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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

After returning from the charity auction, Bella locked herself in the room and refused to

come out. It

was a rare occurrence.

At night, Asher and Axel went to the villa to visit their sister. Although Bella went down to

see them, she was feeling drained and exhausted.

“Bella, I heard about what happened at the auction.”

Asher hurriedly stepped forward and gently took his sister’s gauze-wrapped hand. He

stroked her hand over and over again in distress. “How is your wound? Did Steve take care

of you and change the dressing? Does it still hurt? Is there any infection?”

“I’ve studied medicine, so I can handle it on my own. Steve has enough things to worry

about. I don’t want to trouble him with such a minor thing.” Bella retracted her hand and


“Steve is getting more unreliable! If we hadn’t gone home and met Aunt Mila, we would’ve

been kept in the dark about this! Why didn’t you tell us that the Salvadors bullied you at

the auction?”

Axel’s eyes were filled with hatred. “I will deliver a summons to Salvador Corporation

tomorrow. Asher, please contact KS Group’s legal team and formally sue those old witches

for defamation! I’ll burn their asses! Damn it! If we don’t show them how powerful we are,

they’ll continue to bully Bella!”

“Forget it. This is nothing.”

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Bella leaned feebly on her eldest brother’s broad shoulders. She said in a soft voice, “Do

you think that Salvador Corporation doesn’t have its own legal team? If this gets too big,

Wyatt will hear of it,

and I can’t afford that!”

Bella was more afraid that her father would find out about her and Justin.

Wyatt would not hit her, but he would probably get so angry that he might get a heart

attack. Even though he looked tough, he was still an elderly man. Belle did not want her

father to worry about this.

However, Bella would not just let Rosalind get away with it.

Bella looked at the wound on her hand and thought of the jade bracelet that she had

spent two days repairing. Her eyes turned red again.

“Declan was so anxious to hear that you were injured. He’s now trying to find a way to

come back from the army. Drew is already on his way back. He’ll be home soon.” Asher

hugged his sister and gently stroked her black hair.

“It’s just a scratch! How could you tell Declan and Drew about this? They hold high

positions and have heavy responsibilities. How could they push off their duty just because

of such a trivial matter?”

Bella’s cheeks turned red with anxiety. She hurriedly took out her phone and sent an angry

voice not to the Thompson Family Secret Bureau group chat.

“Whoever dares to come back now, I will ignore him for a year!”

Declan replied. [Bella, I have already asked for permission to leave…]

“I don’t care! If you come back, I’ll disown you as my brother. Try me!”

Drew kept quiet.

“Well… I don’t think you can stop Drew. He’s probably…”

Axel pointed upward. “Flying right now.”

Bella held her forehead in distress.

Drew had always liked to surprise Bella since they were children. He was also very


If Drew were around, he would have pampered Bella more than her other brothers.

“I don’t care! I’ll just ignore him!”

Bella pursed her lips and fiddled with Asher’s crystal cufflinks. “Asher, can you take me

back to Hatchbay later? I want to go to the Meteor Atelier.”

Carrie stood up to testify for Anna, offending Shannon, Jean, and Rosalind in the process.

She had been walking on thin ice at home, but now Carrie felt like she was being grilled

over a fire.

“Stupid girl! Did that bumpkin bribe you? Are you her spy?!”


Bethany was drunk and rushed into Carrie’s bedroom. She bared her teeth and yelled at

Carrie. You’re such an ingrate! I thought you were silly and innocent, but I didn’t expect

you to pretend all this time! You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing, just hiding your strength and

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biding your time, right? Then you can strike when you get the opportunity. You’ll start to

make trouble when you think you’re powerful enough, right?”

“I… I’m not a wolf! I didn’t lie. I didn’t get bribed… I told the truth!”

Carrie’s face turned pale with fright. She hugged her favorite teddy bear tightly. “You… You

bullied Annie… I don’t want you to bully Annie!”

That teddy bear was a limited-edition toy that Bella specially bought from Regarton. To

buy the toy, Bella got up early and queued for six hours in the rain. Carrie loved it so

much that she would sleep with it every night.

“Hmph! How dare you talk back to me?! Go to hell!”

Bethany grabbed her sister’s silky hair with such force, looking like she wanted to tear off

Carrie’s scalp.

“Ah! Ouch! It hurts!”

“Who allowed you to perm your hair?! Do you not remember what I told you?! You’re not

allowed to perm your hair without my permission!” Bethany’s eyes were wide open as she

shook Carrie’s head vigorously.

Bethany was not angry because what Rosalind did had nothing to do with her.

What Bethany hated was that Ryan, whom she had pined after, took the initiative to talk

to Carrie when they exited the Platinum Auction House that day.

Not only that, Ryan even touched Carrie’s “cauliflower” head and smiled at her.

When Bethany witnessed that scene, she was so jealous that she wanted to use a clipper

to shave off all of Carrie’s hair.

“Hah! I know what your plan is! You’re not really trying to help that country bumpkin. You

just want to pretend to be an angel in front of Ryan and seduce him, right?!”