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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40

Arrange A Meeting

Broderick only took his face away from her and walked out. Amy got out of the bathtub at once and

immediately went to get dressed then went to her children’s room. She had been dying to see them.

She opened the girl’s room as soon as she got to the entrance of their room but she saw that they were

already asleep. She woke them one after the other and they all hugged her as soon as they saw her.

“Mum, we didn’t see you when we came back?” Angel asked. “I didn’t even know where you went nor

when you will be coming back,” Amy said sincerely. “We went went with mama Hannah to an amusement

park, didn’t dad tell you?” Queen asked.

“He didn’t. But I’m glad you all are home now. I need to check on your brothers too.”

“Okay,” Angel and Queen said. “Mum, did dad bully you again?” Debby asked, Although there was no

traces of tears on Amy’s face, nonetheless, Debby could sense a hint of unhappiness on her face.

Actually, Amy wasn’t even sad because of Broderick, to her, Broderick was just a psycho but what’s

hurting her deeply at the moment was her father that slapped her. He actually slapped her for his

mistress and an illegitimate daughter. “No, I’m fine, trust me,” Amy said and smiled. Debby leaned on her

shoulder and said, “please be fine, mummy.” “I have to be fine because of you all,” she said and then

petted the children to sleep again after which she left their room. She went to the boy’s room and saw

how scattered they were on the bed. They must have played very rough at where they went so she

decided to check on them the following morning since they seemed very sound asleep. She returned

back to her room and laid, the scene of how her Stepsister pretended to be unconscious flashed across

her mind and how her father slapped her because of it. Until now, she still didn’t understand why her step

sister suddenly want bad for her. She just have to be very careful. Amy resumed as the secretary to the

CEO of Alessandro’s corporation. Her office was the medium sized office that anyone would get to

before getting to the CEO’s office. She was releived that she did not have her desk in Broderick’s office

cause that would be so uncomfortable for her. Joan, the former secretary to the CEO walked in and

said,” congratulatulations on your new appointment.”

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“Thank you, Joan. And congratulations on your promotion too,” she said. Joan wasn’t demoted, infact,

her salary was increased as she was now the executive managing director of the company. Joan was

naturally hardworking and very loyal. Although she has a secret crush on Broderick Alessandro, but she

knew it will only remain as a crush. It will be impossible for anything to stem up between the her and

Broderick. She knew that so she never stressed herself in getting his attention. “Can I sit?” Joan asked.

“Of course,” Amy replied humbly with a smile. Joan then placed a long sheet before her,” here are the

basic duties of a secretary. You will be the one to arrange meeting with stakeholders at his command, or

personal meetings with some powerful men in the cities. You would serve him coffee by 8AM and 12PM,

always serve it one or two minutes before this time, you must never be late.” “Got it,”

“You should also let him know about the presence of anyone before allowing them inside his office.

Those are your primary duties, other duties like writing down what’s being talked about in his meetings

and many others are listed in this sheet. Overall, I wish you the very best.” “Thank you so much, Joan. I

hope I will be able to work hard like you,” she said. She smiled and then stood,”oh! one more thing.”

“What’s that?” Amy asked. “This is kind of personal but everyone knows that Mr. Broderick Alessandro is

a very handsome man, including you.

– Chapter 40 Arrange A Meeting —- Crushing is allowed but don’t ever show it. Let him see your

hardworking side alone. You can fantasize on him all you want but don’t ever make an attempt to even

seduce him cause he gets angry easily and can fire you if you misbehave. Just be hardworking and you

will last long as his secretary.” If only Joan knew that she was married to Broderick, she wouldn’t bother

giving her such advise.

“Thank you, I’m grateful for the advise,” she said and watched Joan walked away. Since today was the

day Amy resumed work, it was Joan who prepared the 8AM coffee. When it was 11:30AM, Amy stood

and went to the kitchen to prepare a warm coffee. She prepared it in her own style and didn’t know if he

was going to like it or not.

She carried it well and walked back to her office then to his door, her heart thumped as she wanted to

knock on the door. How can she be scared of her boss this much? Her boss or her husband? Both! She

swallowed and knocked, a majestic voice came from inside immediately,” come in.” She twisted the knob

and walked in, then as soon as she appeared, she said,” your coffee, sir.” .: This was work and she must

follow all work ethics irrespective of their relationship at home. “Place it on the table and thank you,” he

said. He had a glass on his face this time and a newspaper in his arm. He looked like an ancient king

and his aura exudes so much nobility. She felt as if he was staring at her and that made her conscious of

every single thing she was doing, she placed the cup of coffee on the table and then turned. She was so

happy that she was able to do that. “Arrange a meeting with the mayor and other city chancellors by 5PM

this evening at B hotel, ensure that everything goes smoothly. This will be your first assignment.”

The mayor? The mayor of the city was her father. What sort of a hard task is this? She turned to him and

wanted to speak but her mouth shiver, he dropped the newspaper on a pile of books on his table and

picked up the cup of coffee then drank from it.

Amy watched his reaction, she wanted to know if he likes it or not. “You prepared this?” “Yes, I did. Do

you like it, sir?” she asked. Broderick placed the cup of coffee on the table and answered,” No!” His

answer was like a bucket of water being poured on her, her body was drenched, she felt sweaty

immediately. “…I…I’m sorry, I’ll ask Joan how she prepare hers, sir. I prepared it using my own style, I

just think you might want to try something new. “Since you prepare a bitter coffee for me, then you must

let me taste something sweet from your body,” Broderick said. Amy was confused. Something sweet

from her body. Was there anything sweet in her body? “I didn’t understand what you meant, sir,” she

managed to speak. She was so nervous that she wished she had evacuated this place. What sort of a

man is this? How could he look calm yet exudes so much fear. He had never even slapped her before

nor lay hands on her to beat her yet, she was still scared of him. Not only was he her boss, he was her

husband and even the father of her six kids.

“Come over here,” he commanded.

She dared not to refuse so she walked slowly towards him but she didn’t want to stay too close to him.

“Mrs Amy, sit down on the desk right before me,” he said. First time he will be addressing her formally.

Did he forgot they were husband and wife? “Sir, it’s not right.”

“Will you be the one to tell me what is right or what is wrong? Sit now!” he commanded.

Amy wondered why he wanted her to sit before him for, she turned to the door and realized it wasn’t

closed then turned back to him.

Broderick checked his wrist watch and say,” We shouldn’t waste both of our time, should we?”

Amy then sat on his desk, right before him. She was wearing an office shirt and suit plus an office black

skirt that stopped right above her knees. She clenched her laps tightly together and kept looking at his

face to see what he was up


He trailed her with his eyes from her face down to her neck, he paused when his face got to her breast

and then trailed her down to her belly then down to her skirt.. “Why is your laps clenched?” he suddenly

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asked. Amy shook her head and answered,” nothing, sir.” “Separate them.” “Sir!”

“I don’t have to say those words twice, do it,” he demanded and her heart began to thump, she

separated her laps slowly. He placed his palm on her knee then pushed her skirt roughly but gently

upward, his second palm joined and in a jiffy, her fresh laps were exposed. Amy felt embarassed but

quickly remembered that she was his husband. But was this right in his office. He pushed her skirt up tlil

it revealed her red pant. “Red pant!” he mumbled while Amy’s heart only kept thumping. He placed his

hand on the hem of the pant and wanted to pull it down but Amy wasn’t raising her butt. “You prepared a

bitter coffee for me, don’t you want to make up for ruining my taste?” he asked. She raised her butt up for

him to remove the pant and he did. He sniffed in the pant and smiled,” what a nice smell.”

What sort of a psycho boss is this? Amy thought but then, the door was not locked. The both of them

didn’t want the world to know what sort of relationship they shared but if someone was to barge in on

them now, it will be exposed.

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Broderick placed the pant on the arm rest of his chair and looked up to her,” why are yo “Someome may

walk in,” she said. “That person, who can barge into my office unannounced has not been born,” he said

as if he was angry. Amy swallowed and dared not to say a word again, he parted her laps and buried his

head slowly, between her laps, Amy furrowed her brow at the thought of what was about to happen. He

wants to eat her out or? When his lips collided on the skin of her vagina, she jerked as if she was

electrocuted but his lips began to lick around the area of her vagina. A rage of pleasure surged through

her that she dug her nails deep inside her palm absorbing the pleasure and trying not to scream. Her

vagina became wet in no time and his lips began to slide into her vagina, licking the wetness and eating

her out seriously. She was moaning out loud and louder but was cautioning herself. The pleasure

increased so much all of a sudden that she was scared that she might cum. It had not even been up to

four minutes yet that he had started eating her out and she was about to cum. Her legs shiver but he

wouldn’t stop eating her out so she cummed mercilessly when she couldn’t hold it anymore. He raised

his face that had a messy mouth up and said,” this is sweet.”

He wore her pant back for her and helped her climb the table down gently,” remember the meeting I told

you to arrange.” She wanted to remind him that his father was the Mayor he told him to arrange meeting

with but on the other hand, he thought that he already knew that. Afterall, he knew whom her father is.

Amy felt very satisfied and happy, she felt relaxed because of how good he ate her out. 4:40PM at B

Hotel- VIP Hall. The Mayor of B City and other chancellors who reside over different areas of the city all

sat down in their majesty.