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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51
As I entered the hospital, my heart raced with worry. Thoughts of Blaze consumed my mind as I made my way back. Silent
prayers echoed in my thoughts, hoping he remained safe during my absence.
Sebastian’s decision to let me go without probing further brought a wave of relief, but the challenge remained – concealing the
truth from him. Our worlds seemed to be colliding, and the intricacies of keeping secrets threatened to unravel our connections.
As I stepped in front of Blaze’s room, I could’ve already hear my son screaming. I immediately opened the door and found Blaze
panicking as the nurses tried to calm him down.
“Blaze, sweetheart, what’s happening?” I rushed to his side, my voice a soothing melody amid the chaos.
The nurses exchanged glances, and one of them spoke, “He’s been asking for you, seemed terrified when you weren’t around.”
Kneeling beside Blaze, I whispered, “It’s okay, my love. I’m here now.” His teary eyes met mine, seeking comfort in the familiar
warmth of a mother’s presence. The nurses stepped back, giving us a moment, but concern lingered in their expressions.
“Where have you been, Mommy? I was so scared when I woke up and I couldn’t find you,” he said, sulking while his eyes were
filled with tears.
In that small hospital room, the air was thick with tension. Blaze clung to me, his small frame trembling with fear. I stroked his
hair gently, reassuring him that I wasn’t going anywhere.
“I grabbed a cup of coffee outside. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left
vou alone here?
“But where is your coffee?” he asked innocently as he tried to wipe away his tears.
Chuckling softly, I wiped away his tears with the back of my hand. “Well, sweetheart, it turns out coffee isn’t as important as
being with you. I left it behind because you’re far more precious.”
Blaze’s eyes sparkled with a mix of relief and curiosity. “Really, Mommy?”
“Absolutely,” I affirmed, holding him tighter. I’ll choose you over coffee any day. Nothing matters more than being here with my
brave little one. Now, how about we forget
about the coffee and focus on making you feel better? Maybe we can sneak in a at later. What do you say?”

Chapter 51
Blaze’s face lit up at the prospect of a treat, his tears transforming into a hopeful smile. “A treat? Like ice cream?”
I nodded, playing along with his excitement. “Yes, exactly! Your favourite flavour, right?”
He nodded vigorously, momentarily forgetting his earlier distress. As we chatted about his preferred ice cream toppings and the
adventures we could embark on once he felt. better, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The tension began to dissolve, replaced

by a shared anticipation of simple joys,
I looked at the nurses with apologetic eyes. I know he’s not supposed to eat food that hasn’t been approved by the doctor. But I
can’t think of anything to cheer up my son but his favourite treat.
They gently nodded their head in approval.
Once I finally settled Blaze on the bed, the nurses then bid goodbye.
But before they left, the nurses exchanged glances again, silently acknowledging the unspoken challenges we faced. One of
them, a kind soul with a calming demeanour, spoke softly, “He’s been through quite a lot today. Perhaps having you by his side
will bring him some peace.”
I settled beside Blaze, holding him close. His tear-streaked face turned to mine, and in that vulnerable moment, I realized the
depth of our connection. “Mom,” he whimpered, “I was scared you wouldn’t come back.”
“I’m sorry I left without telling you. But I need you to be brave next time, okay? Mommy can’t be here with you all the time. I need
to go to work so we can get you better,” I explained.
Blaze’s eyes widened, absorbing my words with a mix of understanding and reluctance. “But what if something happens when
you’re not here?”
Gently brushing his cheek, I reassured him, “I have wonderful nurses and doctors to take care of you when I’m away. And
remember, our love is like a strong shield. It protects you even when we’re apart.”
He nodded slowly, still holding onto the fear of separation. “Promise you’ll come back, Mommy?”
“Promise,” I whispered, pressing a tender k*ss to his forehead. “Now, let’s focus on getting you better. Mommy will always find
her way back to you, no matter what.”

As I spoke those words, a mixture of understanding and uncertainty flickered in Blaze’s eyes. “You have work here, mommy,” he
questioned, tilting his head with curiosity.
Chapter 51
I nodded, threading my fingers through
a job that helps us afford this tousled hair. “Yes, sweetheart. Mommy has

things you need to feel better like the special medicine and the cosy room in the hospital. It’s like a superhero mission to make
sure you have everything to become strong and healthy again.”
Blaze’s eyes widened in awe, a glimmer of admiration replacing his earlier worry. “You’re my superhero, Mommy?”
Smiling, I k*ssed his forehead. “Absolutely. And you’re my brave sidekick. Together, we’ll conquer anything that comes our way,
won’t we?”
Embracing the superhero metaphor, Blaze’s face lit up with newfound determination. “Yes, Mommy! We’ll be the best team ever!”
I chuckled, revelling in the magic of his innocence. “That’s the spirit, my little hero. Now, how about we imagine some

superpowers to make our team even stronger?”
His eyes sparkled with excitement. “Like flying and super-healing?”
“Exactly!” I exclaimed, playing along. “And don’t forget the power of endless laughter to chase
away any lingering fears.”
As our superhero tales unfolded, a soft knock on the door interrupted our adventure. A friendly nurse entered, her eyes tw inkling
with warmth as she witnessed our imaginative world.
“Looks like we’ve got some superheroes in here, she remarked, adding a touch of playfulness to the atmosphere.
Blaze beamed with pride, his tiny chest puffed up. “We’re the bravest team ever!”
It took almost an hour before Blaze finally settled back to sleep. Despite my assurance, he’s still scared that I might leave him
again while he’s sleeping. Eventually, he agreed to finally sleep.
Even though my b*dy is tired from what happened, I couldn’t bring myself to sleep. I decided to check the nearby vendingPlease bookmark site .org to read lastest content. If you want to read light please visit to read fastest content.

machine to get something to drink. It’s just right outside Blaze’s room, so I’m not worried in case he woke up again.
Waiting for my drink at the vending machine, a familiar voice reached my ears. Holding my breath, I hesitated upon recognizing
the voice.
“Blaire?” she called out.
Uncertain, I took a moment to contemplate before finally deciding to turn around and face her.
“Catherine,” I uttered her name, acknowledging her unexpected presence. In this
Chapter 51
unlikely place, how did our paths manage to cross?
Catherine’s eyes widened in surprise as our gazes met. The hum of the vending machine seemed to underscore the
awkwardness of our chance encounter.
“What are the odds of bumping into you here?” she exclaimed, a hint of disbelief in her
I managed a half-smi mind racing to find the right words. “Seems like fate has a
great sense of humour,”
Since when did you get back?” she asked seriously. It’s obvious that she’s not happy to see me. My sarcastic remark lingered in
the air as Catherine’s expression shifted to a more serious tone. Her question cut through the casual banter, revealing an
“Recently,” I replied, trying to gauge her reaction. The atmosphere crac kled with unspoken emotions, and it was clear she wasn’t
thrilled about our unexpected reunion. Her gaze held a mixture of curiosity and guardedness. “Well, welcome back, I guess.”
The stiffness in her response hung in the air, casting a shadow over our encounter. Little did we know, this chance meeting
would unravel layers of unresolved history, bringing forth a mix of emotions and sparking a journey of reevaluation and