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The Dark Secret of the CEO by Sofia de Orellana

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101
Two days after waking up and being pampered by her man and her princess, Luz is discharged, so she can finish her recovery at
home. On the way, Gerard sits in the middle of the two, holding Luz in her arms and Charlize holding him by the hand, since she
is in her chair. -I see that the princess no longer has problems using the chair – says Luz – -He learned that it’s for security –
Gerard smiles at him and lets the scent of jasmine from his girl flood him –What do you want to do when you get home? -
Shower, get into bed and hug them. I want them to leave me in the middle and pamper me a lot. -Whatever you say, my Little
Light. A surprise awaits you at home. “We’ll see what it’s all about,” she says, raising an eyebrow. -You’ll love it, mommy! The
rest of the journey Luz does in silence, while she listens to Charlize talk about her days. It is incredible that in five days so many
things happened to the little girl. When the car finally stops in front of the house, George waits outside with Evangeline, both of
them come over to help Charlize and Luz down. As soon as she sees George next to her, she lunges for a hug, because that
was one of the first questions she asked Gerard when she walked back in that day. “Miss,” he says with tears in his eyes. I’m so
glad you’re okay, home. I’m glad nothing happened to you... -Just a few scratches, nothing to worry about, but the gentleman
has insisted that I take a week to recover. -The gentleman has done well – leaves him a kiss on the cheek and a smile – Gerard
takes her into her arms, eliciting a little gasp of surprise from her. -Hey, I’m not as light as before! – You’re still a feather to me.
When he gets inside her, he takes her to the living room and sits her on the sofa, but before she asks him why he leaves her
there and not on the edge of the stairs, her parents, Matías and Rafael, come out. – Raphael! -she tries to stand up, but he stops

her- -Stay there my girl – she gives him a hug that lasts long enough for Gerard to start clearing his throat. She barely moves
away from Rafael and looks at Gerard with a pout – “Hold on, Finnick, because I haven’t seen my friend in a million years!” She
– she hugs Rafael again and then separates from her with tears in her eyes. I feel responsible for everything that happened to
you, I’m so sorry... -Are you kidding?! You are not to blame for anything, it was all a misunderstanding and that will now help me
to be very careful when hiring people and especially the control I have in the company... -And tell me – she approaches him to
whisper – Have you already talked to ...? Rafael stands up, walks over to Evangeline and kisses her, making the girl blush.
Everyone applauds and finally, Matías can approach to hug his sister, Then her parents do, who don’t stop crying and hugging
her. At that moment Luz’s belly begins to move and she laughs, her son is excited by the family reunion. Everyone talks
excitedly, until Luz yawns. Gerard stands up, takes her in his arms and those present stare at him admiringly. -Well, I’m very
sorry, but my wife is tired. They already saw her, she is aware of her, she is still her and now she must go do what the doctor told
her, rest. They laugh at the way he takes her and Matías feels happy for his sister, because it is obvious that Gerard loves her,
he is a good man despite the unfortunate way they met and everything he has done just for her, is something that goes beyond a
simple love. -You’re rude, Gerard... you can’t leave the guests alone. -They are not alone, Charlize has stayed with them. I’m
sure she won’t mind taking them out to the garden, holding hands with her... with... your brother.” Luz laughs as she sets her
down in front of the room and walks back. -Where are you going?! – To find my daughter! I forgot that she is dazzled by your

brother. -No! She already leaves the girl alone. She’ll get over it with time, I’ll take care of teaching her that she’s her uncle. That
he’s too old for her, whatever...come. 1 – You are... a sorceress, woman – he takes her by the hand and together they enter a
room where there is a beautiful light blue wooden cradle — -Gerard...-she reaches out to touch her and then looks at her man-. -

One day you told me that you would like to have the baby as close as possible-hugs her and looks at her stuffed animal lying
there-. And I wanted to fulfill your wish. -But... you placed it wrong, because the crib should be on that side, that’s where I sleep.
“Do you think I’ll let you get up in the middle of the night to give him a bottle or to change him?” We are going to make a lot of
improvements to this room, to make it as comfortable as possible for the baby. -Gerard, Charlize is going to want the same... -
We set you up a bed here! -And my cuchi’cuchi?! – She asks him with a pout and Gerard laughs- – We have at least four more
rooms, my office, the kitchen, the garden, the gym... the shower – he removes her sweater and kisses her tenderly -. If we have
to sleep with our children for a few months, so that you are calm and they are happy, we will do it. “You’re crazy,” she tells him,
unzipping her jacket and taking it off. Love you. -And I you – she escapes in her with a sob-. You don’t know how afraid I felt of
losing you... “I’m sorry...I almost didn’t come back,” she tells him embarrassedly, while Gerard doesn’t stop to undress her. I was
afraid that you would lie to me again, that they are things that I can no longer forgive... -How to cheat with another, for example?
– she nods and he takes her by the chin so that she looks at his face – Luz, have I given you signs of wanting to be with
another? Do you think I don’t love you enough to look for another woman? -I don’t think’s just... – Light of my heart. I’ll tell
you something that instead of embarrassing me, fills me with pride... in my whole life I’ve fallen in love twice and I’ve only been
with two women, Margaret and you. If that night I agreed to be with a woman I didn’t even know, it was because that thing Dan
gave me was driving me crazy and a shower wasn’t going to take it away. She nods and Gerard kisses her, pulling her to him.
They finish undressing and get into the shower together, where Gerard is in charge of washing her hair, cleaning her body and
then drying her. He finds pajamas for her, but before he covers her belly, he brings her stretch mark cream and applies it to Luz’s
belly. -I read that, when the belly starts to grow more, her mother gets itchy. This cream helps prevent that from happening. -I
hate applying creams, Gerard, you know... I don’t like the feeling it leaves on my hands. “You won’t do it,” she tells him, leaving a
kiss on her annoying little beak and then on her belly, where her son moves. I made an appointment for the day after tomorrow, I
want to confirm that he will be an Ethan. -What if he was an Aurore? – She asks with amusement–You buy me a shotgun,
instead of bibs. She laughs and reaches out her arms to hug her man, he is a jealous boy in a man’s body, but that makes him
the most wonderful of all.