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The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 5
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Read The Trap Of Ace [by Eva Zahan] Chapter 5 – “W-what’re you doing here?” I couldn’t even ask

without stuttering.

Stormy grey eyes roamed over my features, briefly glancing at my lips. They watched me as if they’d

waited too long…

I gave myself a inner shake. I was assuming things that weren’t possible.

“Well?” Voice firm this time. How did he even enter in ladies washroom area? Oh yes, I forgot that he

owned this whole d**n thing.

“Came to see if you’re okay,” he said, deep Greek accent strong. Was he- mad?

“How many times do I’ve to tell you that you don’t need to be concerned about me? It’s not your job to

care for me.”

“Someone has to if that so called friend of yours can’t even take a stand for you like a looser he is!” he



So he knew what happened outside?

My eyes narrowed. “Excuse me? Don’t you think you’re crossing your limits here? You don’t have a say

in how my boyfriend is or not!”

A muscle of his jaw ticked. “I’m just stating the truth. Only a loser leaves their friend alone after she just

got targeted by some drunkards!”

“He didn’t leave me. He- he just went to take a phone call,” I defended. “And I’m his girlfriend, not just a


His eyes flashed, nostrils flaring as he cocked his head. “Not for long.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

He came closer, making me step back. And then another until my back hit the wall, his towering figure

blocking my escape.

“W-what are you doing? Step away.” The intense gaze of his had my heart skip a beat. His intoxicating

cologne filled my lungs. He needed to create some distance between us. It was too much.

Placing his hands at the both side of my face, he leaned in; my heart thudded inside my chest. “I meant,

you will NOT be his girlfriend for long.” Determination latched into his eyes.

“How do you know that?” I whispered. His close proximity was doing something to me.

When he brushed my cheek with his knuckles gently, a treacherous shaky breath left my lips. And then

the bruise of his knuckles caught my eye. As I was about to ask him of his injury, my breath hitched at

throat when the pad of his thumb traced my bottom lip.

“You won’t be, because-” leaning in, he whispered in my ear, hot breath tickled my skin, “-you already

belong to someone else.”

My thoughts were everywhere, I couldn’t think straight. To be able to comprehend his words, I pushed

him away, building some distance.

“D-don’t come that near me ever again! And what do you mean by I already belong to someone else?

Whom are you talking about?”

He stayed quiet. The look in his gaze sent a shiver down my spine. My throat clogged up.

No, no! It’s not what I was thinking. I must’ve misunderstood his eyes. After all assuming wrong

probabilities had ruined my entire childhood once. I wouldn’t do the same mistake again.

“You will know, soon.”

Again incompleted answer!

I went to open my mouth to say something but the pompous cheering and loud announcement cut me

off. The race was finished, and the winner’s name could be heard from the gallery outside.

I looked at him. “Looks like the title ‘loser’ suits you more now.” My lips curved up at the winner’s name

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while he remained monotonous. “My condolences on your loose. Poor Jordan and the Jockey, they tried

hard, you know? Sometimes fate just doesn’t support you everywhere.”

“Em, you’re done?” Warner asked, putting his phone in his pocket. When his eyes landed on Ace,

confusion flashed over his face. But then he smiled. “Hello, Mr. Valencian.”

And Mr. Valencian stood still as a rock. Jerk!

“Yeah, let’s go!” I linked my arm with Warner’s. Stormy eyes followed my moves. “Better luck next time,”

saying that, I turned to go, pulling Warner along.

I didn’t know why I did that, but when I glanced back him, something flipped in my tummy.

An almost non-visible smirk tugged at the side of his mouth. It whispered a secret I couldn’t unfold.

“What was he doing there?” Warner asked once we were outside.

I shrugged. “Nothing. You tell me, how do you know him. Even at that party, it seemed like you knew him

even before anyone introduced you two.”

He laughed as if it was the silliest question someone has ever asked him. “What doesn’t know Achilles


I rolled my eyes.

“Is there any problem between you guys?”

“Why do you ask?”

His shoulder lifted. “I don’t know, but… whenever you’re with him or hear about him, you always get


I tried my best not to get tensed right now. “Nothing. It’s just… we never got along,” I lied. And my tone

told him not to query more. So he didn’t.

When we passed the place where those drunk guys were, I didn’t spot them anymore. But I did spot

some drops of blood scattered on the ground. Frowning when I looked up, I found some guards dragging

those guys away down the stairs to the exit. One of them were holding his b****y nose. He was the one

who asked me if I was interested mentioning his money.

Then the bruise on Achilles’s knuckles flashed in my mind. A silent gasp left my lips. Did he… did he do

that to them?

But why?

When we got back down to our folks, I was still lost in my thoughts. But my sister’s gloomy face caught

my attention. Of course! The horse she was cheering on lost. But Tobias, on the other side was grinning

ear to ear as he pocked Tess.

“See, I told you Jordan will lose. Now you owe me a thousand dollars!”

“But you weren’t supporting Cage either! So how come I lose the bet?” Tess glared.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. The bet was about Jordan’s winning or loosing. And he lost. So the

money is mine!”

Huffing, Tess slumped beside Caleb as he shook his head in amusement. “It’s all Ace’s fault! Why didn’t

he tell me that this time he was betting on Cage instead of Jordan? It’s not fair!”

My eyes widened. He betted on Cage? Not Jordan? But I thought…

My eyes met Caleb. He flashed me a sheepish grin. “Even I didn’t know. But what I said turned out true,


That he never looses.

Now I understood the meaning of his smirk back there. And here I was thinking that he lost, calling him a

looser on his face. G*d! He must’ve laughed at me in his head for my lack of knowledge.

I glanced at the VIP section. He was in his previous place, the dark sunglasses were back. People were

surrounding him, must be congratulating, but his form was angled to us telling me his gaze’s direction.

My eyes set on his as I pulled Warner closer, hugging his arm. The tightness of his sharp shadowed jaws

made my doubt clear. He was indeed looking at me.

But about my sudden act, and his reaction… I shut down my brain before some realization sets in my

mind I couldn’t handle.

“The race is over now. So why don’t we go and eat somewhere? I’m hungry,” I said, not wanting to stay

there anymore.

Nodding, Caleb stood up and pulled a grumbling Tess along with him. “Em is right, even I’m famished.

Let’s go honey, let’s get you some cold drink so that you can cool down a little.”

When we exited through the gate, this time I didn’t dare to look back. Though I did feel the burning gaze

lingering on me all the way until we were finally out of the exit.


After a whole day of roaming around the city, the day was finally over. Though I did enjoy with Tobias,

Caleb and Warner, the awkwardness of my sister’s presence always hindered my pleasantry.

Because whenever I see her face, I can’t help but remember that night…

I closed my eyes, shutting the door of those memories.

“You okay?” Warner asked. We just stopped outside my house after a long walk. I decided to take a walk

instead of Tobis’s lift thinking it maybe would help me clear my mind off today. But it didn’t. The heady

scent of his still lingered at the back of my mind, that deep yet husky voice still murmured in my ear.

My free hand balled in a fist.

“I’m fine, just a little tired.”

Smiling, he cupped my face. “I can understand, you’d a long day today.” Brown orbs shone with

adoration and love as they flickered to my lips. “You know, I’m happy that I came here with you. I’d miss

this amazing day with you if I hadn’t.”

I stopped breathing when his lips met mine. Closing my eyes I waited for something, anything. But I felt

nothing. Just a mingling of fleshes, that’s all. A b**n felt behind my closed eyelids.

Even a kiss from a guy whom I called my boyfriend couldn’t spark even a little of the sensation I feel with

just his eyes on me.

Something built up in my chest. Frustration, guilt, and an overwhelming emotion I didn’t want to give a

name to.

As his tongue parted my lips, I pulled away. Hurt flashed across his eyes.

“I- I’m so sorry, Warner. I’m really tired right now. Can we go inside?”

Even if he was hurt, he covered it with a smile. And I couldn’t feel more terrible. “It’s alright, Em. I

understand. Let’s go in and freshen up.” With that, he turned around as I just watched him walk away in



Soft breeze touched my skin as I watched the dark clouds cover the light of the full moon. The stars

weren’t awake tonight. The b**e night offered nothing but the sounds of crickets.

They used to soothe my mind other times, but not tonight. Even they couldn’t tame the storm raging in

my chest.

A stab of guilt again hit me as I remembered Warner’s face this evening when I rejected him, again. This

wasn’t the first time I turned him down on being intimate with him. Not only him, in those past years

whoever I’d dated, I’d not gone anywhere past the kiss.

I just couldn’t.

And no guy would want to do anything with a girl who couldn’t even let them kiss her properly let alone

getting physical. But Warner wasn’t one of them. He respected my wishes and kept his distance. The

most he touched me intimately was kiss me. Other than that, I couldn’t give him anything. And he never

complained even though I felt his desire to take our relationship on a next level.

But tonight, I couldn’t even give him a kiss.

A tear slipped down my cheek.

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I swear, I tried. I tried my best to get out of my barrier, but I failed. The more I tried the more I felt

disgusted with myself. The more I felt my insides d***g. Even if I’d closed a chapter of my life in my mind,

those strings never left me.

The feeling of doing something wrong never left me alone. And I did wrong to myself by forcing myself to

feel something for those men I dated. But I couldn’t make my heart beat for someone else like it did for


So I stopped trying.

When Warner had proposed me, he knew of my condition. Though he didn’t know what happened in my

past. But he knew of my broken heart. I told him I might never be able to love him back, but he said he

wanted to give it a try. I didn’t want to hurt him in the process, but his persistence gave me hope. That

maybe, I could feel love again.

But I didn’t.

Though he wanted a relationship between us, I agreed for my own selfishness. And I hurt the man who

was always there for me when no one was in the process.

And all of this because of my stupid heart. It just doesn’t know to react to anyone other than him.

I gritted my teeth at the clench of my heart. Another tear fell free.

I wish, I knew how to stop…

I wiped my eyes sensing a movement behind me on the rooftop. Her saldalwood perfume reached me

even before she sat beside me.

We stayed silent for some moments before she finally spoke. “You’re still mad at me for that night, aren’t

you?” Her gaze remained high in the sky, as the clouds slowly freed the moon.

“I can’t be mad at anyone when I was the foolish one,” I said, eyes not moving from the sky.

I saw her looking at me from the corner of my eyes. “You weren’t foolish, Em. You were just a young girl

in love with someone at a wrong place and time.”

I let out a dry laugh, my nails dug in my palms. “Funny, you were the one who made me realize of my


I still remember that day when I confronted her about it, and how she laughed it off on my face making

me remember how naive I was to even think a boy like Ace would want me instead of someone like her.

A soft sigh left her. “I’m sorry, Em. I know I’d behaved with you like a b***h that night, instead of like a

sister. But, trust me, I never wished anything bad for you.”

After a moment of silence, she spoke softly.

“Because of misunderstandings and childishness, we’ve lost a lot of years, Em. I- I missed my sister in

these past time. Even if you visited sometimes, you were so distant that I couldn’t reach you. And

honestly, I never found that much courage.” The tremble of her voice made me turn to her. Blue eyes

glistened under the moon. “I want the relationship we’d before, Em. I want my sister back. Especially

when the most important day of my life is coming. Can’t we just forget the past and start over? A new


“Why did you do it?” I knew it wasn’t the right time to ask her this when she was talking of a fresh start.

But I’d to know. It might be a teenage girl’s breaking heart over a crush for her, but it was much much

more than that for me.

Looking away, she heaved another sigh. “I know you hate me for that. But trust me, Em, I never wanted

anything bad for you. I’d always wished your well-being.”

“Can you answer my one question?” I’d to know why she did it. Why she broke my heart after knowing


She seemed hesitant, but then nodded her head.

“Did you love him?”

Happy Thanksgiving, guys! I hope you all had a good feast with your family and friends! I know I’m a bit

late to wish that, but I thought why not give you a treat? So here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed it!

With love,

Eva Zahan.
