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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 70
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Sasha went back home in high spirits. Due to the late hour, her two children were already asleep when

she arrived. She went into the nursery to give them both a kiss and then went to take a shower. It was a

quiet night. The next morning, Sasha was woken up by a commotion outside her room. “What about

Mommy?” “Shh, Mommy’s not awake yet. She must have come home very late last night. Go get

dressed quickly, I’ll cook some eggs for you.”

Those were the voices of her two children. Sasha’s eyes open immediately and she bolted out of bed

and rushed out, yelling, “Matt, don’t touch the stove! It’s too dangerous! Mommy will do it!” Even though

her son was quite independent and responsible for his age, he was only five years old. She couldn’t let

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him attempt to operate a stove of all things. Thankfully, both kids had yet to start doing anything. With

that, Sasha started rushing about cooking breakfast and making sure her kids were well-fed. Suddenly,

she remembered that Ian also had to go to preschool starting today.

“Come on, sweeties. Let’s go to school quickly,” she told them, hurrying them out the door. “Okay,” they

replied. But Matteo wanted to ask her if she went to Frontier Bay yesterday. He had texted Ian using his

smartwatch yesterday after she left, but that boy didn’t even reply to any single one of his messages! Is

he really mad at me? Matteo was a little worried. About ten minutes later, the two kids arrived at their

preschool. “Bye, sweeties! Mommy will come earlier in the afternoon to pick you up!” “Okay, Mommy!”

Her two children obediently waved her goodbye. But once she was out of sight, the two of them went to

find a corner in the preschool to hide in. “Matt, look! Mommy’s here!” Vivian cried out.

She had sharp eyes, and she spotted Sasha’s signal tracker pop up on the screen of Matteo’s tablet as

soon as she sat down. Matteo found the signal too and stared silently at it until it eventually stopped

moving. “Frontier Bay? Mommy went there again?” “Huh? Isn’t that where mean Daddy lives? Why did

Mommy go there? Isn’t she scared that Daddy will bully her again?” Vivian’s chubby face scrunched up

with worry as soon as she heard her brother’s words. Matteo’s eyebrows were also furrowed. He had no

idea what had been going on for the past two days, and Ian refused to reply to his texts.

Should I go over and take a look for myself? The idea planted itself in the little boy’s mind… Sasha

rushed all the way to Frontier Bay. Unfortunately, it was already past nine o’clock when she arrived. To

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make things worse, Sebastian hadn’t left for work yet. He sat on a chair in front of the main entrance with

his legs crossed as if he was waiting for her specifically. Slightly apprehensive and out of breath, Sasha

approached him. “You… You haven’t gone to work yet?” “Can’t you see that I’m waiting for you?” Those

words that came out of his mouth were cold and hostile. “

I… I’m sorry. There were just too many cars on the road and I got stuck in the morning traffic. I had to

wait for a long time before I could get a taxi. The road on the way here was jammed as well…” she

explained, panicking. She really hoped that she hadn’t thrown a wrench into their plans after Sebastian

had finally agreed to let Ian go to preschool. But Sebastian refused to listen to her explanation,

uncrossing his legs and standing up straight to tower over her. “You’ve lost your chance, Sasha! You

can’t even be punctual! How am I supposed to trust you to resolve our kid’s problems?”