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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 7
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I was woken up by the sunlight streaming inside from the window. I blinked as I was trying to wake up

and I noticed that I was laying down on a bed with green linen. I blinked away the sleep in my eyes and

tried to concentrate on where I was. With a big-yawn I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up, the room I

was in had gray walls and the furniture went in a dark blue color.

I moved slightly as my body was still slightly in pain but I noticed that I was alone in this big bed,

groaning when my head pounded to its own beat. Damn this is a massive headache.

I look around the room and notice some clothes on the end of the bed, I pick them up and immediately

smell Helios. scent over them and I smile as I think about my mate.

I met him yesterday but I know that I love him already. I am not in love with him but I do love him, the

falling in love part will come later I hope. I look down and see that he didn’t undress me and I am really

thankful for that. I don’t care for my scars but I really want to be awake when he undresses me or if I

undress for him.

I stretch a little before taking off the dress I got from Tristan, my body still aches even if I don’t know

why it does. I put on the black shirt and shorts that are a little too big for me but I fixed them so they fit

to my body a little better.

I walk to the door as quietly as I can since lycans have very good hearing, but I heard their voices from

downstairs as I see the stairs I can tell that I am back in the mansion and Helios put me in the master

suite. The same suite that I and Ben prepared for him.

The voices from downstairs were quiet but I could still hear them like I was in the same room as they

were in.

“What will you do now?”

“If she can truly break it you mean”

“Shh, don’t make hasty conclusions”

“But everyone saw it”

“She almost shifted”

“Yeah and she is a black wolf”

“Wolf?” You are kidding right”

“There has never been a black wolf. Like never”

“Quiet everyone, she is awake”

“Yes, I am and I am here” I say as I wander into the kitchen in search of painkillers.

All the guys went quiet and turned their heads in my direction and I would have probably turned my

gaze down with all the attention but this headache is killing me. I search the cabinets for the painkillers,

I know I saw some, somewhere.

“Good morning, Nora” Helios said and I turned to smile at him when I noticed that he was right beside

me and he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

“Good morning, Helios” I answer and blush slightly. He smells so good.

“So which one of you will tell me about what happened yesterday? I would like to know and right now

with a killer headache I don’t want to even try to remember on my own. But I remember bits, like pain in

my entire body and fur on my arms” I say and look at everyone.

Linus walks out of the kitchen and I raise an eyebrow at Helios, waiting for a response.

“We don’t know exactly. We need to take you back home with us.” Helios say and I stare at him

“To the lycan kingdom?” I ask and Helios chuckles.

“Yes, princess”. My father can help you” Helios explains and I start to think about the lycan kingdom.

It’s a dream to go there.

“Miss Nora?” Ben’s voice reaches me and I look at him. He is holding a glass of water and I look at it

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“Here” Linus says and I jump slightly as I didn’t notice him coming back. He had two painkillers in his

hand and I sighed as I took them and the glass of water from Ben.

The smile that spread on my lips made all of the guys chuckle and I blushed at them, but it was a nice

feeling knowing that my headache would soon disappear.

“Anyway, Miss Nora. I was just wondering when the

tournament was beginning. Almost everyone here wants to blow off some steam and you have your

challenge to win also” Ben says and I stare at him in shock.

I forgot about that detail, I got kicked out of the pack, Emily’s challenge, me almost shifting and also


I look around frantically in the kitchen when I lay my eyes at him, leaning against the backdoor, looking

at the table like he is avoiding my gaze. My wolf is sighing in relief when he meets my gaze and I sigh

out loud.

Earning a growl from Helios makes Daniel look away and my wolf growl back at Helios. I take Helios

hand and he calms down in an instant. I focus on my wolf and she really likes Daniel in her own way

but she does love Helios as I do. I need to try to figure out the situation between me and Daniel for all

of our sakes.

“At noon the tournament will begin so we need to be there about an hour earlier to sign everyone up.” I

explain and look at the kitchen wall clock and gasp.

“Oh we need to go now”

“Yes, but not looking like that” Helios says and I sigh at him. Possessive lycan.


I will mindlink mo m and ask for some clothes then” I say and roll my eyes, earning myself a slap on the


“Don’t roll your eyes at me, princess” Helios says and I stare at him while my wolf growls louder at him.

“No need, Miss Nora. Your parents were here earlier and left your bags here” Linus explains and points

out in the foyer.

I release Helios and wander over to my bags, and open one of them. I take out a training bra, a tank

top, undies, a pair of leggings and a hair tie.

“I will go take a shower and change,” I say and point at the stairs.

“We will wait for you princess” Helios answers and winks at


I blushed while running up the stairs. I took the smallest bathroom and took off the clothes and warmed

up the shower before hopping in and washing away all scents. I gasped as I looked at the mirror when I

stepped out of the shower, my eyes still glowing purple.

Helios called for me to hurry up so I dried myself as fast as I could and dressed myself, I sighed at my

hair. It looks like a bird nest but yesterday it was really beautifully arranged.

After 10 minutes of frustration at my hair I gave up and came out of the bathroom, I sprinted out and

down the stairs but was caught by Tristan that gave me a knowing smile.

“What about a braid for today?” He asked me and I nodded my head.

“Yes, please”

Tristan guides me to the kitchen and I take a seat while

Tristan begins to untangle my hair, he makes sure to avoid touching my skin as much as he can. Ben

comes in with a brush and gives it to Tristan.

“Your hair is pretty long, Miss Nora. I didn’t think of that before.” Ben says and sounds surprised.

“Yeah I know. I really wanted to cut it shorter but mo m said I was pretty with longer hair. So out of fear

for her I let it be.”

“You are afraid of your mother? “Why?” Tristan asks and Ben chuckles.

“Have you met my mo m? I mean longer than two minutes? She is a nice and warm person but damn if

you make her angry. Even if you run till you are out of breath she will catch you and make your life a

living hell” I say and shudder.

“I can help you with a haircut if you want,” Tristan says.

“Yes, please but I think that I will have to wait after I have moved away from here” I say with a small


“But Tristan, where did you learn all of this? I mean the make up and the hairdo from yesterday and

now” I ask amazed.

“Oh I learned this at school and practiced on my mother and my aunt” Tristan chuckles

“Yeah, Tristan here made almost every hairstyle that my

mo m had on official things” Helios says as he walks into the kitchen.

“Yes, well you are ready now, Miss Nora.” Tristan says and I touch the braid. Still amazed, I hug Tristan

and then kiss

him on the cheek as a thank you.

Tristan’s face turns beet red and Helios is so stunned that he didn’t even growl at us.

“Shall we go now?” I ask and just stroll outside to meet with the others.

“No shoes, Miss Nora?” Linus asks

“Not allowed in the arena, Linus” I answer and look at him smiling.

Helios, Tristan and Ben come out behind me and Linus raises an eyebrow at them, I avoid eye contact

with any of them. I didn’t mean anything with the kiss, it was just a show of gratitude but what surprised

me was his lycan.

“Miss Nora?” Linus say and looks at me as I realize something

“Ben?” Can I talk to you before we go?” I ask and turn to him and he nods.

I point to the side of the house, it’s silly to go away but it’s out of respect and I really like Ben as a friend

and want to

show that.

“I just realized that this will be hard for you. This challenge between me and Emily, it’s hard. I am forced

to make her submit and then she will accept your rejection before I kill her and if she doesn’t submit I

am forced to kill her. And if she hasn’t accepted the rejection when I kill her it will hurt

you a lot. Am I right?

I don’t want to hurt you if I can’t make her submit. I don’t know what to do right now.” I try to explain but

get confused by my own thoughts.

“Don’t worry about me please. You just make sure that you win over her. Kill her if you must. You are

right it will

probably sting for a second but you forget, we lycans are strong.” Ben says and smiles sadly.

We look at each other when I hear him and I nod at Ben. He strokes my cheek and takes away a tear

that was threatening to fall.

We walk over to Helios and the others.

“Car or running?” Linus asks.

“Car ” I answer and the guys chuckle at me again.

Ma, Helios, Tristan, Ben and Linus go by car while the others run behind. It’s quiet in the car while Ben

drives and I look outside the window. I can see the pack I grew up in and memories fill my head until I

turn my gaze toward Helios.

“Wow.” We are here now, Miss Nora” Ben say and I sigh

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“Yep” I pop the “p” and climb out of the car.

Helios comes out after me and we take each other’s hand and I lead the way over to my parents that

are standing in a corner signing up the ones that want to fight.

“Hi honey” my mo m said and I hugged her hard.

“Hi mo m.” So how is it going here?” I ask her and look at delta Ryan

“It’s going fine, Nora. You have outdone yourself with all of this. But do you want the tournament or the

challenge first?” delta Ryan asks.

“The challenge first so I don’t waste my energy. And I want to write up some names for the


“Okay, which ones?” Delta Ryan asks and I notice that he is avoiding to look me directly in the eyes

and he is really avoiding Helios.

“I can make it easier and write them down myself” I say and delta Ryan nods with happiness.

I wrote down the guys names, I made sure to ask before we left which of them wanted to participate.

Ben, Daniel, Linus, Grey, Andrei, Lukas, Anton and Nick. The other wanted to watch. I signed my name


“I wish you all the luck I can give you, Nora. I will miss you though when you leave this pack” delta

Ryan says and I


I hugged my mo m again and then I led Helios over to the arena. Everyone in front of us moved out of

their way, at first I thought it was because of Helios or that my scent. changed but no. I looked into their

eyes and saw pity and curiosity in their eyes.

“There you are, rogue.” Emily says as I walk past her to my place.

I say nothing and start stretching instead, trying to keep my head clear as I can’t shift and I know Emily

is stronger in her

wolf form.

“Don’t be nervous, just focus on your breathing and

remember not to stumble on your feet this time. Do you know the weak spots of a werewolf?” My dad

asks me as he was here and waiting for me.

I nod at him and smile.

“I know and I am ready to show all of them how strong I actually am” I say and hug him hard.

“That’s my girl”. It’s your turn now. Go into the arena and show them your true self and then we’ll talk.

Go on” My dad said and kissed me on the forehead.

I was really confused but I emptied my head and sought strength from my wolf. As always my wolf is

ready for a good fight, especially this time. I watched as my dad guided Helios, Ben, Tristan and Linus

to their seats up on the balcony while I and Emily made our way out to the


The arena really is a sight to behold, it is similar to those roman gladiator fighting arenas. It’s a big plain

with grass. surrounded by bleachers. Sometimes there is training equipment or a fre aking maze in

here but right now it’s just grass,

We walk out to the middle where delta Ryan and beta Jessica are waiting. I turn around and face Emily.

“This is a challenge between the daughters of the alpha and the gamma of this pack, the silver stream

pack. The challenge is about the matebond, the loser will reject their mate and then di e by the winners

hand. There is only one rule and that is not to harm anyone else that is not part of this challenge,

Are both of you ready?” Delta Ryan explains and asks in a loud voice.

I get into a defensive position while Emily takes the offensive position.

“Ready” both of us answered.

“Good.” Ready, set go”