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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 333: Considerate and Disappointed
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Due to sdelay in Mingyu Square, he returned hmuch later than usual.

Sun Shaozong went to the back house first, handed over the purchased knots and pendants to Ruan Rong for collection, and told her to keep an eye on the East Cross Courtyard for two days. If she found any things that were lacking, she should quickly fill them in so that Sun Chengye wouldn't be embarrassed to speak up.

After handling these many trivial matters, Sun Shaozong quietly sneaked into Jia Yingchun's courtyard under the guise of handling official duties in his study, it was almost past 9 p.m.

After knocking at the door for a long time, she saw Siqi open the door from inside and casually asked. It turned out that two maids were serving Jia Yingchun to take a shower inside. Unfortunately, Sun Shaozong didn’t dare to forcefully knock on the door outside, so it was not until then that they heard the sound before opening.

There was a poem saying:

Without any choice, Sun Shaozong had to hold Jia Yingchun horizontally from under him. He waited for Xiuju to replace all the bedding on the bed with new ones and then placed a pillow at her waist, carefully placing her on the bed.

As for Xiuju, although she had already shared a considerable portion of the firepower, she was only a servant girl. Therefore, after serving the two of them to rest, she went to the outer room on her own.

When there were only Jia Yingchun and himself left in the room, Sun Shaozong then explained to her in detail the incident of Wang Xifeng's accidental encounter with him at Mingyu Square today.

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He reminded her again, "If she wants to share sof the things she has with you, you can only say that you can't decide. Anyway, you've never been a person who makes up your mind.”

Jia Yingchun responded lazily and obediently, trying not to move the lower part of her body as much as possible. She put her forehead on Sun Shaozong's shoulder and gently rubbed her flushed and hot face against the solid and hard muscles.

Normally, at this moment, he should lend her an arm to rest on.


Having too developed muscles also has its drawbacks. Except for the elbow part, everything else was much higher than a regular pillow. If she were to rest on his elbow, there would be a gap of over one meter between the two.

When Sun Shaozong finished explaining this matter, he raised his hand and pulled out two notes from the coat hanging by the bedside, handing them to Jia Yingchun, saying, "I have ordered ssmall items at Mingyu Square, and they are all outstanding in price and appearance. You should ask Siqi to bring the proof to buy them, so as not to meet Chengye's children and not cup with a decent meeting gift.”

Jia Yingchun was indeed a serious lady. Although she didn’t take charge of the family, Sun Chengye's family must first visit her when they arrive in the Capital.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong not only prepared his portion today but also specifically selected a few small items for her.

After all, this thing needed to be given away, so it was not suitable to buy it directly for her. Therefore, Sun Shaozong just selected it in advance and sent Siqi to buy it at that time, so it wouldn't cause suspicion from others.

Jia Yingchun could naturally feel this thoughtful thought, so she becmore and more attached to him. She couldn't help but eagerly say, "When I was at my mother's house, it was inevitable to have a few late nephews, but she never neededto cand entertain them. Now... I'm worried that I won't be able to handle it and lose face in our family.”

Her coquettish and timid appearance made Sun Shaozong feel turned on. He unconsciously slid his hand down but seriously said, "What are you afraid of? You also said that they are syoung people, but not any big bosses.”

“When the tcomes, you can say whatever you want. Anyway, you can't say anything malicious or harmful. If there's really something thoughtless about it, how would these younger generations still dare to provoke others?”

How could Jia Yingchun refuse him with his temperament?

With just a whimper, she was once again manipulated by Sun Shaozong…

Without mentioning how the Sun family's backyard was harmonious.

When Wang Xifeng returned to the Rongguo Mansion, she originally intended to use the birthday gift as a pretext to give Jia Lian a step-down, so as not to keep the couple from constantly struggling like this.

As a result, Ping’er was sent to the study to inquire, but Jia Lian went to the East Mansion early and said he wanted to help Jia Zhen and Jia Rong decorate the house in a good way.

Wang Xifeng hesitated for a moment and simply went to Ningguo Mansion, preparing first to assist Jia Zhen's remarried wife, You-Shi, and then waiting for the opportunity to reconcile with Jia Lian.

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Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the backyard of Ningguo Mansion, she saw that You's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

Was there anything more difficult to accept than a father-son reunion?

Being curious, Wang Xifeng instructed Ping’er to call out all the maids around You-Shi and then spoke a few words of courtesy. Seeing You-Shi's eyes flickering with tears, Wang Xifeng went straight to the topic and said, "Aren’t we close friends? If you have any concern, you can keep it from others, but how can you keep it from me?”

“Today, my stepmother heard that the Master is going to have a big party for his 40th birthday this year, so she brought her two sisters over to help. Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, the Master and Rong’er were taking notice of them…”

“Now the father and son, along with your Second Master Lian in the family, are circling the sisters like wolves, saying not to let them leave.”

“Our Second Master Lian is also here?”

Wang Xifeng originally wanted to inquire about sromantic gossip to satisfy her curiosity, but she didn’t expect that Jia Lian also had a share.

She was so angry that she couldn't help but crush the teacup in her hand!

She had the intention of making a big fuss, but this place was not her own after all. In the end, she could only stand up and stomp her feet and say, "That's it; let this heartless person die at your house. I'll go back and wait for widowhood.”

As she spoke, she disregarded You-Shi's request and left without looking back.

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