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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49: Theo

I walked into the restaurant, looking around the place. I spotted Ozzy back in a corner

booth and headed in that direction. We greeted each other as I slid onto the bench.

“Thank you for meeting with me, Ozzy,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Of course, Alpha.”

“I wanted to meet to ask about something that was brought up at the last meeting,” I said.

“Oh, what is that?” he asked.

“Someone mentioned that you had a tenant that seemed a little strange. It sounded like

he wasn’t from around here,” I explained. “I wanted to know if he was a pack member.”

“You know, I’m not really sure. He was pretty strange, with kind of an odd aura about

him,” Ozzy said. “But the way he spoke made it sound like he was from a small town. So I

just figured that explained his oddities.”

“Is he still living there?” I asked. “I’d like to talk to him if he is.”

“He’s paid through this month, so as far as I know, he is,” Ozzy said. “I haven’t been by in

a while. But I haven’t had any complaints about him, and he pays rent on time.”

I nodded. “Can I get the address?” I asked. “I might swing by and pay him a visit.”

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Chapter 49. Theo

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annual Alpha’s Gathering. The Blue Fang Pack was hosting this year, and I wanted to be

there. It would be the first year I went without Dad, but we were friends with Alpha Harden

and his son, Jason. So I felt comfortable going without him.

My mind drifted to Ayla. I wished she was going with me. I wondered if she would be there

with Kingston. It was odd that I hoped she was. Not because I wanted to see her with him,

especially not after feeling them together again the other morning. But because I just

wanted to see her. If we were both there, I could figure out a way to get close to her.

I needed to get her alone, and I hadn’t managed to figure out any other way of making

that happen.

W would be in neutral territory. Kingston wouldn’t be able to make a scene or keep her

locked down. Maybe I could even convince Harden or Jason to help me.

I was working on a plan when my mother knocked on the open door of my office.

“Hey, Mom,” I said with a smile.

Ever since I called things off with Kylee and told her about Ayla, she had been so

supportive. It really made a world of difference. I set the invitation down on the desk and

stood to give her a hug.

“Ah, I see you got the invite to the Gathering,” she said with a smile. “That’s what I

wanted to talk to you about.”

“What’s up?” I asked.

“You’re not going,” she stated bluntly.

“Um, excuse me?” I said playfully, but still baffled. “Of course I‘


Chapter 49 Theo

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m going. I know it’s the first year without Dad, but I’ve been going since I was seventeen. I

can handle it.”

She rested a hand on my arm. “I know that, son. It has nothing to do with your ability,

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“Then why do you think I’m not going?” I asked, my curiosity growing.

“Because you’re not,” she said again. “I’m going, and I’m taking Briggs and Mina.”

“Mom, are you going to explain why you want to do this? Because you’re not making any


She sighed. “I know. I just need you to trust me on this one.”

“I do trust you,” I insisted. “But I can’t miss the Gathering this year. It’s too important.”

“Because you think Ayla will be there?” she said, knowing exactly what I had been


I looked at her, but I didn’t say anything. I shouldn’t have to.

“That’s why you don’t need to be there, Theo,” she said gently. “There will be too many

eyes on her. If you approach her, she’s going to feel cornered. That’s the last thing we


“Mom, what other choice do I have?” My tone was forceful. This was my first opportunity

to see my mate since I accepted her. She needed to know. “We don’t know how much

longer we have. If Kingston marks her…”

“I understand your concern, honey,” my mother interjected. “But we also don’t have room

for any mistakes. So I really just need you to trust me.”