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Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54 VERNERO POV A few days had passed on and the swindler stayed hidden in the shadows. To avoid attracting unnecessary attention, Enzo had to leave for work and cback at his usual time. And that meant working out the rorter case late at night. It was so infuriating knowing that there was someone who could harm us and our girl just right under our nose, but then still managed to stay so well and hidden.

To ensure Leigh's safety, | doubled up yet again on the security, guards, and systems. Although we were battling skind of unknown force here, | didn’t want to bet with her safety. She was my whole world and | couldn't risk anything happening to her. But | continued digging, hard and very attentive. One thing that was for sure was that if | found him, good heavens. Just the mere thought of it tore a very violent shudder from me, the excitement and that thrill of inflicting pain! Sitting in my office, | was going over all the possible people that could be involved in this case. But there was none. Absolutely none. Not that | trusted everyone here. God no! There were a few that | knew they'd take a bullet foror lay down their hearts on the plates for m e. Others were just here to work and nothing more.

Getting rid of them wouldn't even break a muscle from me. Like it wouldn't even sting a bit.

Unless it was HIM! Only HE could have the guts to challengeand my authority. But | know he knew better to stay in his place than meddle in my business. And if by any chance he was involved in this, blood ties or not, | was going to let him die a miserable death.

In this world, only Enzo and Tesoro. He, the power over the world, and all this shit meant nothing.

| left my office feeling so riled up like ever. The more | thought about this case the more it madeeven crazy. | was right at the edge of losing my mind and | was thankful that | hadn’t had the “seizures”. | mean they never wasted a second to cripple me. And | being berserk was the bridge for them to reign freely. It was a miracle that | had gone this long without them. Maybe it was because of Tesoro? The thought of my girl hadsmiling like an idiot. With her in mind, | rounded the stairs and made my way to the general gym.

On the first floor between the two wings, we had installed the gym for all the guys here to go all out. And it was always in use. Babe refused to use ours because she claimed it was quiet in there; she wanted to train with other people. As much as | had hated the idea of them seeing her in those tight leggings and bras, | was glad because she was able to pick a few moves from them. And the bonus was them seeing the hickeys we painted on her glorious body.

She was ours.

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Upon reaching the gym, | stayed at the door and it didn’t take a second to spot her. She was in a ring wearing a pair of black short tights, and a white sports bra. She was sparring with sgirl from the east wing. What's her nagain, Maya? Mia? May? Whatever her n was! | leaned against the door and watched as she swiftly dodged Maya's fist. She gave her a sinister smile before sneakily attacking, punching her right under her ribcage. Well, that was a good one! | shifted in my position so that | can get a clear view of her. She perfectly swayed back after landing the blow and then taunted her opponent to attack. I like it. She wasn’t boastful, she waited for the enemy to lose concentration so that she attacked right when they least expect it. That's my babe there! Maya went in hurriedly and attempted to kick her, but Leigh gently leaped into the air, completely avoiding the hit, and then flawlessly and perfectly landed on her feet. While Maya was righting her footing, Leigh made a quick swift 360. rotation and deposited a healthy kick on Maya’s abdomen, sending her flying across the ring where she landed painfully on the ropes.

Fucking beautiful! | couldn’t help but clap out loud. Heads turned and people stopped what they were doing as | walked further into the gym. Leigh's eyes landed onand she beamed brightly with a beautiful smile. Then walked to the girl and helped her up. The girl had suffered sbrutal kicks from her, (This will be daily updtaed at but she was the least of my concern and | wouldn't give zero shits even if Leigh crippled her.

“You good?” She asked after helping the girl to her feet and gently hugged her.

“That was a good one. Thank you for playing with me.” She said with a warm smile and then pulled herself from the girl, then walked towardswith that crazy smile. My girl was just s o beautiful and always kind. Her beauty was unmatched, even when she was sweating buckets with her hair messy.

“You sure learned smoves huh,” | called out pulling her to me, crushing her small body against mine. She chuckled softly and then wrapped her arms around my waist, then looked up at me. | just never understood how could one be this small yet havecompletely with the balls. | knew Enzo wasn’t an exception. She did things to him also! “I can take you down without breaking a muscle now.” She said boastfully while staring atright in the eye, “Oh yeah?” | smirked; she was so brave and gorgeous. Like honestly, there was no one like her.

“Fuck yeah, wanna try me? Boy, | can kick your ass so bad.” She said while scrunching her nose, making her so cute | couldn't handle it.

“Later. Now | have other plans for you.” | announced and held her by her lean waist and then tossed her on my shoulder, cavemen style.’l stepped out of the ring and walked out, with her hanging on my shoulder like a prize.

Her soft giggles could be heard as | climbed up the stairs with her.

“Where are you takingto?” Her voice cfrom my back, “Going to teach you how to use a gun.” “Oh my goodness.” She yelped trying to shoot out of my hold, but | tightened my grip on her thighs and halted in my steps, “You want to fall?” | ask and she quickly stilled on my shoulder. | snorted because it was just s o easy to get her to behave.

We arrived in the shooting arena with her blabbering about how she admires James Bond and how she loves when he does this and shit. To be honest, | was kind of hurt that there’s srandom guy out there whom she loved. Upon arriving inside, | placed her down and then cradled her face in my hands, then stared down at her. 1 “Leigh-Ari Montreal, you are not allowed to talk about other men when you are with us. You hear me?” | stated plainly with a stoic voice and face. She took a good moment just looking atand then busted out laughing. | was caught off guard by her reaction, but then she went in by standing on her tiptoes and then pulled my head down to hers, then placed a soft kiss against my lips.

“Vernero Cattanio?” She called out while looking at me, “Hmmmm?” “Are you by any chance jealous of a fictional character?” She asked abruptly. | felt a wave of heat rising from my neck and settling right my face, makingso flustered. | tilted my headt o the side and looked somewhere else.

Somehow | couldn’t keep a straight face after she pointed that out! “Who is jealous? | just don’t want you mentioning other men in my presence. (This will be daily updtaed at ” | said instead, and she laughed so hard that | found myself smiling too. Gosh, what was this girl doing to me? 1 “Goodness, | love you so much.” She called out shockingto the core, “You...” “What?” She asked through fits of laughter.

“You love me?” | wasn’t sure if | had that right.

“Of course | do. Why would | be here if | didn’t?” She said her laughter subsiding. And oh my goodness. | so didn’t expect it. | mean this was... She said it sometbefore but my mind had been occupied with Xander’s shit that | didn’t pay much attention to her confession.

“You love me,” | stated this time.

“Yes, dummy. | love you and your little crazy anger fits. They are like the highlight of my day.

I love Enzo because, in a very weird way, he manages to get you to behave. You are a handful you know, but that makes you so adorable | can’t help myself. And Enzo is like the big guy in this relationship. He knows how to handle us just fine. Which makes the two of you so perfect for me? | love you, and | love Enzo.” She mentioned while pokingin the chest.

I was so happy to hear this and | decided to ignore the fact that she said | throw crazy anger fits. We would settle that later. | hugged her tighter against my chest and kissed the top of her head.

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“I love you, Tesoro.” | felt a rush of emotions clouding my brain. | was so in love with this girl i t felt like | was going to lose my mind.

After holding her for a good moment, she remindedabout the gun training which | had completely forgotten about. That's what she did to me. She madeforget myself. Whenever | held her, she was all | saw and felt.

Nothing else! | pulled her by her hand and walked her to the storage compartment. She was gobsmacked at the sight of so many guns, in different shapes and sizes. If only she knew how many weapons were in this castle.

“I like this one.” She chose a silver Diamondback Firearms pistol. And somehow that was predictable. | mean the toy looked so much like her.

“Pick it up,” | instructed and she looked atbefore staring down at them. She leaned her small hand towards it, and then cursed out: “Oh shit! It’s so heavy.” She said looking back atwith a very surprised look. (This will be daily updtaed at “That's the smallest gun here. Which means it weighs less than all of these.” | gestured to all the toys with my hand.

“No way. And now does James Bond hold it with one hand?” She asked out loud and then clamped a tiny hand against her mouth to stifle her laughter.

“I meant how do you guys hold it with one hand?” She corrected causingto smile.

| took hold of the black SIG Sauer and then picked the bullets. | cocked it up and turned to the targets, then fired, a bullet after the other and each hitting the bull’s-eye.

“Bull’s eye.” Ari cheered by my side and excitedly clapped her hands.

“You need the ear covers,” | said and walked to the compartment and retrieved the small pink ear muffs that were specially made for her. | knew this day would arrive and | had long prepared for it. | stood behind her and carefully placed them securely on her head, covering her ears from the hush gunshots.

| turned her to faceand she was just way too cute to handle. It was really unfair for someone to be this beautiful.

| took the goggles and placed them on her face, she helpedby fixing them properly, and then we got to work.

For the next 4 hours, | stayed by her side and watched as she fucked up the glasses because she just couldn't hit the target. And she was so infuriated by that. At spoint, | had to whisk her away and she wanted to cry. | have never needed Enzo as | did at that moment!