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The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 27
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Read The Trap Of Ace [by Eva Zahan] Chapter 27 – “G*d, girl! You should seriously dump that a*s

boyfriend of yours! I thought he was a nice guy, but I didn’t know what a mommy’s boy he is!” cursed

Casie, shaking her head while Beth grabbed another tissue from the tissue box on her lap and blew her


“It’s not that easy, Cass. I love him. We’ve been together for three years.” Beth sniffled, wiping her


“Just because you guys have been together for three years, doesn’t mean you’ll take his mother’s s**t!

You deserve much more than this!” Casie snapped.

After getting the early leave, I came directly to Casie’s place. And though I didn’t find Beth in the same

state I found her last night, she wasn’t any better. She was still a mess.

After asking Casie of what happened to her, she told me everything.

Beth and her boyfriend, Mason, were happy in their little world. Until his conservative Catholic mother

stepped into the picture once she got to know that her one and only son was going to marry a non-

catholic girl. His mother’s displeasure of their relationship was creating problems between them. And

being a mommy’s boy he was, as Casie mentioned, he didn’t have the guts to go against his mother and

stand by Beth and their love.

And now Beth feared that he might as well break up with her, heeding his mother’s advice. And that’s

why I found her at that bar, drunk out of her mind.

Looking down at the ring on her ring finger, Beth whispered, “You won’t understand. I can’t just leave

everything like that. I- I can’t live without him.”

Casie scoffed. “But it seems like he definitely can. Otherwise he wouldn’t let you leave his house so

easily. He didn’t even fight for you! And here you thought he’d come after you if you left the house.”

“Now I’m repenting it. His mom will definitely use this situation against us,” Beth said, her lower lip


Placing my hand on hers, I squeezed gently. “Don’t worry, Beth. I know Mason. That guy really loves you.

Maybe he’s confused between his mother and you right now. But I’m sure, as soon as he realizes his

mistake of letting you go, he’ll come after you. I know he’ll.”

“Huh, I can’t second that. Not everyone is Achilles Valencian,” Casie stated, rolling her eyes.

Though a blush burned my cheeks, I sent a glare at her way. That girl never knew when to shut up.

She shrugged. “What? Don’t give me that look. I support those men who know how to treat their women.

Not some mommy’s boy who lets go of his fiance just because his mom doesn’t approve of it.”

Sighing, I shook my head. “I’m not siding him. But we should give Mason some time, right? We all know

how much he loves his mom. Maybe he needs some time to convince his mother and then get back to

Beth? Yeah, letting Beth go like that wasn’t appreciated at all, but Beth shouldn’t just give up on her

relationship like that.”

She raised her brow. “Oh, I’m glad that you think that one shouldn’t give up on something so easily.”

I averted my eyes quickly, getting her hint.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Okay, enough talking about my life today. I really don’t want to discuss it anymore. I need some time to

think. And Em?” Beth said, turning to me. “I’m so sorry for last night. Because of me you’d to carry so

much trouble. I don’t remember much, but Casie told me everything. I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize how

much drink I was having.”

“It’s alright. You don’t have to say sorry,” I said. “But you definitely should’ve thought twice before going

to that shady place. It could be risky, you know? Why did you even go to such a place? As far as I know,

we’ve never visited there before.”

She blew out a breath. “I just wanted to go somewhere where nobody could find me. When I went there,

I was already drunk. I didn’t even realize where I was going. And when I saw this bar at the side of the

road, I just got in.”

“Don’t do that again. It’s not safe.” She didn’t know what trouble we were about to fall into last night. If

Ace’s guards weren’t there…

She nodded, giving me a small smile. “I won’t, I promise.”

“Alright, anyone needs some coffee? Because I definitely need one. All of these are giving me a

headache,” Casie exclaimed, raising up on her feet from the couch we all were sitting on.

“Tea, please,” I said.

“Of course!” Chuckling, she sauntered into her kitchen to get us some hot drinks.

Once she was back with the coffee and tea mugs, she got herself busy discussing her upcoming

modeling project with Beth, while I, one the other hand, thought of everything that happened today.

It was a really hectic day.

No matter how much hurting Warner perturbed me, my treacherous mind went back to the kiss we

shared in his bedroom this morning and then in that hallway.

Another blush rose up my neck to my ears. Goosebumps crawled up my skin recalling the sinful

sensations I’d felt with his scorching mouth on mine.

My heart missed the warmth of his arms around me, or the husky murmurs of his in my ears.

A sigh slipped through my lips.

“Where are you so lost? Mind a penny of your thoughts?” Casie’s voice pulled me out of my trance. Even

Beth had her concerned eyes trained on me.

Shrugging, I looked down at my wrist, twirling my bracelet. “Do you think I’m being selfish doing this to


I’d talked to her about my and Warner’s phone conversation before coming at her home.

“Of course not! Whatever you’re doing is good for all three of you. And even if it’s not for Achilles, you

would’ve done it sooner or later.” She held me gaze. “The relationship was only one-sided, Em. And one-

sided relationships don’t go for long. You and Warner both knew it, even though he’s being an a*s right


“His reaction is justified. Anyone would’ve reacted like this in his place. I shouldn’t have hurt him like

that.” I’d tried to call him again, but his phone was still unreachable. He didn’t even reply to any of my


“You don’t love him, Em. It was supposed to happen sooner or later. Even he knew it deep down. So the

sooner he’ll accept it, the easier it’ll be for him to move on.”

“Casie is right. Don’t fret yourself that much. It’s not your fault. You can’t make yourself fall for him

forcefully now, can you?” said Beth, placing her mug on the table.

She was right. But I couldn’t just shake off the guilt. Even after knowing that I wouldn’t even be able to

love him, I got into a relationship with him. Even if it was him who convinced me to give us a chance, I

shouldn’t have agreed with him. This day wouldn’t have come if I denied him that day.

“So, what did you think? Will you go to Seattle to talk to him if he doesn’t come here?” Beth queried.

I nodded my head. “Yes. Honestly, I don’t want him to come here. I don’t want him to meet Ace, which

there’s a possibility if he really shows up here.”

I’d no doubt that that Ace wouldn’t take it lightly if he sees Warner around me again. I still remember the

rage and jealousy in his eyes this morning when he saw Warner calling me. And then the way he

frightened Matt with his murderous glare, G*d! This man seriously knew how to get on my nerves.

“Oh, let him come here. I want Achilles to beat some sense into him for accusing you of betraying him. I

mean, how dare he? Now he can’t force you to stay with him in a relationship, can he?” Casie fumed, her

lips curled into displeasure.

“Aren’t you siding Ace too much these days, Casie? What’s the matter?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Because I know what’s good for my best friend. And who knows, maybe he bribed me with something to

ship you guys?” she replied, wiggling her brows.

Shaking my head, I chuckled at her words. And Beth joined me.

Actually, it wasn’t impossible that Ace would do something like that. He’d done even way more craziest

things before.

Our mirth took a break when my mobile buzzed. A message popped up on the screen.

Seeing my sudden change of mood, Casie sat straight. “Who’s it?”

“It’s Warner,” I replied, my eyes locked on the screen.

“What did he say?”

I looked up at her. “He’s coming.”


Once I was done blow drying my hair, I padded into my closet to choose a dress for tonight’s event.

Tonight, our company will sign the final contract for the upcoming deal with the Arabs. The defamation

Antonio Reymond had tried to stamp on Valencians, was cleared sooner than it was even possible. Ace

didn’t even let the news of Caleb’s getting arrested spread across the media. Though some of the

journalists were present there that day, clearly, Achilles Valencian knew how to deal with troublemakers.

Now that Liza accepted her crime, everything went back to normal. The Arabs were too eager to work

with our company. And on the occasion of our coming together with a project, they invited us to a small

dinner with them at the hotel they were staying at.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Mr. Hakimi especially requested my presence at the dinner with Ace tonight. And to my surprise, the

boss wasn’t happy to tag me along. He didn’t want me to go there.

But he couldn’t dictate me in this matter. I was too excited to try the traditional Arab dishes to heed to his

grumbling. So he’d to agree at last, but only on one condition. He’d come to pick me up and during the

entire time of our stay there, I’ll have to cling to him.

Not to forget, I’m not allowed to talk to any Arabian guy about anything that doesn’t doncern work.

Freaking crazy man!

Shaking my head at his ridiculous behavior, I searched for a suitable outfit for the night.

Lots of choices, but not impressive enough for me to decide.

Then something caught my eye between those heaps of clothes.

Pulling it out, I ran my hand on it. An involuntary smile tugged on my lips. His t-shirt. The same one I

borrowed to change into after my blouse incident.

I still didn’t return it to him. I didn’t want to. One secret maybe I wouldn’t ever tell him, that I sometimes

wear it at nights when I can’t sleep. Oddly, it comforted me.

He was never gonna get it back. Though I didn’t think he’d mind if I didn’t return this one shirt, he didn’t

have any shortage of clothes.

Folding it, I placed it in its previous place and took out the black dress from the back of the row. It was a

dress Tess forced me to buy when I went shopping with her.

A t***h length, sleeveless dress with sweetheart neckline. Simple yet classy. This was a bad choice for

this cool weather like tonight, but…

I bit my lip to hold back the smile that threatened to spill.

Walking back inside my room, I began to get ready for the evening.

My heart skipped when the doorbell rang.

He was here.

Blowing out a breath, I checked myself one last time on the mirror and grabbed my clutch and phone.

At the mention of the phone, I remembered I didn’t check my phone the whole day due to my busy

schedule at the office. It’s been two days since I got that message from Warner, but after that I didn’t

hear anything back from him.

I did a quick check on my phone. No calls or messages from him. I didn’t know what was going on in his

head. Was he really gonna come?

I’d call him again later. I have to hurry now. He was waiting for me.

Putting the phone inside my purse, I rushed downstairs, as much as I could with my high heels. And

once I was before the closed door, I smoothed my hair once more. My heart raced at the thought of his

reaction after he’ll see me. Nervousness and excitement burst through my veins.

I wonder what this night has in store for me.

Then taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped outside.
