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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 She Stays Here Tonight

“Hey maid, come over here” Elvis commanded.

“Why? What are you doing?” Olive stood up and walked over

Elvis reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling it gently. Olive fell directly into his sturdy thigh.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Olive hastily stood up..

“You’re angry? Didn’t you just refer to yourself as a maid?”

Olive eyes glared at him,

“I said I’m a maid, not a play thing to you!”

Elvis’s smirked,

“This is the first time I’m seeing a maid without a uniform. I’m afraid you understand fully well what a play

thing is.”

Olive didn’t expect him to say such. He really did appear serious on the surface, but she didn’t expect.

him to be so lustful.

Elvis though single, was a matured man.

Elvis handed a candy to her and said,

“Little maid, peel it off I wanna eat it.


I thought you said you don’t eat sugary food.” Olive retorted.

“Well, today’s an exemption. “Elvis fixed his gaze on her face, as he awaited his candy.

Olive forcefully peeled off the candy,

“There you go” she stuffed the small multicolored candy into his mouth.

Elvis licked the candy slowly with a smile on his face. He squinted his narrow eyes and asked in a low


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“Little maid, do you have any ultimate goal?”

“Ultimate goal?” Olive asked in confusion.

“Yes, isn’t the ultimate goal of a maid to lay on her master’s bed?”

Olive’s eyes widened. Unexpectedly, he was acting like a hooligan again.

Elvis grabbed her hand and wrapped it in his palm. He laughed softly.

Footsteps could be heard approaching, Rita was returning from her tour around the Villa.

Olive quickly pushed Elvis’s away and stood straight

Rita walked in. She looked at Elvis charmingly and admiringly,

“Elvis, the Red Villa is so beautiful.”

Elvis stood up coldly. He said indifferently without glancing at Rita,

“Dinner s ready Let’s eat”

In the dinning

Elvis and Rita sat opposite on the table. Olive didn’t join them, she went to the kitchen to assist

Olive walked into the dinning room with a bowl of baked chicken. She heard Rita say,

“Elvis, I suddenly remembered that, there’s a document that needs your signature. It’s too late already,

can I atleast pass the night here?”

Elvis glanced at Olive and nodded,

“Okay, you can spend the night here.”

Olive suddenly imagined what might transpire between Elvis and Rita during their work session.

Rita could go naked and try to seduce him.

Olive stared at Elvis angrily as she wondered why he would consent to such.

Still lost in her imagination, she felt her finger burning, she hastily took her hands off the steel chicken

pot. Looking at her now bruised finger, a frown appeared on her face.

Elvis pulled her scalded finger and caressed it soothingly,

“Why being so careless? Does it hurt?

He brought her finger to his mouth and kissed it. Olive’s eyeslash shivered, she swiftly pulled back her


“I’ll go upstairs and deal with it.” Olive turned and went upstairs.

Rita watched the scene in shock. Elvis was actually concerned about a maid’s injured finger?

Rita was certain that the was intimacy between the two.

In the bedroom.

Olive stood in front of the washstand in the bathroom and the cold water rushed on her scalded finger.

The scald was not so serious and the pain was gone.

However, she reminisced on the how Elvis had kissed her finger. It felt soft and slightly cool, and it

instantly relived her pain.

Olive turned off the tap. She didn’t know what he meant. Since he brought Rita home, why was he still

flirting with her?

Olive was not so stupid. While Rita was going to be spending the night there, who was going to keep

Rita company?

Olive stayed in the room and didn’t go out again. Soon, a knock was heard on the door.

Olive quickly opened the door, it was not Elvis, but Rita.

Olive suddenly hid her disappointment She looked at Rita and said,

“Director Rita, do you need me to do something?”

Rita looked at Olive. Olive was wearing a mask. It was impossible to decipher whether her face looked

beautiful or not. However, Olive had a pair of black and watery eyes, which was impossible to


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Rita’s reddish lips uttered,

“You said that you were the maid, right? I have something for you to do.”

Although Rita was very calm, Olive could sense her rivalry towards her

“Okay? What do you need me to do?”

“I need you to get me a pack of condom. I wanna use them tonight”

Olive paused for a moment and then said,

“Is it for you or for Elvis?”

“Isn’t it same? I’m staying here tonight. Something will definitely happen between Elvis and I” Rita

completed her speech. She glared at Olive up and down. In the most cocky tone she added,

“You’re just a little maid, are you planning on seducing Elvis? Maybe Elvis just wanna play with you Look

at yourself and then at me, can you compare yourself to me? The person that Elvis really likes

is me!”

Olive sensed Rita’s confidence Indeed, there was no comparison between them. Olive was a young.

delicate and beautiful girl. But Rita, she was hot, sexy and wore an amour of charm.

Olive remembered Elvis character. Cold on the surface, but kind at heart.

Olive tightened her fist and bluntly refused,

“Since he likes you, he must likes the condom which you’ll purchase by your self Go on and get it.”

Olive immediately closed the door

Rita stood furiously, she yelled.

“Hey, go buy me a pack of condom, oh, no, two packs!”

Olive’s back was pressed against the door. Of course, she heard Rita’s words clearly.

She felt very uncomfortable She used her hand in covering her ear.

Was Elvis really going to touch Rita tonight?”