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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

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Chapter 89: Theo

I held Ayla’s as we entered the cellar. It kept me grounded, even though we were both

ready to burn the world down if anyone so much as looked at us wrong. But we would

have justice soon enough. Then, all of this would be over. We could work on moving

forward with our lives in peace.

Our closest friends stood in the hall outside Amy’s cell. Briggs, Mina, Jimmy, Maggie, even

Annabelle. They all stood with determined stances. Kylee stood a short distance from

them, but her demeanor was the same as the rest.

“Will is on his way,” Briggs said. “So is Sheriff McCabe. We need the witnesses.”

“Oh, there will be witnesses,” Ayla said as she stared through the glass at the woman


“Has she said anything yet?” I asked.

“Other than nasty comments that earned her that fat lip and blo ody nose, no,” Maggie


“How do you want to handle this?” I asked Ayla. “Do you want me to go in first or do this


“We do this together,” she said decisively. She moved to go in but paused, turning back to

Jimmy and Briggs. “Don’t let me kill her yet. I have something else in mind.”

Briggs and Jimmy shared a look. Jimmy didn’t even bother to hide his grin.

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I opened the door and stepped in. Amy’s head shot up, her eyes falling on me, then

moving to Ayla as she followed me in.

“I thought I heard you somehow survived,” she sneered. “Pity.”

“Sorry to disappoint,” Ayla replied coldly. “I guess you should have tried harder. Maybe

been a little smarter about it.”

Amy shrugged a shoulder. “I also hear it wasn’t a total loss.” Her eyes dropped to Ayla’s

stomach, then back up.

My hand flew to the back of her head, slamming it against the metal table before dragging

her up by her hair. A fresh stream of blood flowed from her nose and mouth.

“Who put you up to it?” I commanded.

Amy laughed. She didn’t even try to fight the command. “No one. I took it upon myself to

end this whole charade.”

“You don’t seem the type to cater to Waar P ak rhetoric,” Ayla said. “What’s in it for you?”

“Other than getting rid of you?” Amy jeered as she struggled to breathe through a broken


“I get that you hate me, Amy,” Ayla stated. “But you knew this would mean death if you

were caught. Even you aren’t stu pid enough to risk your life over a grudge. There’s no

reason to hate me that much.”

“Wanna bet?” Amy gasped out viciously. “Who said I only hated you? Our pathetic Alpha

here thinks there won’t be consequences to his actions. An eye for an eye, dear Alpha. You

take something from me. I take something from you. I wanted it to be your mate, but I

can’t deny robbing you of a pup is more satisfying. At least for now.”

I slammed her head back on the table, holding her down as I gripped her neck. I felt her

spine start to cr ack as she struggled beneath me. But Ayla stopped me before I went too


“Theo,” she pressed.

I released my hold, stepping out of the spray of blood from Amy’s coughing and

spluttering. Suddenly, the door burst open and Kylee rushed in.

“How could you, Amy?” Kylee cried. “What kind of psy cho kills someone because their

friend moved away?”

“Don’t f ucking flatter yourself,” Amy spat. “You really think I cared about you after you

abandoned me? After you gave up on everything you worked for. You’re the most pathetic

of them all.”

Kylee shook her head. “What happened to you, Amy? Did you even think twice after John

told you Ayla was pregnant?”

A sickening smile spread over Amy’s face. “Who said that’s how I found out?”.

“What do you mean?” Ayla demanded.

“I already knew,” Amy replied. “Thank you for that, by the way.”

Kylee’s face paled. She looked at Ayla desperately. “I swear I didn’t tell her, Ayla. I swear. I

would never.”

Amy laughed again. “Of course not. But you’ve always been easy to manipulate. You spill

your guts to anyone who shows you a little bit of attention. Did he make you feel special,

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Kylee looked like she would vomit. I started to believe she had been used to get to us

somehow. Ayla must have figured that out too. She

was tugging on Kylee’s arm, trying to get her to leave the room. Suddenly, Kylee launched

herself at Amy. Her wolf flashed in her eyes as her claws extended. Ayla caught her in

time, holding her back.

“Why then?” Kyle yelled. “Why kill her?”

“Because they took my mate from me,” Amy bellowed. “If I can’t have mine, neither can


We all looked at each other. None of us even knew Amy had a mate. I reached over and

tugged the collar of her shirt away to find a mark displayed on her shoulder.

“Who is this mate we have supposedly robbed you of?” I asked. “Did we kill him?”

Amy looked at me with a look of pure hatred. “You will,” she ground out. “The Alphas will

side with you and he will die.”

“Wait,” Ayla said. “Malcolm Neal is your mate?”

“We were fated to each other,” Amy said.

“So, you murdered my child because your mate was stup id enough to get himself

caught?” Ayla hissed.

She closed the distance between her and Amy. There was a look on her face I had never

seen before. It sent a chill down my spine. She leaned in close, grabbing Amy’s chin


“You want to be with your mate?” Ayla said. “Then you will be with your mate.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!