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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 37
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Chapter 37

Standing at an imposing six feet six inches with a frjust shy of 300 pounds, the man found himself

unceremoniously shoved backward, losing his balance and tumbling to the ground with a thud.

Natalie arched a brow, her voice a low reprimand, “You're the ones lacking manners. Didn't your parents teach

you it’s rude to point? No wonder your kids are even worse!” With a stern glance, she swept her gaze over the

cowering children who quickly hid behind their parents, intimidated by her penetrating stare.

“Listen up,” Natalie continued in a softer tone, but with no less authority, “If any of you dare to mock Nathan

again, | won't care who your parents are. You'll get the streatment! And now, apologize to Nathan. Right


She could handle a few brats easily.

None of these people were familiar with the Howard family, let alone aware of this girl, the so-called Brian sister.

Natalie's show of strength had frightened them.

Realizing they were in the wrong and not to provoke Brian, the more timid among them quickly apologized to

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Nate and left, not willing to tangle further with Natalie.

The man on the ground, his pride bruised and covered in dirt, scrambled to his feet, looking for

a chance to settle the score with Natalie.

Natalie watched him approaching ans shouting, “Even if the almighty himself showed up, you'd still owean

apology. How dare you!”

The man’s hand was in her face now, and Natalie couldn't help but smile slightly.

“To be honest, I'm rather well-off,” she said with a grin.

“Why the fuck should I care about your money!” The man snapped.

“Well, that means I'm not worried about the medical bills,” Natalie replied coolly.

Releasing Nate's small hand, she turned her attention to the blustering and chubby child. “Watch how your dad

gets his comeuppance. If you have an issue, feel free to keep picking on Nathan.”

She refused to hold back against such families and their children. Since they had caused psychological harm to

Nate, she would treat them with their medicine.

Three minutes later, the man lay on the grass, clutching his right arm, wailing in agony, unable to stand.

Natalie, standing on the arm she had just broken, said indifferently, “I'll call an ambulance. Don’t worry, I'll cover

the medical and emotional distress costs.”

She then pulled out a card from her purse and tossed it onto the man, “There’s three hundred

Chapter 37

thousand on this. No need for change.”

The school officials nearby turned ashen-faced.

Calling the police was futile. Everyone in Streamville knew the precinct chief was Brian's


Brushing off her hands. Natalie scooped Nate into her arms and asked, “Other than your face. does anywhere

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else hurt?”

“No pain!” Nate shook his head vigorously.

“Then let's get you to class.” Carrying Nate across the lawn, Natalie headed towards the classroom.

Nate, wrapped around Natalie's neck, eyes gleaming with admiration, exclaimed, “You're so cool!”

Natalie looked down at Nate, who gazed up at her with adoration, and couldn't help but smile, “Next tyou're

bullied, tell your dad. He's even cooler.”

“Daddy?” Nate was flickered with confusion.

Natalie planted a kiss on his cheek and gently set him down at the classroom door, “Go on in.”

Nate reluctantly followed Natalie's urging, looking back repeatedly, moving slower than a turtle. He wished he

could stay with Natalie forever.

None of the tadies were like Natalie, who treated him so well.

Chapter 38