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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23 Who’s Trying To Shut Down The Kindergarten? As the crowd of parents continued to watch,

this Jackie fellow blurted out, “Mr. Cooper! Thank goodness you’re here!” It was the deputy principal for

Little Professors. He smiled grimly when he saw it was someone he knew, “If it isn’t Jackie. Why are you

starting trouble here in my kindergarten?” “I wouldn’t dare to!” Jackie shook his head vehemently. He put

on an air as if he had suffered loads. He turned and pointed accusingly at the captain of the guards. “Mr.

Cooper, where did you hire these guards from? All of them-especially their leader- ganged up against us-

the parents of your students- with some outsider!” He leaned in to whisper. Owen yelled in outrage as he

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watched his security drag the three men further away.

“What nonsense! Are you trying to shut down Little Professors?!” A few guards turned to glance at him,

but they went back to what they were doing. Ignoring the struggles of the men, the guards continued to

drag them into the alleyway. “You’ve gotten it all wrong!” Owen glared at the captain. “This is your team?!

You had better call them back!” Moira started to panic when she saw how furious the balding, middle-

aged man was getting. ‘Oh no! Even Mr. Cooper got pulled into this mess!’ Jacob glanced at the principal

and said unaffectedly, “Is he really that great?” “It depends on who you’re talking to.” Moira waved her

hand. “To parents who want to enroll their children into Little Professors, Owen Cooper is a god! We

might need to look for another kindergarten for Heidi if we insult him!” “From how Mr. Cooper is

behaving, he is obviously on that man’s side!” She sighed and muttered under her breath. “It looks like I’ll

have to take a day’s leave to find another kindergarten for Heidi.” “Don’t worry. The only way Heidi is

going to leave this school is if she decides she doesn’t want to continue going here!” Jacob’s tone was

as nonchalant as ever, but his eyes were like steel. Jacob doesn’t look threatening, but sometimes, the

things he says sounds so ominous! Moira couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. “Mr. Mooney, do you

usually talk this way?” Even the sturdiest of mountains would shudder at what she was saying.

Thankfully someone spoke out, saving him from embarrassment. “Who’s trying to shut down the

kindergarten?” The crowd parted and in walked a genteel looking young man. He was dark haired and

wore gold rimmed glasses. Owen, who stood tall and proud before Jackie immediately bowed when he

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saw this person. He greeted him meekly, “Secretary Ramos, it’s just some trivial matter. Easily settled.

You didn’t need to come in person!” Colin glanced at Jacob. His eyes shone like a cat’s. He chuckled.

Turning to Owen, he said, “Deputy principal Cooper, I heard you said that someone was trying to start

trouble here?” Jackie glanced nervously between Colin Ramos and Owen Cooper. He had had some

dealings with Cooper before. He considered himself quite familiar with the kindergarten’s staff, but why

had he not heard of this Secretary Ramos person before? Besides, he was just a secretary, whereas Mr.

Cooper was the deputy principal of a well-recognized kindergarten. He was in charge of admission. Why

in the world was he acting so humbly towards a meager secretary? Owen smiled at the impeccably

dressed secretary. “It’s just a trivial matter. These stupid security guards were being too rough. It’ll affect

the kindergarten’s reputation.”