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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55
“Sebastian, I can’t leave!” I exclaimed as he continued to pull me towards the plane. I tried
my best to sna tch my arm away from his grasp, but he was holding me too tight.
“You can’t expect me to just let you run away without paying your dues, can you?” he responded.
I let out a loud sigh. I’m perfectly aware that there’s no way out of my situation, not that I was planning to get away with it. In fact,
I was already on my way to see him to hold my end of the bargain when he suddenly grabbed me from the lobby of my hotel.
“Believe it or not, I wasn’t planning to run away. It’s—”
“I don’t need to hear your reasons, Blaire. You’re mine for a month. And I want that time now,” he insisted. He continued to pull
me until we finally got inside the plane,
I can’t leave like this. Blaze will definitely look for me if I don’t come back tonight, more so if he hasn’t seen me for weeks. I need
to assure him that everything is fine. And I need to do that without Sebastian knowing the truth about him.
I took a deep breath before letting out a loud sigh, feeling defeated. “Fine, I’m coming with you. But please, let me make a phone
call before we leave,” I pleaded.
“So you can call for help? No,” he answered firmly.
“No! It’s not like that. I promise. I badly need to make a phone call. I can’t just disappear like
wanted!” I insisted. “At least let me talk to someone and tell them I’m fine.”
He remained silent while glaring at me as if he were weighing my words. He raised his eyebrow as he asked one of his men to
bring my bag. I thought he was going to give my bag to me, but I was a little bit surprised when he took the liberty of going
through my stuff. It didn’t take long before I found my phone inside.
He pulled my phone from my bag and handed it over to me. I was about to get it from him when he abruptly pulled his hand
“Ten minutes,” he said coldly,
I nodded in agreement before getting the phone from his hand. I was about to step away to keep some distance from him,
preventing him from hearing our conversation, when I heard him speak.
“Stay,” he ordered.
Chapter 55
“What?” I asked in confusion.
“I don’t see why you can’t talk to whoever is in front of me,” he said with his usual cold and baritone voice.
“Ever heard of privacy, Sebastian?” I asked sarcastically.

He smirked. “You’re in no position to use your smart mouth, Blaire.”
My breath hitched when I saw his dark and serious face. My throat suddenly felt dry, and I gulped, hoping to calm myself down.
“Make your call here, or you’re not making any call at all,” he added.
I gritted my teeth to stop myself from saying anything. In our situation, he was the one who had power over me. I had no choice
but to give in to his caprice.
I hissed while raising my eyebrow. “Fine,” I said as I glared at him while dialing Sylvia’s number.
“Sylvia,” I uttered her name. My eyes remained fixated on Sebastian as he watched me intently.
“Yes, Blaire?” she responded.
“I won’t be coming back for a little while. Will you please tell him not to worry about me?” I saw his jaw clenched as I mentioned
“him” in my conversation probably thinking it was some guy that I’ve been dating. It’s better if he thinks it that
with Sylvia. He’s way.
“Is everything okay, Blaire?”

“Yes, everything is fine, Sylvia. Will you be okay while I’m gone? Please take care of him for me, okay?*
“Are you sure you’re alright, Blaire? Are you somehow in a position where you can’t talk freely?” she asked suspiciously.
I’m glad that Sylvia was quite quick to catch up. “Yes,” I answered without much context, which made Sebastian squint his eyes
in suspicion.
“Oh, my gosh! Do you want me to call the police? Just answer yes,” she added.
“No, no. Don’t do that. I’m fine. I’ll be back after three weeks.”
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just call me if there’s an emergency. I’ll keep my line open.”
Chapter 55
“Okay, Blaire. Take care, okay?” Please bookmark site .org to read lastest content. If you want to read light please visit to read fastest content.

“I will. Thank you,” I said before hanging up the call. After ending the call, I handed my phone back to Sebastian.
“Who was that? Your boyfriend’s nanny?” He sneered.
I just roll my eyes at him instead of answering. I don’t need to explain anything to him. “You can’t treat me like a prisoner, okay?
Can I at least keep my phone? Haven’t I proved already that I won’t be calling anyone for help?” I asked him, completely
avoiding his accusations from a while ago.
“Did your boyfriend know about our deal? Is he aware that you accepted a large amount of money in exchange for sleeping with
me? Or is he somewhat invalid, and you’re going to use that money to support him?” He continued his insult when I deliberately
ignored him the first time.
“My personal life has nothing to do with our deal. What I do with that money is none of your concern. As long as I’m holding up
the end of the bargain, we’re even.”
His eyes darkened, and before I knew it, I found him standing in front of me, only inches away from my face. I was surprised
when he suddenly grabbed my nape and claimed my lips. He k*ssed my lips mercilessly, and he forced his tongue inside my
“Hmmm... I protested as I tried to push him away, but he’s too strong
His arm enveloped my waist in a firm embrace, drawing me close as he pressed his b*dy against mine. A surprised gasp
escaped my lips when I became aware of a noticeable bulge against my belly, a palpable manifestation of desire that
heightened. the intensity of the moment. Seizing the opportunity, he skillfully invaded my with his enticing tongue, igniting a
fervor that coursed through me.
In that whirlwind of passion, my head spun, and I found myself momentarily losing my usual composure. It was as if he
possessed a unique power, an ability to make my b*dy forget all doubts and inhibitions in the face of the electrifying connection
we shared.
The world around us blurred as this unexpected encounter unfolded, leaving me in a
state of surrender to the compelling forces of desire. His touch and the i

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between us created an intoxicating dance that defied rational thought.
As Sebastian’s hand began to navigate its way around my b*dy, creating an electric charge in the air, we were abruptly
interrupted by the unmistakable sound of someone clearing their throat behind us. It felt like a sudden shock of cold water
cascading over me, jolting me back to reality in an instant. The surreal moment shattered, and my senses returned with a snap.
Chapter 55
Reacting swiftly, I exerted all my strength to push Sebastian away, but his resistance held firm. After several attempts, he finally
released my lips with an audible groan, the abrupt disconnection echoing the tension that lingered between us.
“What?” he bellowed at the person who had interrupted us.

“Sir, we’re about to take off,” the voice replied nervously, revealing an unexpected witness to the intimate scene.
The revelation sent a wave of embarrassment through me, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. The dissonance
between the charged atmosphere a moment ago and the reality of the impending journey created an awkward tension, leaving
me grappling with a mix of emotions in the wake of the unexpected interruption.
Sebastian, visibly irritated by the interruption, shot a sharp look at the nervous figure behind us. The tension in the air was
palpable as he collected himself, adjusting his disheveled appearance.
“Fine, we’ll be there shortly, he retorted, his tone laced with annoyance. hastily retreated, leaving us in an awkward silence within
the confines of the private The person plane.
The realization of being observed brought a flush of embarrassment, and I quickly straightened my disheveled attire, attempting
to regain a semblance of composure. Sebastian, still visibly frustrated, ran a hand through his hair, his piercing gaze fixed on
“What a nuance,” he muttered, more to himself than to me. “Let’s go,” he said, offering his hand to me.
I arched an eyebrow, skepticism etched across my face, as I observed Sebastian’s attempt at a chivalrous gesture. “It’s a bit late
for you to play the gentleman card, Sebastian. We both know that’s not your usual style.”
He smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “I can be a gentleman if I want to. But I can also be rough if you prefer, he stated,
injecting a subtle double entendre into his words.
My response was a well-practiced eye roll, a silent declaration of my resistance to his charm. Without giving him much
acknowledgment, I walked past him, intentionally choosing the seat across from where he had been moments ago. However, as
anticipated, Sebastian promptly occupied the seat next to mine, leaving me with minimal space and a proximity that I had hoped
to avoid.
The hum of the plane’s engines filled the cabin as I settled into my seat, determined to maintain a boundary of personal space
despite Sebastian’s calculated proximity. The subtle tension between us lingered, a silent reminder of the intricate dance we

seemed destined to perform during this journey.
Chapter 55
“You can’t escape me that easily,” he remarked with a smirk, his proximity creating an electric charge in the air.
I sighed, acknowledging the futility of attempting to establish physical distance. “You seem to enjoy making my life miserable,
don’t you?”
His chuckle resonated, a sound that carried both amusement and a hint of something more elusive. “It has been more interesting
that way, don’t you think?”
I turned to gaze out of the small window, masking the flicker of emotions stirred by his closeness. The landscape below seemed
to blur as my thoughts delved into the; uncharted territories of our shared history.
Sebastian, undeterred by my attempt at distance, leaned in slightly, his voice carrying a provocative undertone. “You know,
resisting won’t make it any easier for you.”
I shot him a skeptical glance, crossing my arms. “I’ve been handling your antics for a while, Sebastian. I can manage just fine.”
He laughed, and the sound filled the plane
challenge. As the plane moved on the rua mix of amusement and a bit of a
I couldn’t ignore the fact that Sebastian
was still close, reminding me of the unsaid things between us.
The flight started, and I tried to focus on what I could see outside hoping to distract myself from Sebastian’s presence. But,
unknown to my knowledge, this trip wasn’t just about going from one place to another. It was about how things were changing
between us-feelings, pushbacks, and parts of our history that were yet to be explored.
“Where the hell are you taking me, Sebastian?” I inquired, my curiosity tinged with at hint of apprehension.
He met my gaze, a smirk playing on his lips. “Somewhere where you can’t hide from. me anymore,” he replied.
“That didn’t answer my question at all,” I retorted, frustration evident in my tone.
Sebastian’s response was a sly grin, and he leaned back in his seat, exuding an air of mysterious confidence. “Patience, love.
You’ll know when we get there,” he said, his words laced with a teasing undertone.
Trying to get information from Sebastian was a waste of time, and it made me feel frustrated. It was clear he had no plans to tell
me where we were headed. Accepting that I wouldn’t get any answers, I decided to look out the window at the scenery passing
by. During the entire flight, I purposely ignored him, creating a quiet distance between us that echoed the lingering questions
hanging in the air.