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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138 At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Joseph. He was too young and too handsome. He was the youngest and most handscommander of the military in the history of the Frogua. Moreover, the commanders of the military of the Frogua were all at the Divine King level, and there were ten War Gods under their command. For example, the God of War of the Usmait military was following Wang Tianhai respectfully at this moment.

"Paige, your husband is too handsome...” Leng Yijun caught sight of Joseph, who was the focus of everyone's attention and said to Paige, who was next to her.

As soon as she said that, the socialites standing not far away from her were all shocked and looked at her. At this moment, they understood why the apple of the Shangguan and Yin families were so enthusiastic to Paige. The status of this girl was really much higher than theirs. The wife of the commander of the Frogua's military, let alone Usmait, even in Vowhye, her identity and status were the top women! The most glorious woman! At this time, Joseph also saw Paige standing by the side, so he smiled and beckoned to her. "Paige, chere.’ Paige nodded subconsciously. On such an occasion, she didn't know how to do it at all, because she had almost never participated in such occasions. However, Joseph was different. Even when he was in Vowhye, he was a frequent visitor to such occasions. At that time, his status in Vowhye was almost the sas Eason's. Therefore, he was very used to such occasions.

At the stime, Joseph also guessed what she was thinking. The first tshe showed up in front of everyone, she was still the most important person, and as soon as she showed up, she was the centre of the top figures in the whole Usmait City. When she showed up for the first time, she would be a little nervous.

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So Joseph called her to his side and took her hand. His purpose was to let her show off in front of everyone, in front of the top figures in Usmait City. He would stand up for her and prepare for taking over Junlin Group in half a month.

She as his wife would definitely enjoy the glory of her whole life. Otherwise, why would he fight so hard? At this moment, Joseph smiled, took Paige's hand, and walked to the main seat in the first row. At this moment, Paige, who followed Joseph, becthe focus of everyone's attention. He believed that after this night, Paige's nwould also spread in the top circle of Usmait City. No one dared to provoke her again! No more disgusting things like the snobbish Mooney family in Oplen to deal with her would happen again.

It was because who would dare?!!! The Divine King of the military of the Frogua, the Seventh Commander's wife! Who would dare disrespect her? At this time, under the attention of so many people, Paige's heart was beating very fast. She was really nervous, holding Joseph's palm and sweating. Especially at this moment, all the top socialites in Usmait City were looking at her with admiration. She was even more nervous. Joseph smiled, hold her hand, and took her to his seat. Then he pointed to a few people who followed him respectfully and introduced them to her, "Paige, this is the God of War of the Usmait military, Wang Tianhai." After Joseph finished speaking, Wang Tianhai did not wait for her to speak. He quickly took the initiative to say with a smile, "Hello, Miss Mooney. Miss Mooney, if you have any orders in the future, you can call me.” As Wang Tianhai spoke, he quickly took out a business card and bent down to hand it to her. His attitude was extremely respectful.

"Yes, thank you, thank you, Mr. Wang!" Paige was not quite used to it and said to Wang Tianhai.

Then Joseph introduced her one by one. Lu Tianxun, Si Tianzheng, Bradley, Lewis, Ren Pingsheng, and the others all respectfully handed her their business cards after Joseph's introduction. And she also thanked them nervously.

After introducing the, to Paige, Joseph pulled out a chair and sat down. It was just that Joseph had sat down.

However, other than him, regardless of whether it was the Si Tianzheng, Wang Tianhai, or the family head of the various great families, none of them dared to sit. At this moment, Paige was also very nervous. Although she also had people she knew, such as Dennis, Ernie, and Logan, she still felt nervous.

In fact, what she didn't know was that she was nervous. Wang Tianhai and the others were more nervous than her. The group of big shots in the city were really clear about it. Paige in front of them was kind and gentle. Five years ago, she saved Joseph when he was most desperate. Her position in the heart of Joseph was extremely top.

Even if she suffered a little grievance and sadness, Joseph would be furious! So at this moment, these big shots in Usmait the city were very nervous.

"Joseph, am... am | with you? Or are you guys chatting? I'm going to find Chaoge and the others,’ Paige asked nervously to Joseph.

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Joseph looked at her with a smile and said, "Okay, it's your first tto attend such an occasion. You're a little nervous. Go and find Chaoge and the others and chat.” Only then did Paige heave a sigh of relief. The next moment, without waiting for her to leave, Yin Chaoge and Shangguan Tong walked over to Paige's side under the signal of Shangguan Bo and Yin Zheng. With a smile, they pulled her to their table. Both of them were at the table of the most top women in Usmait City. Shangguan Tong and Yin Chaoge had received orders from the two elders that they had to take good care of Paige. They couldn't let Paige feel embarrassed. Perhaps Yin Chaoge wasn't very good at this kind of thing, but Shangguan Tong was very skilled. Shangguan Tong was a celebrity on this occasion, so under the liveliness of Shangguan Tong, Leng Yijun, and the others, the nervousness gradually disappeared from Paige's heart.

The banquet was officially started. After the executives of the Shangguan family on the stage went to give their speech, the audience began to have a banquet.

Joseph leaned against the chair. If he didn't serve the wine, no one dared to drink. So he drank with everyone with a smile. He couldn't be too detached from the secular world. Sometimes, he should integrate into it.

In the middle of the banquet, Paige was surrounded by fashionable and bright-looking women. They cover to toast her. Of course, no woman dared to let her drink. Therefore, their cups were full of juice. Even so, when she drank with them, those top-level socialites were flattered.

It was just Paige's husband was too strong. The top big shots in Usmait City were sat at the stable with Joseph and all sitting straight, and their attitudes were more and more respectful.

After the banquet, Joseph pulled the Paige with a red face, got in the car, and went home. In the car, Joseph looked at her and said, "Did you drink?" She blushed and said, "Well, | drank a little red wine. | didn't drink much, just a little.” Joseph nodded and said, "Well, go back later and go to bed early." Paige nodded. After a while, she said to Joseph, "Thank you, honey." Joseph shook his head and smiled. "Don't thank me. You're my wife. How can | let you suffer? And honey, there will be a lot of occasions like this in the future. Don't be reluctant to spend money. Just do whatever you want. To be honest, she was really very happy at the banquet. She was very happy to be surrounded by the socialites.

Although she also knows that those women at the banquet are not really friends with her. They were good to her because she was Joseph's wife. Wasn't that enough? In this life, she won't fall in love with any other man except for Joseph.

"Honey, | will definitely work hard. When | go to Junlin Group tomorrow, | will definitely work hard and not lose face for you! | will definitely beca top woman like Chaoge! | will stay with you!" Paige clenched her fists and said firmly to herself. At this moment, Paige made a firm decision in her heart. As the wife of Joseph, she must be more outstanding and excellent! For nothing else, she just wanted to not embarrass Joseph when she participated in such an occasion in the future. She must make people feel that Joseph's wife was very excellent! When she got home, Chloe was already asleep. Joseph was smoking on the balcony, while Paige went to take a shower. However, after she finished her bath, Joseph was shocked, because she had changed into a pink and transparent thin gauze nightdress, which was extremely sexy. Her fair and tender figure was partly visible, which made Joseph excited.

"Paige, what are you doing?" Joseph swallowed and asked Paige. With her feet bare, she walked up to Joseph and stood on her toes. She put her two fair arms around Joseph's neck and said affectionately, "Honey, | don't want to go to work tomorrow. Is that okay? Joseph smiled and bent down to hold her in his arms. He closed the curtains and put her on the bed. He pressed her on the bed and said, "If you don't want to go to work tomorrow, what do you want to do?" With her arms around Joseph's neck, Paige blushed and whispered in his ear, "You." After that, she bit Joseph's ear and kissed him.