder and nodded.

Once she confirms that Amy is dead, she will plot a new game to win his heart cause there won’t be any

competition with anyone then. Amy watched five burly scary men standing before her with with a face full

of lust. “Will you agree to let us fuck you one after the other or did you want us to force you?” The man

who seems to be the leader asked. He was the tallest among them. “I am Broderick Alessandro’s….

property, he will find me and you all will not escape,” Amy threatened and the men began to scoff hard

“Property? Property? hahaha…” the man laughed even harder. Amy didn’t know how else to describe

herself in connection to Broderick. “It doesn’t matter who you are, infact, we should have killed you now,

we just want to satisfy our lustful desires before killing you. I’m advising you, don’t make your death a

painful one,” the leader of the men said. “So if I agree to have sex with you all one after the other, my

death will not be painful, right?” “Exactly,” two men replied quickly in unison. A very hard bulge could be

seeing on their trouser. “Fine,” Amy said and the men looked at themselves surprisingly. They have

never seen any of their victims agree to be willingly raped before. “This will be more enjoyable,” one of

the men whispered to another. “Untie her,” the leader of the men said and two men approached her and

untied her quickly. Amy spoke immediately she stood up,”please can you let me defecate, I’m so pressed

right now.” “Of course we can, but just so you know, it’s impossible for you to escape from here incase

you are thinking there would be a means of escape in the toilet.” their leader said and gestured for one of

the men to lead Amy to the toilet. Once Amy got to the toilet, she ensured the door was locked on herself

and began to think of how to escape five heavy men. Whereas, Broderick Alessandro had returned home

and even eaten with the kids. When the kids asked of their mother, he assured them she would be back

soon. But while eating, he was grossly disturbed about her whereabout. After he had ensured the kids

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went to their room, he began to regret his actions that he couldn’t even sit. How could he have let her go

alone in that quiet environment. Could she have gone somewhere or could something bad had

happened to her? Thinking that she got shot lately, he wondered if some people were really trying to kill

her. How could he behave in such manner? He could have brought Amy home and then punish her

whichever way he wanted not abandoning her somewhere that looked almost like a desert. He kept

walking to and fro the living room, then he placed a call across to Brett,” Search the entire North Hill and

find out the whereabout of Amy.” “Alright, sir,” Brett knew this was very urgent and he got to work

immediately. It was at this moment that the door got opened and Theresa walked in. “Good evening,” she

greeted with a smile and catwalked towards him. “Why are you just coming?” “I branched to my mother’s

house, I should have told you but it was urgent,” she said. He nodded and looked away from her. She

walked even closer to him that she could now perceive his breath and said, “What’s wrong, you look very

disturbed. Although she was having a guess that it could be about Amy’s dissapearance.

“I can’t find my mistress, did you know her whereabout?” Broderick set his gaze on her and asked. His

gaze was so deep that she was scared and felt like he was seeing the truth right inside her heart. But

she had to act strong,” not at all. She even left the office before me. I thought she should have been

home?” “She’s not. You can leave,” Broderick said and Theresa felt so frustrated. How could Broderick

be very concerned about Amy this way? Was it because she was the mother of his children or was he

already having feelings for her? She didn’t want to think it’s the later. Shouldn’t a man like Broderick be

only interested in her six kids alone, why bother about their mother? Theresa was not happy about this at

all. “Have you tried her number?” she asked. “Theresa, I’m not in a good mood. please go to your room.”

Theresa felt insulted. So he was not in a good mood because of that bitch? She sighed and walked

away. Making him angry was the last thing she wanted. Amy removed one of her high heels and opened

the door to the bathroom, once the man guarding the bathroom turned to her, she hit him hard on the

forehead with the shoe. It was unexpected for the man that he fell immediately flat to the floor. Amy stood

still and hoped that others didn’t hear sounds of the man falling to the ground, she looked around to see

if there was an escape route but there was none. To escape, she will have to pass through the rooms

that those men were