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The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 22: Auction
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A day passed quickly, and a beautiful sunset could be seen in the city while the auction slowly approached.

Minos was standing with some of his guards in front of a large building in the central part of the Maritime City.

It was a massive building with a luxurious decoration that would make anyone think that it was in the kingdom's capital and not in this desolate region of the Black Plain.

There was a lot of movement in front of the Ocean Market. Most of them were concentrated at the main entrance of the place. But there was a second entrance a few meters away, where from time to time, very well-dressed and escorted people passed.

That was the VIP entrance.

At that moment, Pyke started to speak with a serious look. "Young master, I just found out that there are two ways to enter this auction."

"The first is paying a fee of 1,000 low-grade crystals to enter the common section of the auction. That part corresponds to this place." Pyke pointed to the long line while talking to Minos.

"The second section is generally used by people from large families in the Brown Kingdom or those who intend to do big business in the auction. This is the VIP section. In it, the identity of those inside the room is kept confidential during the entire auction, and each VIP room has an exclusive exit."

"To enter it, it is necessary to deposit 200 medium-grade crystals that must be spent during the auction. If the person does not spend the deposited amount, then we will not be able to recover our crystals."

"Of course, members of the big families in the kingdom do not have to pay this deposit." Pyke finished.

"Hm, I understand. We will pay this deposit, then. It is better not to take unnecessary risks. If the grade-2 sword is being sold, then I will buy it for sure." Said Minos with a resolute expression.

Then, Corporal Pyke made the deposit at the Oceanic Market and got the VIP identification. After that, they entered the building through the VIP entrance.

"Sir, can I see your identification?" A young attendant asked with a smile on her face.

After showing the identification to the attendant, she spoke. "Please, I will take you to your room."

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Then, Minos was accommodated in a large room with sofas, drinks, and snacks.

There was a large glass that overlooked the auction stage and also a concealment array.

It didn't take long before the common area was full. It was almost time for the auction to start when the luminous arrays were finally extinguished, leaving only part of the stage illuminated.

Time passed, and soon a middle-aged man took the stage. He was very well-dressed, with a luxurious suit that matched with his full beard and short hair.

Minos and his group did not know, but this person was already at level 49, the limit of the General Spiritual stage. But many eyes in the audience recognized the man's strength and were already shaking with excitement.

Such a person as an auctioneer, this could only mean that, in fact, there was a significant 'item' being auctioned at this time!

"Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Oceanic Market. I think everyone is already impatient to start so that I won't waste much time."

"Today, we have some high-level items for our region, so prepare your crystals! Hehehe, as for the number of objects auctioned, today we have only 10."

He then clapped his hands and said. "I announce that the monthly auction of the Oceanic Market is open!"

Soon after, lights focused on an 'item' that was already on stage in a place previously prepared.

It was aged black parchment.

"To begin with, this is a specialized technique in movement, classified as Black-grade and with 4 phases. It is called Floating Steps and can cause the user to triple his speed within a 20-second interval in the initial phase. That value can be increased exponentially in the following phases."

"The initial bid for the technique is 5,000 low-grade crystals, with a minimum increase of 100 crystals."

"5,500." Someone said at the moment the auctioneer had just finished speaking.

'Hm, I don't have any movement techniques in this classification to make available to the soldiers of the Black Plain Army.' Minos thought reflexively.

He did not want to distribute his Silver or Golden-grade techniques to people he did not trust or had not made significant contributions. That is why he had planned to give Black-grade techniques to those who entered his forces.

Only with their own merit could those soldiers obtain the best techniques. This was a measure to prevent Minos' future enemies from stealing techniques from him!

At this point, the bid for the technique had already reached 7,200 when Minos made his bid.


After that, there was a momentary silence in the hall.

That was a good technique, but paying more than eight thousand was already a lot for a movement technique of this grade.

"The lord in room 3 made a bid of 8,000, does anyone else?" Asked the auctioneer.

Finally, the auctioneer sold Floating Steps to Minos. Then, an attendant went to the stage and took the technician to the VIP room where Minos' group was.

"Next, we will have a spiritual shield-type armor that can withstand an attack with all the power of someone at level 40. This was produced by an experienced blacksmith of the Stone Island who is at the peak of high-level grade-1." The auctioneer pointed to a suit of armor that looked like a large metallic robe.

"The starting bid is 3,000 low-grade crystals, with a minimum increase of 100."



The bidding continued for a while until the armor was sold for 5,800 crystals. This time, Minos made no move, as he already had his Indestructible Body, which could defend against someone's attacks at level 39 and would continue to improve in a short time.

Time passed, and two other items were sold.

One was a high-level grade-1 war hammer sold for 7,000 crystals, and the other was a medium-level grade-1 spiritual gathering array auctioned for 11,000 low-grade crystals.

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"The next 'item' is a map that, according to our studies, appears to be from a period of more than 100,000 years ago. From the items represented on the map and the assessment of the highest level expert on the subject within the Cromwell Kingdom, this map refers to a high-level region in the south of the Central Continent."

"As many of you may know, today, in the southern region of our continent, there is only one empire and one kingdom. However, this is considered to be the strongest region, with several experts who have reached level 100 in the past. So, this map can take you to a special place if you dare to take a chance."

"Perhaps even you can enter in some Spatial Kingdom!"

After saying that, everyone was silent. Going to such a strong place was a chance for anyone. Still, immense dangers would also accompany any opportunity that came.

"Interesting, maybe I will visit the south of the continent when I am chosen by one of the sects of the Flaming Empire." The young master of the Silva family said while he was in his private room.

"Young master, this is very dangerous. Even Spiritual Emperors are common in the south of the continent." Protector Philip alerted Darell.

The auctioneer then continued. "Given the possibility that the map will lead to nothing great, the Ocean Market has valued this item at 5,000 crystals, with a minimum increase of 500 low-grade crystals."

Soon after, offers were made.





"10,000" The young Darell made a big move at once.

"10,000, for the gentleman in room 5, does anyone give more?" The auctioneer asked as he looked in the direction of the eight unique rooms.

"Very well! The map will be sold for 10,000 to the lord of room 5."

The auction continued for a while, but no 'item' caught the attention of Minos or the young master of the Silva family. The most expensive was sold at 7,000 crystals and the cheapest at 5,000.

When the ninth 'item' was finally auctioned off, a sword was slowly lit on the stage.

It was about 1 meter long, with a spiral symbol on the snitch and a four-leaf clover-like handguard. The auctioneer continued with his expressionless face when he announced.

"The last 'item' of our auction is something that has been generating rumors in our city recently. And in fact, these rumors were true, this is a low-level grade-2 spiritual sword, which was forged by a great blacksmith from the Kingdom of the Waves, and it will be auctioned now."