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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1266
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Chapter 1266 When Blake, Kai, and Liam were in the elevator inside the hospital, Blake hesitantly said, “Dr. Stewart, don't you need to disguise yourself a bit? What if Cecilia's people recognize you? Won't you get in trouble? “Do you think you're the only one who thought of that?” Kai chuckled. * The moment | stepped into the hospital, the people monitoring us had already called her.” Blake, embarrassed, scratched her head. “I see! So, why did you want us here? Is there something important?” Kai casually put his hands in his pockets. “Not really. | just want to bring you two over for a little fun.” Blake replied, “What? Dr. Stewart, you can still joke around even at a time like this?” Kai glanced at Liam, seemingly conveying a hidden meaning. Blake sensed something was happening between them, something she was unaware of.

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After they walked out of the elevator and when the bodyguards saw Kai, they wanted to restrain him, but they seemed to be cautious of someone. None of them stepped forward. Then, the head of the bodyguards approached the three of them. “Ms. Dion, what are you doing here?” Blake responded, “I'm just here to take a look. You don’t need to mind 1. The three of us are together.” She toughened herself to walk Chapter 1266 forward. She then turned around to shoot a meaningful glance at Kai and Liam.

One of the bodyguards wanted to stop them, but another one intervened.

They then arrived at the door of the ward. After Kai made sure no one could hear them, he stopped and teasingly said, “I didn’t expect you two bodyguards to be quite useful. Alright, just wait for me at the door.” Blake replied, “Hey!” Before she could finish what she wanted to say, she heard a loud bang, and the door was shut right in front of her.

She looked at Liam who was beside her and said, “Do you understand what he meant? Why did he call us here but won't let us in? What's he planning to do?” Liam responded, “Cecilia won't dare to hurt him when you're around.” Blake suddenly realized what happened. “So that’s it. Isn't he just using me? Well, it's okay. Dr. Stewart is a good person. Maybe he has some way to help Mr. Jardin to wake up sooner. This way, | don’t have to go through a fake marriage with you.” Liam showed a thoughtful expression. Blake grabbed his hand and led him aside. “Let's sit here. | want to brief you on your schedule for today.” Meanwhile, Kai entered the ward and locked the door. He did not rush to do anything. Instead, he walked around the room, observing the surroundings. Inside the ward, there was a dressing table with ladies’ cosmetics on it, and the wardrobe was filled with women’s clothing. He said, “Zach, you really have some charm. So many women take Chapter 1266 care of you, and even when things go wrong, there's still someone to make sure you're safe.

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“You really deserve to die. Jasmine, Yvonne, Cecilia...

“Even Felicia died because of you.” Kai walked up to Zach who was in a coma, wearing an oxygen mask. He reached out to unbutton Zach's collar and saw that the surgical wound on his chest had begun to heal. The heart rate monitor nearby displayed a steady heartbeat. All the readings were normal, but Zach still had not woken up.

Kai continued saying, “If | save you, Maddie will once again lose her hard-earned freedom because of you. If | don’t save you, Cecilia will be able to control everything, and by then Maddie will be in danger and | can never make sure she’s safe.

“If you ever wake up, | hope you can improve your behavior and stop hurting her and making her sad.

“Zach! This time, | hope you genuinely and wholeheartedly love Maddie, not just wanting to own and control her.”