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The Lethal Love Hunter

Chapter 68
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someone else!”

Chapter 68 Shut Up!

Robin’s words shocked everyone in the room.

Karina glanced at Robin and stifled a laugh.

Robin shook his head and sighed, “Many people were foolish enough to kill themselves.”

Justin almost went crazy, pointing at Robin and shouting. “You’re talking nonsense!”

Robin shrugged, “Whether what I said was true or false doesn’t matter. What matters is that this has

happened for so many years, and yet you are still in the dark about it!”

“Think for yourself, does your child look like you? Hehe…”

Justin’s face turned pale and then red, and he angrily said, “Dad! This guy is simply too insolent, kick

him… kick him out!”

Robin chuckled, “If you don’t believe me, you can go for a paternity test tomorrow. It can be expedited,

and the results will be available in just one hour.”

Justin was dumbfounded in an instant. He looked at Alondra and grabbed her collar, “Is this true?”

Alondra shouted, “You bastard, you believe the words of a scammer from the underworld?!”

Then, turning to Robin, he roared, “Let me tell you, if you dare to talk nonsense again, the Huber family

won’t let you get away with it!”


1234 1

Karina coldly retorted, “Robin is a distinguished guest invited by grandfather, and you are not qualified

to say such things!”

Robin chuckled and looked at Alondra, “It’s no use talking, tomorrow you will go for an appraisal, and

everything will be revealed. Do you dare, Mrs. Huber?”

Alondra shivered for a moment and dared not look at Robin.

Justin’s eyes slowly turned cold at this moment. “Alondra, tomorrow we will go for a paternity test! If I

find out that you lied to me, you better be prepared to die!”

Alondra gently pulled Justin and said, “Justin, how could you listen to that scammer’s nonsense…”

“Enough! Both of you, keep arguing and get out of here!” Harold said with a grim face, pointing at Justin

and Alondra.

“Tomorrow morning, Andre took them to the appraisal center for an urgent appraisal! If they are not of

the Huber family bloodline, immediately drive them out of the Huber family! Take back all the Huber

family assets in their hands.”

Lonnie’s face darkened as he turned to Robin and said, “Young man, speaking requires responsibility!”

Robin shrugged, “We would know tomorrow.”

“Are you saying that you could also cure Mr. Camdyn’s illness?”

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Robin chuckled lightly and said, “I never say or do things that I am not certain about.”

Harold’s eyes lit up, and his body trembled violently.

Lonnie sneered, “Ignorance truly knows no fear!”


“Mr. Camdyn’s illness has been seen by numerous doctors at Hashville State, but none of them dared

to claim that it could be cured for sure. They could only provide palliative care and wait to see the


“Even Mr. Blaine, the medical genius of Londraland, who had just diagnosed this morning, was also at

a loss!”

“The matter of treating illnesses cannot tolerate the slightest bit of falsehood!”

“I have been practicing medicine for thirty years, and I have seen all kinds of symptoms. I dare not say

such big words! You are so young…”

“That’s because you haven’t learned enough yet!” Robin chuckled, not wanting to hear him continue,

“With your mediocre skills, you’ll only reach this level even if you study for a lifetime!”

“You! You were absolutely arrogant!” Lonnie fumed, blowing his mustache and glaring.

Robin sneered, “This is not arrogance, it’s called strength, you know? I can’t be bothered to waste any

more time talking to you!”

He didn’t want to pay attention to Lonnie anymore and turned to Harold, “Mr. Harold, do you still need

me to continue?”

“If it wasn’t necessary, I would just leave!”

Harold saw that Robin was impatient and immediately said, “Of course, of course!”

Robin looked around and said, “If I were to treat them, all these mediocre people would shut up!”

“You!” Lonnie became instantly furious.

Harold quickly responded, “Andre, anyone who dares to talk nonsense

and disturb Mr. Bruce will be thrown out immediately!”

“Yes!” Andre responded.

Harold pushed open the door and humbly said, “Mr. Bruce, please come into the room and see how

Camdyn is doing.”

Justin and Lonnie, among others, intended to continue to obstruct.

However, Harold had already started talking, and no one dared to interrupt him anymore.

I entered Camdyn’s room.

The gloomy atmosphere that I had previously felt in front of the door came rushing back again.

At that moment. Robin caught a glimpse of panic in Lonnie’s eyes.

“Mr. Harold, may I see the prescription that Mr. Camdyn used before?”

Harold nodded, “Of course, the prescription was written by Dr. Lonnie.”

“Dr. Hu diagnosed that my son, Camdyn, had a cerebral vascular disease.”

“That is what Western medicine refers to as severe Alzheimer’s disease.”

Robin chuckled and said, “Let me see the prescription.”

Robin took the prescription from Lonnie, and Lonnie snorted, “The prescriptions I write are all top–

secret and exclusive.”

“If it weren’t for Mr. Harold’s agreement, I would never have shown it to you.”



Robin ignored him and looked at the list of medicinal herbs on the prescription.

Goji berries, ginseng.

Looking at the prescription, Robin shook his head and looked up at Lonnic.

“Is this what you said, the top–level prescription?”

“A pile of potent medicinal herbs, gathered together, do you want to make the patient bleed heavily?”

Lonnie sneered, “This prescription is indeed a collection of highly nourishing herbal ingredients.

According to my diagnosis, Mr. Camdyn’s body is weakened and blood deficient due to insufficient

kidney yang and excessive fatigue.”

“In addition, excessive stress over the years led to the accumulation of blood lipids within the body’s

major blood vessels.”

“If you truly understood traditional medicine, you would know that this prescription can improve Mr.

Camdyn’s blood circulation and promote the elimination of waste in his blood lipids.”

“As the saying goes, flowing water does not rot.”

“Only by ensuring that Mr. Xiao’s blood flows smoothly through the capillaries and meridians throughout

his body, can it reach every part of his body.”

“So, it is only through the necrosis of cells caused by illness that they can potentially regain vitality!”

“This was a process of recuperation and rest.”

“After being treated with my prescription, Mr. Xiao’s withered cells

Chapter 68 Shut Up!

may be fully activated.”

“Only in this way, Mr. Xiao’s mental illness could have a chance to improve to some extent.”

“Even if Mr. Xiao’s body couldn’t fully recover as before, at least it could make him stand up…”

“It’s all nonsense!” Robin slammed the prescription directly onto the table.

“If he continues to take this prescription, it won’t be long before Camdyn kicks the bucket!”

At this moment, Anita walked into the room holding a pot of brewed decoction.

“Sir, it is time to give the young master his medicine now.”

“Wait a minute! This decoction cannot be consumed anymore!” Robin stopped Anita and said.

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Harold wondered, “Can’t drink anymore?”

“In the morning. President Blaine also reviewed the prescription for this decoction.”

“He believed that taking this prescription medicine, although not certain, could cure Camdyn’s illness.”

“However, the medicinal herbs listed on this prescription can invigorate the body’s meridians.”

“At least let his half–dead body have fresh blood running through it all the time.”

Robin looked at Camdyn lying on the bed, the carotid artery in his


Chapter 8 Shut Up!

neck was pulsating continuously.

It was evident that the Venomous Worm was active in the bloodstream, leading to a significant


“Mr. Harold, it was precisely because Camdyn drank this decoction. that his physical condition


“You’re talking nonsense!” Lonnie exclaimed angrily.

Justin also stepped forward and pointed at Robin, saying, “Robin Bruce, don’t stir up trouble in our


“Dr. Lonnie, but I specifically invited you to treat my older brother’s illness.”

“In Hallcester, no one could compare to Dr. Hayes‘ medical skills!”

“You now, however, slander him, the prescription he gave to my elder brother, caused harm to my elder


“What the hell were you thinking, kid!”

Robin snorted lightly, “Camdyn didn’t have some brain disease, but was infected with a Venomous


“Just now outside the door, I had already felt the Venomous Worm inside him being active.”

“The Venomous Worm in his body should have been implanted five years ago!”

“Perhaps because at that time, Venomous–Worm Manipulator had not made sufficient preparations yet,

it was only in the initial stage of setting up.”

“So they did not immediately activate these dormant Venomous

Chapter 68 Shut Up!


“What?! Five years ago!” Harold exclaimed in shock.

Robin nodded.

“This Venomous Worm originates from Mistland. The Venomous- Worm Manipulator controls the

invasion of a parasitic worm into the human body, thereby manipulating the life or mental will of the

Venomous–Worm Carrier.”

Harold was greatly shocked when he heard this.

“Who the hell was so malicious to frame my son?!”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!