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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 Olive’s Drunk

All the ladies in LA looked at the entrance of the bar. Elvis was really here.

Raven and Harry also accompanied him. The three men stood and didn’t utter a word. The combination

of the three giants in LA, it was exhilarating.

“Wow, Mr. Augustine is so handsome.”

The ladies gasped at Elvis’s handsomeness. The ladies were the type who would yell happily at the

presence of a famous male actor. But with Elvis’s handsomeness bare before them, they forgot all about

their idols and worshiped him.

Pamela coldly glowered at the reactions of the socialites. If it wasn’t that she needed to teach Olive a

valuable lesson, she wouldn’t have given the ladies an opportunity to see Elvis.

Pamela knew that Elvis was infact, extremely powerful and wealthy. And hence, women would always

flock around him.

However, who Elvis ended up, depended on the ladies’s ability to attract his attention. This, Pamela was

confident that she could.

Pamela coughed lightly and turned to look at Gwen.

Gwen said quickly,

“Okay, y’all shouldn’t be a nympho, boss Augustine is indeed charming, but he likes Olive. Don’t forget

that he gave Olive his card and onlylove. Now that we’ve gotten the opportunity, we’ll reveal her true

identity to boss Augustine.”

With a reminder sounding in their ears, the ladies seemed to have gotten back their sense of reasoning.

They all began chattering as to how Elvis was charmed by Olive, they felt unconvinced.

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Yes, we’ll go find Mr. Augustine now.” One of the ladies added.

“Gwen, what’s the strongest drink in your bar? Maybe, we could get Olive drunk. When she’s drunk, we’ll

ask her some questions and maybe she’ll spill some true information and then boss Augustine wouldn’t

want to ever see her again.” Pamela spoke confidently.

North and Olive had gotten themselves into another room.

North muttered,

“Olive, Pamela is really a cunning bitch. She’s getting help from those girls, just to deal with you.”

Olive pursed her lips,

“That’s the typical Pamela. And moreover, she’s about to make a big fuss concerning Elvis.”

“And that’s what we want, right?”

She was glad to see that Pamela was slowly getting to know Elvis, and in no time, she would realize that

he owned

the Red Villa.

A knock landed on the door lightly, and it was pushed open as a waiter walked in with a bottle of alcohol

and two glasses.

Olive’s alcohol intake wasn’t that good. She would get drunk no matter how little she drank. Although she

was aware of that, the red alcohol bottle was really calling out to her.

“North, can I have some?”

“You’re not good at alcohol. You’re only allowed to take a sip.”

With North’s approval, Olive quickly poured herself a glassful, and sipped elegantly.

The drink was extremely delicious. Olive poured herself another glass.

Before North could notice what she was doing, Olive had already emptied her glass.

“Olive, you finished two glasses? Gosh! You’re going to be drunk!” North reprimanded, but it was too late

as Olive’s

‘eyes were already becoming blurry.

She put the glass and made to stand, but she felt her head spinning.

The door was opened and some people came in, they were the celebrities.

“Olive, I’ll like to know, was onlylove given to you by Mr. Augustine?” One of them questioned the

staggering Olive.

Elvis, Raven and Harry were heading to their private room. But some of the celebrities approached them.

“Hello, Mr. Augustine, we have something to tell you.”

Elvis raised his head and looked at them. He slowly turned his face and continued walking.

“CEO Augustine.” They called, and ran to catch up with him.

Harry took out his hands from his pocket and raised it up, indicating for them to halt. He narrowed his

peach blossom eyes and said to them,

What do you mean? Go on now, or I’ll have people drag y’all out of here!”

They were all afraid of Harry, the bully of LA. They could only shout to Elvis.

Mr. Augustine, Olive is here too. She’s in the front room.”

Elvis who had gone ahead suddenly halted.

Elvis turned to Raven and Harry, he nodded at them as they followed the ladies to meet Olive. When

they reached the door of the room, one of the ladies gave Elvis a head’s up.

“Mr. Augustine, you’ve been lied to by Olive. She’ll be exposed now.”

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The door of the room wasn’t properly closed, Elvis stood and peeped at Olive. Olive was already drunk

and her face was burning red

Elvis let out a frown.

The lady inside asked again,

“Olive, did president Augustine give you the onlylove?”

Olive felt so hot and her head was dizzy, she nodded.

“Yeah, onlylove was given to me by your CEO.”

“Then what’s the relationship between you and the CEO?”

Olive felt her body become weak. She muttered weakly,

“I am his sugar mummy.”

“What the hell!” The ladies gasped.

Harry who stood beside Elvis couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

Olive, are you crazy? How can you say that?!”

Olive’s beautiful voice which was filled with drunkenness sounded again,

You heard the right, I am your boss Augustine’s sugar mummy. He’s responsible for spending on me,

and also warming my bed.”

Everyone gasped.

Olive could not see the sudden change in everyone’s faced. Elvis’s handsome face appeared in her


“Boss Augustine is such a sexy man. He likes kissing me. His kiss is skillful and he is great on the bed.”